Your Original Work Only
This really should without saying, but there are some out there who may not totally understand the purpose of The Tower's Media Center. The purpose is to provide a third avenue of creativity to express one's enjoyment of the pokemon world. And, given this is the age of YouTube, this seems like a more than appropriate addition.
Thus, if you are going to submit a fanvid, YOU must be the fan who created the video.
I'm sure there are hundreds of fanvids out there that depict all sorts of things; some funny, some not, some stupid. However, I don't want to receive submissions with statements of "Oh, my friend made this" or "Hey, this is really cool, you should post it!" Guess what? Your friend or the creator may not want to have it posted here. He may not want it posted anywhere else, *but* where it's at now.
So, put simply, if you didn't create it, you don't submit it. Period.
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