"The Play's the Thing" Hamlet, act II,
scene ii
Scene I
[Gary, Misty and Brock are seated in desks in a classroom. At the front of
the room is a larger desk for the teacher and a blackboard.]
[Enter Ash, breathless, and dressed in pyjamas. He looks around the room
and sheepishly goes to his desk.]
[Enter Professor Oak, dressed in a black school gown and four-sided
Oak: Good morning, class!
Ash, Misty and Brock: [together] Good morning, Professor.
Gary: Good morning, Grandpa.
Oak: Now, now, Gary. Remember that in my class you're to call me by my
title. I'm not going to play favourites.
Ash: You always play favourites, sir.
Oak: Ash, go face the wall for five minutes for speaking when you're
not spoken to.
Ash: Aw, sir...
[Oak looks at him sternly; Ash obeys.]
Oak: Alright, class. Today we're going to learn about Pokémon
Gary: Do you mean about the Pidgeys and the Beedrills, gra... uh...
Oak: That's one way of putting it.
Ash: [turns around momentarily] Gary spoke when he's not spoken
to. Punish him now sir.
[Brock puts up his hand.]
Oak: Gary was participating in class discussion. For your rude
interruption, Ketchum, you stay there for another five minutes. Now Brock, do
you have a question?
Brock: Sir, I'm going to be a breeder when I grow up.
Oak: Brock! Go and face the wall for that coarse joke.
Brock: But sir, it's the truth. Misty, can't you tell the Professor
what I always tell the audience.
[Oak turns to Misty with an inquiring look.]
Misty: It's true sir. He leers at every girl he sees. I think he
always has breeding on his mind.
Oak: Very well, then. Brock go and face the wall for ten minutes.
[Brock dejectedly complies.]
Oak: Now, the rest of the class. Who can tell me the basic
requirements for Pokémon breeding?
[Misty and Gary raise their hands.]
Oak: Misty?
Misty: You need a male and a female Pokémon left together at a
day care centre?
Oak: Hmm... that's along the right lines. What's this about a day
care centre?
Misty: [a little embarrassed] That's what Ash told me.
Ash: [turns around again] That's right. I've got a male and
female Pidgey breeding together on my game boy right now. [pulls a game boy
out of his pocket]
Oak: Ketchum! Give me that game boy. You know they're not permitted in
Ash: But sir, I'm not playing it in class. I brought it to trade with
Richie at lunch time.
[Oak stretches out his hand. Ash reluctantly hands the game boy
Gary: Some people don't know the difference between games and
Oak: Now, now, Gary. Not all children are the beneficiaries of genes
for great intellect. What do you have to say about breeding?
Gary: Male and female Pokémon of the same species can breed.
But it is also possible to breed a Pokémon with a Ditto. Also some
Pokémon of different species can interbreed.
Oak: Ah, excellent response. I can see you've been doing your
Ash: Yeah, bookworm!
Gary: Waddya want, idiot?
Oak: Now, now, children. No need for unpleasantness. Ash, stay there
for an extra five minutes.
Misty: [indignantly] Sir, aren't you going to punish Gary?
Gary: Ash started it.
Misty: You continued it!
Oak: Quiet! All of you! Now Misty, for arguing in class, go and face
the wall for five minutes.
Misty: Sir, there won't be anyone else to teach.
Oak: True. Gary knows it all already. Nevertheless, order and
discipline must be maintained in the classroom. Misty, go face the wall.
[Misty goes and faces the wall.]
Oak: Now class--well, Gary at least--we shall now move to the
practical part of our lesson. I have in these two Poké Balls a male and a
female Squirtle.
Misty: [aside] Oh... water Pokémon! I wish I could see
Oak: We shall release them in class during recess. When we return, we
shall expect to find an egg.
Gary: Can we stay in and watch them, sir?
Oak: Can anyone in class tell me why that would not be a good idea?
[looks at Gary]
Gary: They need privacy?
Ash: What do they need privacy for?
Oak: Ash, you can ask questions when you've returned to class. Now can
anyone in class give me an answer?
Misty: Sir, this is ridiculous. There's only one person left in your
Oak: Silence. Do you all want to be kept in over recess?
All students: [together] Yes, sir.
Oak: Very well then, so be it.
Gary: What about the Squitles' privacy, sir?
Brock: Gary, why did you remind him?
Oak: Good point Gary. For reminding me, you will not be punished.
You do not have to stay in over recess.
Gary: Aw, sir?
Oak: The rest of you, as punishment in lieu of staying in over recess,
you will hand in by tomorrow a three-page essay on the breeding habits of the
common or red-scaled Magikarp. You can stay in all lunchtime at the school
library researching the topic.
[Ash, Misty and Brock look stunned.]
Ash: Aw, sir? All lunch time?
Brock: Thank you, sir. I'll do my best.
Misty: At least it's a water Pokémon.
Oak: Now it's time to release the Squirtles.
[Oak picks up two Poké balls and does so. Two Squirtles
Oak: Class, your punishment time is up, return to your seats.
[They sit down.]
Oak: Alright class, who can tell the difference between the male and
the female?
Ash: You look it up in your Pokédex?
Oak: Without using your Pokédex.
Brock: [embarrassed] You look at their... uh... anatomy, sir?
Oak: Correct. Now what part of their anatomy is different?
[There's no reply. Everyone except Ash looks embarrassed.]
Oak: Alright, Squirtles, get down on all fours with your tails towards
the class.
[Squirtles do so.]
Oak: Lift up your tails for the class to see underneath.
[Squirtles obey. Everyone except Ash goes red in the face.]
Oak: Look carefully and you'll notice the difference. As you will see,
the male Squirtle's tail has a purple hue underneath. The female's has a
turquoise hue.
[Everyone except Ash gives a sigh of relief.]
Oak: Squirtles, at ease. Class, it's recess time, so you may be
Ash: Sir, how far do we have to walk during recess?
Oak: Ash, I don't understand?
Ash: I don't know how many steps to take for the Squirtles to lay
their egg.
Gary: Sir, he's confused because of that game he plays.
Oak: I see. [hands game boy back to Ash] Ash, I don't want to
see you playing this in class again. In fact, given your confusion, I recommend
that you don't play this at all. Now--class dismissed.
[Students and Oak exit. Squirtles look at each other. Male has a gleam in
his eye.]