Ash and Nessa
Chapter Eight -- Nessa Challenges Emily
After the match, Emily found Ash to congratulate him.
"Hi Ash," she called. "Congratulaions. I watched your match and I was really
impressed. I've learnt a lot from just watching you."
"Thanks. By the way, I hope your Dratini's OK."
"It's bruised, but it'll be OK in a few days."
"I hope you're not mad at me. I didn't mean for Bellsprout to be so rough.
"That's all right, Ash. I can tell that you really care about Pokémon."
"Ash!" called a young voice. Ash turned and saw Nessa approach.
"Ash, I told you you'd win! You're a great trainer."
"So you've already got a young fan," remarked Emily.
Ash looked a little embarrased. "Uh, Emily," he said, scratching the back of his
neck with his left hand, "this is Nessa. She challenged me for a badge two weeks
"Nice to meet you, Nessa," said Emily.
"Hi, Emily. Are you a Pokémon gym leader too?"
"Yes. I'm the Tangelo Island Gym leader."
"Can I battle you?" asked Nessa, looking eager and expectant.
Ash and Emily looked at each other.
"What, now?" asked Emily.
"Why not?" asked Nessa hopefully.
"Well...come to think of it, I can't see any reason why not," replied Emily.
"They might let you use one of the stadiums in a little while," suggested Ash.
"Emily, why don't you try and arrange something? I've got to take my
Pokémon to the Pokémon Centre, but I'll be back right away."
About half an hour later, Nessa and Emily found themselves in an empty stadium,
with Ash adjudicating for the first time in his career.
"Nessa and Emily have agreed to a one-on-one Pokémon battle," said Ash.
"Begin now."
The two competitors sent forth their chosen fighters.
"I choose Charmeleon," called Emily.
"Go Nidorino!" called out Nessa.
The challengers ordered their first attacks.
"Nidorino, horn attack!" ordered Nessa. Nidorino sized up its opponent and
started to charge.
"Flamethrower," called out Emily. Charmeleon got ready to fire.
"Nidorino, dodge the attack," called Nessa.
As Nidorino raced towards Charmeleon, Charmeleon spat out a burst of flame.
Nidorino changed course in time and evaded the fiery attack. Then, without
losing speed, it turned straight at its opponent again, lowered its head to
level its horn, and struck Charmeleon. Charmeleon went flying, but righted
itself in mid-air and landed on its feet.
"Horn attack again," called Nessa. Nidorino took off again.
"Charmeleon! Rage!" ordered Emily.
Charmeleon evaded Nidorino's second charge. While Nidorino slowed momentarily to
turn around, Charmeleon seized its opportunity. Its tail flame expanded to ten
times its normal size. Between its open jaws formed a ball of flame that grew as
it rolled around. Charmeleon looked fierce and dangerous.
As Nidorino turned around to face Charmeleon once again, Nessa cried out, "Try
and dodge the attack." Nidorino obediently ran to the side.
Charmeleon aimed, taking into account Nidorino's speed and direction, and
expelled a huge flaming fireball. Poor Nidorino didn't stand a chance. The blast
met its mark, engulfing it, then dissipated. Nidorino's speed carried forward
until it struck the side of the stadium, where it fell down with a grunt.
"Nidorino is unable to battle," Ash exclaimed. "Emily has won the match."
Nessa ran up to her Nidorino and gave it a big hug. "You really did well," she
said comfortingly. "We'll keep practising, and one day, we'll win."
Emily praised her Charmeleon for its performance and returned it to its
Poké ball. Then she and Ash walked up to Nessa.
"Nessa, that was great for Nidorino's first battle," remarked Ash.
"That was a good try for a beginner," echoed Emily. "Maybe when you've had some
more training, you can come to the Orange Islands and try out the gyms there,"
she encouraged.
"Well, you guys," said Ash, "if you're interested, let's go out and celebrate
my second victory today. And dinner's on me!"
The trio walked out. In different ways, it had been a big day for each of them.