Ash and Nessa
Chapter Seven -- Ash Battles Blaine
Ash was extremely edgey while he waited for his second match to start. Did
Blaine really have a surprise planned, and, if so, what? Nessa had full
confidence in him, while he had his doubts. Strange, he thought. With Misty, it
was often the other way around. But that was when he had Pikachu.
Thinking of Misty changed his outlook. Misty was right, Pikachu wasn't his only
Pokémon. He had spent years training and getting to know all his pocket
monsters. Maybe he could do it if he tried his best.
As Ash walked throught the entrance at one end of the stadium, he could see
Blaine walk in through the other. He looked around. Again there was a good-sized
crowd in the seats. He examined the grounds of the stadium. The terrain between
him and Blaine had patches of sand and gravel, with the odd boulder here and
there. There was a small fenced platform at each end of the stadium with two
steps leading up. The ceiling was open and the clear blue sky helped to lift his
The two contestants stepped onto their platforms. The audience's cheering and
the charged atmosphere reminded Ash of all his victories over the past six
years. "I'm going to win this," Ash resolved, "I know I am."
Ladies and gentlemen, the voice over the loudspeaker resounded, have
we got a match for you today. Long-time Cinnabar Island Gym Leader Blaine is
battling the new, part-time Cerulean Gym Leader Ash Ketchum. Does Ketchum have
what it takes to defeat an established pro?
"Thanks for the encouragement," muttered Ash under his breath.
An adjudicator entered the stadium and took his place. "This is a three
Pokémon match," he announced in a calm, authorative voice. "Begin!"
"Go Muk!" called Ash as he threw his first Poké ball. An unusual
Pokémon appeared. It looked like a lump of sludge, with a horrible dirty
colour and an unpleasant smell. In spite of these unfortunate qualities, Ash's
Muk was an affectionate Pokémon and a dedicated and confident fighter.
I don't know what Blaine's got planned, thought Ash, but Muk's my
secret weapon.
Blaine released his first Pokémon. Another unusual creature appeared.
It's glowing red body shimmered in its own heat.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, came the voice of the announcer, the
match has only just begun and the audience is already staring in amazement. Just
what have these two trainers got planned for us today?
Ash stood firmly, erect, his legs slightly apart, and pointed at the Magmar.
"Poison gas!" he ordered.
Meanwhile, Blaine was standing in a relaxed pose. "Magmar, fire punch!" he said
Magmar ran towards Muk, pulling back its right front hand into a fist. As it
advanced, Muk spurt out a dark smokey cloud towards Magmar's face. Magmar had
too much momentum to evade the cloud and ran straight through it.
"Keep going," Blaine called out. "Give it all you've got."
"Roll with the punch," called Ash.
Magmar's fire punch hit home, but Muk pulled back its flexible body at the point
of impact. "Muuuk," it groaned, but was clearly able to withstand the punch.
Magmar, on the other hand, immediately began to weaken from the effects of the
The match is off to an exciting start, said the announcer. The amazing
Muk absorbed Magmar's fierce fire punch. So far Magmar has gotten the worse out
of the first round.
Ash outstretched his arm with Muk's Poké ball in his hand. "Muk, return."
Gasps and astonishment came from the audience as Muk re-entered its
Poké ball. While Ash released another Pokémon, the announcer
commented, What an unusual move! A contestant has withdrawn a Pokémon
after it's won the first attack. Just what is this young challenger's strategy
going to be?
Ash's Wartortle appeared in the stadium as Magmar returned to Blaine.
"Leer," commanded Blaine to his Magmar.
Magmar's eyes gazed into Wartortle's. Both Pokémon stood motionless,
Magmar determined and Wartortle transfixed.
"Don't look at Magmar," cried Ash. "Try a water gun!"
By this time, however, Wartortle was weakening. The fierce glow of Magmar's
white-hot eyes chilled Wartortle's spine, lowering its defenses and weakening
its resolve.
"Water gun!" repeated Ash.
What's this? the audience heard the announcer say. Look's like
Magmar is holding its opponent at bay, in spite of the effects of the poison.
But how long can it last?
"All right, Magmar," commanded Blaine, "another fire punch."
No sooner than Magmar stopped its leer attack, it began its fearsome fire
punch. Meanwhile, Wartortle shakily began to obey its master's command and shot
a gush of water at Magmar. The fiery Pokémon was knocked back slightly as
a sizzling burst of steam rose towards the sky.
Magmar is reeling from this last attack, ladies and gentlemen, said the
announcer. It looks like Ash Ketchum's unusual approach is working.
Magmar resumed its advance, but was not steady on its feet. The effects of the
poison gas were taking their toll. Nevertheless, Magmar continued its forward
drive, fist ready to strike when it was within distance of its opponent.
"Don't let it reach you, Wartortle," Ash cried out. "Give it all you've got."
Wartortle aimed again at its fiery foe, and unleashed as powerful a torrent of
water as it could muster. The water struck Magmar with a sizzling sound, sending
more clouds of steam into the air, but Magmar kept itself moving.
What stamina, commented the announcer. Blaine's Magmar must be at a
very high level to take this beating. How long can both Pokémon hold
"Keep going," Blaine called out firmly.
"Don't give up," encouraged Ash.
Magmar's advance slowed. It started tottering. Inches away from Wartortle, it
brought it's fiery fist forward. Wartortle ceased squirting water in order to
dodge. Magmar missed its mark, but its momentum moved it forward. Unable to
keep its balance, it fell down flat on its face.
Has the mighty Magmar been knocked out by Wartortle's water gun? asked
the announcer.
Magmar lay on the ground, the stadium by now a sauna of steam. As the air
gradually cleared, Magmar's fallen form took shape. It remained stationary.
"Magmar is unable to battle," announced the adjudicator.
"Well done, Wartortle," complimented Ash. "Return!" Ash recalled Wartortle and
released Muk again.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, said the announcer, newcomer Ash has won
the first round and has sent Muk into the battlefield again. Will he repeat the
same strategy?
Blaine looked displeased at his first loss. "Hmmm," he muttered, thinking hard.
"Ash, let's see you beat this one."
Blaine returned his fallen Magmar into its Poké ball and released his
second Pokémon into the arena. A blazing flash of pinky red light
solidified into a large, dog-like creature with long, reddish fur and a huge
bushy tail. "Arc!" it barked.
Ash wasted no time. "Muk, poison gas!"
"Arcanine," Blaine called out at the same time, "agility!"
It looks like Ketchum is sticking to his strategy, commented the
announcer. Will he succeed this time or will Blaine be able to counter
Arcanine took off like a rocket. Muk shot a spurt of poison gas, but it missed.
Arcanine continued speedily around the stadium, making it difficult for Muk to
aim. Muk shot another spurt of poison gas, but it missed again.
"Take down," said Blaine.
Ash had seconds to think. The Arcanine looked well trained--a take down would be
likely to do just that to his Muk. But neither Ash nor his Muk could predict
what direction Arcanine would strike from.
Ladies and gentlemen, came the announcers excited voice, it looks like
Blaine might succeed to counter Ketchum's tactics. Will Muk be knocked out?
Ash thought swiftly. "Quick, poison gas all around you," he called.
Muk quickly surrounded itself in a cloud of murky vapour. Then, as if out of
nowhere, Muk was struck with enourmous force, forcing it to slide painfully
across the gravel and to slam against the wall of the stadium with a muffled
"Muuuk!" it groaned deeply and collapsed into what looked like a puddle of
grimey sludge. It quivered for a moment, and then stopped moving.
"Muk is unable to battle," announced the adjudicator.
It's one down on each side, said the announcer. But looks like
Arcanine hasn't escaped unscathed.
On hearing the commentary, all eyes turned to Arcanine. It was panting and
looking unsteady. Ash guessed that Muk's strategic move had worked, and Arcanine
could not avoid breathing in the poison. That and the recoil from the take down
would have left it easy to finish off. But he still had to be careful. Blaine's
Pokémon definitely seemed strong, well-trained and at high levels.
"Thanks Muk," Ash said softly as he returned his poison Pokémon to its
Poké ball. "You've done your job." He sent out Wartortle again into the
Blaine started looking worried. "Arcanine, bite attack."
"Wartortle, stop it with hydropump!" countered Ash.
As Arcanine leapt towards its opponent, Wartortle likewise jumped, withdrew into
its shell, and spun around. Water started gushing from all the openings in its
shell. The powerful stream of water struck Arcanine in the face and forced it to
abandon its move.
Blaine changed tactics. He had lost Magmar by trying direct contact attacks. He
had to attack from a distance.
"Flamethrower," he commanded.
"Keep up the hydropump," Ash cried out, hoping Wartortle could hold out. It must
be tiring by now. But at least so far it had avoided being directly hit.
Arcanine raised its head, took aim, then spurted out as powerful a
blast of flame as it was able. A huge fireball formed, aimed directly at
Wartortle repeated its hydropump, the water dousing the flames before they
were even close. Then the hydropump struck Arcanine again, this time knocking it
"Take down," called Blaine, reversing his change of tactics. It was a desperate
move, Ash realized, as it would knock out both Pokémon for sure.
Arcanine got up, took a few steps, teetered, took another uncertain step, then
Ladies and gentlemen, Ash's strategy has worked a second time! A water
Pokémon has held out against a fire type until Muk's poison has had its
effect. But without Muk, can Ash win the third round?
The adjudicator's voice called out, "Arcanine is unable to battle. Blaine has
one Pokémon left."
Blaine has only one Pokémon left, echoed the announcer. Will it
be another fire type?
Blaine threw out his third Poké ball. The audience waited expectantly.
What materialized took everyone by surprise. It was a floating black sphere
with huge eyes and an evil grin, and surrounded by an eerie haze.
Ash gasped. So this is what Blaine had planned. "Wartortle, this'll be tough,"
he said, "Are you ready?"
"Tortle!" came the confident reply, Wartortle nodding its head at Ash.
Blaine's last Pokémon is a ghost type, came the announcement.
This match is becoming more interesting with each move. The audience is
waiting in stunned silence to see what happens next.
"Hypnosis," said Blaine.
Ash had to think quickly. "Wartortle, withdraw!"
Wartortle drew its head, arms, legs and tail into its shell, which remained
prone, rocking on the ground. Gastly floated quietly in mid-air, gazing intently
at its opponent.
Many powerful Pokémon have been rendered powerless by the hypnosis
attack of ghost types, commented the announcer. Will Wartortle's withdraw
be defense enough against this debilitating attack?"
As Wartortle remained motionless, Blaine ordered, "Dream eater."
Dream eater is one of Gastly's most amazing attacks, continued the
commentary, causing psychic injury to the opponent and at the same time
restoring health to the user. But it only works against sleeping Pokémon.
We'll now find out if the hypnosis attack worked.
Ash could feel his heart pounding as both Pokémon remained motionless.
The audience peered in suspenseful silence to see what would happen. The seconds
seemed like minutes as all eyes were glued to the stadium. Whatever happens,
I've still got Pokémon left, Ash reassured himself. I've got to keep my
Finally, after long, agonizing silence, Wartortle emerged unharmed from his
shell. Ash breathed a sigh of relief, which was echoed by sounds from the
"Wartortle, bubble attack!" called Ash.
Wartortle spat out a bubbly froth. It streamed forward and surrounded the
spherical spectre, completely enveloping it. The Gastly struggled to get free,
but the bubbles kept coming.
"Gastly, dematerialize!" ordered Blaine.
Immediately the froth began to settle to the ground, apparently leaving nothing
behind. Suddenly, Gastly reappeared with its evil smile as Blaine smirked. Ash's
heart sank as the realization struck him how hard it would be to defeat this
final foe.
It was Blaine's turn to issue a move. "Night shade!" he ordered, still smirking.
"Water gun," called Ash, unsure of what to do. His face was frowning. Wartortle
would now be tiring after already battling two other Pokémon. He wasn't
sure it could withstand much more. Should he use his third Pokémon now
and give Wartortle a rest?
Before Wartortle could attack, Gastly's night shade struck. A beam of darkness
drowned the daylight as the ghostly grin was hidden from view. Wartortle bent
back in pain. Several seconds later, the stadium brightened again. The attack
left Wartortle dazed, unable to move.
That settles it, Ash decided. I'll recall it. But Ash had no time to act on his
decision. Wartortle fell down, exhausted. Ash's earlier indecision had cost him.
"Wartortle is unable to battle. Ash has one Pokémon left," called the
What a battle this has been, came the commentary over the loudspeaker as
Ash returned Wartortle to its Poké ball. Have the tables turned? Both
contestants are down to one Pokémon each. Will Ketchum's last
Pokémon have what it takes to defeat Blaine's Gastly?
Ash hurled his remaining Poké ball. "Go Charizard!" he called as his
six-foot high, fire-breathing monster appeared. My strategy gave me the
lead, Ash thought. But now I'll have to change strategy if I'm going to win. I
can't let Gastly attack Charizard, or I'll lose for sure.
"Charizard," he called out, "keep flying straight at it and use your
Charizard beat its powerful wings and dived straight at Gastly. When it was
metres away, it sent forth a fearsome fire blast that engulfed the ghost.
"Keep flying straight ahead," Ash yelled.
Charizard kept flying, right through Gastly and out from behind it.
Blaine was perplexed. He had never dealt with a tactic like that before.
"Again!" called Ash.
"Dodge it," called Blaine.
Charizard continued this manoeuver within short range of Gastly from different
directions. The floating Pokémon tried to swerve one way then the other,
but Charizard was simply too adept at flying for Gastly to dodge it effectively.
Ash's heart was pounding. Would his new plan succeed?
This is amazing, spoke the announcer, Charizard is using its ghostly
opponent's properties against it. Gastly can't aim at an opponent that's going
right through it.
After several successive flamethrower attacks, Gastly was finally too weak to
continue. Its dark spherical form descended to the ground, its eyes closed, its
haze somewhat diminished. It refused to move.
"Gastly is unable to battle," proclaimed the adjudicator. "Ash Ketchum is the
On hearing the pronouncement, Ash was at first numb with disbelief. But then his
feelings overwhelmed him, and he screamed for joy. He raced down from the
platform while the audience clapped and cheered and gave Charizard a warm, big
New gym leader Ash Ketchum has won an exciting victory over Cinnabar Island
pro Blaine, shouted the announcer over the cheering crowd. Unbelievable,
ladies and gentlement! I have never seen a match like this before.
Congratulations to the winner!
Blaine aproached Ash at the centre of the stadium and offered Ash his hand.
"I've got to give it to you Ash," he said. "I thought I was going to win there
for a moment, but you succeeded in the end. Congratulations."
"Thanks, Blaine," replied Ash, taking his hand and shaking it. "I'm sorry I've
knocked you out of the competition."
"Don't be sorry for me. It's time and old guy like me made room for someone
fresh. Good luck, Ash. I hope you win."