The Misdreavus Menace
Chapter Sixteen — Friendship Regained
Meanwhile, a little earlier, on the Clefairy's planet, Ash and Gary had been
made to walk for nearly two hours. Ash was starting to feel faint. He stopped
and sat down on the rocky ground. It was a sunny afternoon and by then the
temperature had risen substantially. To make it worse, there was very little
shade to be found. In fact, Ash could not help notice how bleak the landscape
looked compared to the greenery of the areas where the Clefairy lived.
One of the Misdreavus approached them.
Get up. Nearly there.
"He can't get up," said Gary. "Don't you know he was hurt? He needs rest, and
The creature floated to a pair of Misdreavus at the back of the group.
Back Clefairy camp get food water.
The pair shot off quickly back the way they had come. The one who seemed to be
leading the group came back to Ash and Gary.
Rest now. Get you food water.
"Listen," said Ash, "why are you holding us? Yesterday I agreed to help you get
a transporter, and in return you were going to try and stop the danger to my
planet. Today you're holding me prisoner? Is it because I didn't succeed?"
The creature pondered for a moment.
We verify your story at command base.
"It's no use, Ash," said Gary. "This group doesn't know anything about it."
Cave ahead. You can stay there during heat.
Gary helped Ash up and they followed the Misdreavus, Ash leaning on Gary for
"Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden?" Ash asked.
"Is that what you think of me?" replied Gary indignantly. "I find you hurt on an
alien planet and I wouldn't raise a finger to help you?"
"Well compared to how you usually treat me..."
"Compared to how you usually act," Gary replied coldly, "I think I treat you how
you deserve."
"Why you..."
Ash forced himself to bear his own weight.
Quiet! I let you rest. Why fight?
"You keep out of this!" Ash blurted angrily.
The Misdreavus seemed to be taken aback at first by Ash's rashness, but then
started to look agitated.
"Cool it, Ash," warned Gary. "Let's call a truce."
"A truce? A truce is for when two sides are fighting. I'm not
the one picking fights, Gary. You are."
Last warning. Cave ahead. Go there, rest, or I blast you.
Still dazed and in pain from the morning's electric encounter, Ash could no
longer maintain his fury. He collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. He
reluctantly allowed Gary to help him stumble into the cave. Soon some food and
water arrived, found amongst the remains of the Clefairy's campsite. His thirst
quenched and his stomach filled, in the cool of the cave, Ash was able to
relax enough to fall into a restless sleep.

"What do you mean, how I usually act?" Ash spoke suddenly.
"Huh? You're awake? How do you feel now?"
Ash took stock of himself. "A lot better."
"Here have a drink." Gary offered Ash a flask. "I mean you're a braggard. What
makes you think you'll be able to become a Pokémon master, just because
you want to be?"
"Gary, I was just a kid. I was excited. You can't hold that against me
now! What's it to you anyway?"
Gary did not reply but remained thoughtful.
"Anyway," Ash continued, "you were so stuck-up yourself. Did I go jibe at you
every second sentence?"
"You really thought back then that I wouldn't want to help you? Is that what you
think of me?"
Ash sat up. "Any more food?"
"Yeah there's some kind of cucumber here, and this yellow thing I've seen the
Clefairy eat."
"Let's go halves on the cucumber. We'll save the other thing for tomorrow."
Gary snapped the cucumber in two and gave one half to Ash.
"You know," said Ash between mouthfuls, "we used to be friends once."
"That was a long time ago."
"Do you remember the time we put all those Caterpie on your grandad's bedroom
floor?" Ash continued.
Gary smiled. "Yeah. We rang the doorbell and woke him up. He got the fright of
his life when he got up half asleep and stepped on them."
They both finished the rest of their meagre ration in thoughtful silence.
"By the way, Ash," whispered Gary as he dug into one of his pockets. "You left
this behind."
"What is it?"
"Sshh." Gary took out a Poké ball and handed it to Ash. "It's Charizard."
Ash's eyes opened wide. He accepted it gratefully.
"You've got to escape from here. Use Charizard and fly away."
"What about you?"
"Charizard can't hold us both. Anyway, I've got to stay behind and create a
diversion. It'll give you a head start so Charizard can pick up speed."
"I don't know," Ash said reluctantly. "Together we stand a chance. Separate, we
might not make it."
"You've got to get back to the Clefairy," Gary insisted. "They're the only ones
who can send you back to warn the Earth."
"After what the Misdreavus have told me about them, I'm not sure I trust them.
And they sure won't trust me any more."
"They said the Clefairy go somewhere to get Moon Stone," replied Ash, "and they
kill any Nidoran that get in their way."
"Nidoran...!? I wouldn't believe what they tell you."
"Yes," said Ash, "but Kadabra said that you can't lie when you're communicating
"I don't know, Ash. When those things were questioning us, it didn't feel the
same as when Kadabra was talking with Misty and me. They seem to force thoughts
into you and pull thoughts out."
"Come to think of it, you know I could understand Kadabra properly. It's
sometimes hard to understand what the Misdreavus are saying."
"Here's the plan," said Gary. "I'll tell them you're awake, and I'll come back
in to get you. Instead I'll let my Nidoking and Nidoqueen loose to create a
diversion. When their attention is on them, you fly out."
Gary stepped outside. The sun was low, hovering near the horizon. The shadows
were lengthening, and Gary fought the thought of what a night in a dreary place
like this might be like.
"Hey," he called out to one of the Misdreavus that had been guarding them. It
turned its attention to him.
"Ash is awake. You want us to go with you now?"
The guard broadcast a thought message.
Humans awake. Go now?
Another Misdreavus approached Gary.
Get other human. We go now. Not far.
Gary re-entered the cave. Moments later, the cave was filled with a roar. Two
huge poison-type monsters burst out, apparently fighting each other. At least
their roars made it sound convincing.
How get here?
Are hostages hurt?
Attack them!
The Nidoking and Nidoqueen moved away from the entrance of the cave. They
pretended to charge at each other, but were skillfully moving to and fro around
the cave entrance so as to keep the Misdreavus away from it.
Suddenly, a huge, red lizard flew out of the cave, bearing a flame on its tail
and a human on its back. It soared into the air, higher and higher, faster and
faster, periodically bending its head down and sending out bursts of burning
flames to prevent anything from following.
Charizard continued its flight, obediently following Ash's directions, although
perplexed and perhaps a little worried about the unfamiliarity of where its
trainer had brought it. After half an hour of flight, and two or three
encounters with Misdreavus who were no match for the unexpected flamethrowers
used to repel them, they finally reached Clefairy territory.
The only task now was to reach Misty and Kadabra. At least the Clefairy appeared
to understand other Pokémon, so Ash could communicate his needs to them.
Hopefully someone amongst the Clefairy would know how to contact Kadabra. Since
he was confident Kadabra could read his mind, Ash was sure it would understand
that the Misdreavus must have deceived him. Hopefully Kadabra and the Clefairy
would understand the urgency of informing Earth what he knew about the risk to
his planet.