The Misdreavus Menace
Chapter Seventeen — Leadership Restored
In an isolated cabin near Cerulean Cape, Butch was attending to the escapee's
wounded arm. The large cabin was comfortably furnished and well-equipped, in
spite of its austere external appearance. Through the opened window one could
hear the soft rustle of waves on the shore not far away. The night was pitch
black—not even light from the lighthouse reached this desolate spot.
"How do you feel, sir?" asked Butch.
"Don't worry too much about the graze. But that teleportation device is of
little use if I'll feel sick each time I use it."
Butch finished dressing the bullet wound and began to pack up the first aid kit.
"It's only that bad the first time. You soon get used to it," he replied.
"I've been receiving reports about Meowth's excellent running of the
organization," mentioned the man.
"He picked up the pieces after those fools led us into the trap. He also made
plans for your escape once we realized what the Misdreavus could offer us. But
now that you're free—"
"I never thought that he had it in him. But I'm pleased to admit I was wrong
about him. Where is he? I wish to speak with him."
"You need to rest now, sir. Meowth'll be here soon. I'll be in the next room if
you need anything."
"Wake me up when he arrives then."
"Yes, sir," replied Butch as he left the room.
Some time later, Butch re-entered the room where the man was sleeping. "Sir?"
The man stirred awake.
"I'm sorry to wake you, sir. You asked to be informed when Meowth arrives."
He got out of bed and began to walk out of the room.
"Excuse me, sir," Butch interrupted him. "I'd like to point out that for a
Pokémon to lead an organization that traffics Pokémon—"
"I'll ask for your opinion when I need it," came the abrupt reply. Butch shut
The two men entered the main room of the cabin. It was roomy, with a simple but
functional kitchenette and plain furnishings that matched the deceptively
austere outer appearance. There near the door was a three-foot high cat with
creamy white fur. The glint in its well-polished red jewel on its forehead
matched the spark of intelligence in its eyes as it turned to look around the
room. Two other Rocket members were seated drinking coffee.
"Ah, Meowth. Come here."
"Giovanni, sir," replied Meowth, advancing towards the man. The other two
Rockets stood up at the sound of their leader's voice. "I hope the accomodation
has been to your satisfaction."
"You have excelled yourself Meowth," replied the Boss. Meowth approached and
stopped in front of him. Although his few years in prison added a few more
wrinkles to his forehead and several more grey hairs to his head, the passage of
time had not diminished Giovanni's demeanour. His stance continued to arouse the
same awe as it always did, his face bore the same sense of harnessed
"Thank you, Boss," replied the cat, looking up at the man for whom he had worked
so hard to liberate and restore to his position. Yet looking at him now,
something was wrong, something he fought hard not to reveal in his outward
"I have received good reports of your handling of the organization," Giovanni
continued. He reached out and patted the Persian on the head.
"I did what I had to do," replied the Pokémon with a touch of euphemism.
He succeeded in not wincing at Giovanni's touch, at least not visibly. How
strange, thought the cat. Five years ago, he hoped and longed for an encounter
such as this. Now that it happened, he found it condescending. He was being
treated like a mere Pokémon. Yet he was a Pokémon, was he
not? Or just what was he?
"I will be happy for you to continue as my second in command." Giovanni's voice
broke Meowth's thoughts. Butch, who standing behind his Boss, heard the comment
and seethed. "I trust your excellent performance will continue." The words were
simultaneously an expression of confidence and a word of warning.
"Sir, there is an urgent matter to discuss. Your freedom did not come for free.
The Misdreavus need our help."
"Let us discuss it, Meowth," replied Giovanni. "I always honour my business
"Some of the Misdreavus have come from another planet," explained Meowth. "I
know it's hard to believe..."
"I have already ascertained that the teleportation technology could not be of
terrestrial origin. Continue."
"They're involved in a conflict with a bunch of Clefairy. So far there haven't
been any clear winners. If they used our help to make a combined assault, it
could make the difference for them."
"Excuse me, sir," injected Butch, "but why should we risk ourselves for a bunch
of Pokémon?"
Suddenly two Misdreavus appeared in the room. Butch gasped in shock. Giovanni's
eyes widened perceptibly. Butch went for a Poké ball and released Gengar.
The other two Rockets shrunk back. The atmosphere had suddenly become very
"Meowth," spoke Giovanni with a voice whose lower pitch betrayed an anger too
dangerous to be aroused. "I am not to be spied upon."
The Persian bowed his head. "I'm sorry, sir. They said they would wait outside."
"Misdreavus," announced Giovanni, "I am presently out of prison thanks to you.
However, you cannot expect us to keep our side of the agreement if you cannot be
trusted to keep your word."
The two ghosts hesitated a moment then began to move outside.
"Wait," continued Giovanni. "Since you are here, and since I believe that you
now understand the nature of our relationship, it will be in your interest to
stay as we discuss the arrangements to assist you."
Giovanni then turned to Butch. "Do I have your loyalty."
Butch's eyes lowered. He believed he was right. What had just transpired proved
that trusting Pokémon would only lead to trouble. But he would bide his
time. He composed himself, lifted his gaze to his leader and nodded. "Yes, sir."
"Fine. You will lead the expedition to assist the Misdreavus. I trust you will
find the opportunity to visit an alien planet challenging and worthwhile. Take
what personnel and Pokémon you can afford and leave as soon as you are
Butch paused, biting his lip.
"I will hold you personally responsible for the success of this... business
venture. Understood?" Giovanni asked sharply.
"Yes, sir," Butch replied. He was cornered and he knew it.
"Meanwhile," continued Giovanni, "Meowth and I will remain here and make our
plans. With such a device in our power, we must think carefully to maximize our
advantage. Now go."
"Yes, Boss," replied Butch once more. He recalled Gengar and he and the two
Misdreavus left to arrange their expedition.
Giovanni took a seat.
"Would you like something to eat or drink, sir?" asked one of the two remaining
"I'm sure anything you have to offer will be better than what I've had for a
while," replied Giovanni. "Now Meowth. Tell me of your plans."