Goodbye, Raichu
Chapter Two -- Onix
Ash set out early next morning for Cerulean City. It took
several hours to walk there from Pallet, but Ash and Pikachu were
used to it. Ash decided to walk through the fields and woods so
as to avoid the main road via Viridian. That would be full of
young trainers asking for battles, and Ash had neither the heart
to refuse, nor really the time to spare if he wanted to be at his
destination in reasonable time.
Suddenly, in a grassy field along the way, the ground started
to shake. Leaves shook, flying Pokémon squawked, and they
heard a terrifying low-pitched rumble.
"Earthquake!" yelled Ash, feeling the hair on his neck bristle
from fear.
"Pikachu!" echoed Pikachu, squealing in fright.
Then, unexpectedly, from behind a hill advanced a huge
segmented serpent, hard as rock, causing the ground to vibrate as
it slid along.
"No, it's an Onix! But where's it going?"
The Onix swung its enourmous tail against a tree, shaking it
to its roots. A wild Spearow flew out of the branches and looked
very angry. It flew back and forth around the Onix's head to show
its displeasure. The Onix swung its head to and fro trying to
knock the bird down and getting angrier for failing.
Giving up in frustration, the Onix diverted its anger to a
Sandshrew that was trying to escape the commotion. It started to
chase the small Pokémon. The Sandshrew quickly burrowed
into the soft earth, but the Onix dived under it, burrowing
deepeer. The Onix's head suddenly burst out of the ground,
scattering soil, stones and a stunned little Sandshrew.
Ash watched and wondered why an Onix would be on such a
rampage. While Onix were tough opponents in battle, people and
other Pokémon normally had little to fear so long as they
stayed out of these giants' way.
Then Ash's attention turned to the Sandshrew. It was likely to
get hurt, unless Ash could somehow divert the Onix's attention.
He had an idea. He pulled out a small red and white ball and
threw it. The ball, while in mid-air, hinged open in half, and
out of it materialized a purplish blue turtle-shaped figure. The
device was a Poké Ball, used by trainers to capture and
store Pokémon.
"Go, Wartortle!" cried Ash. "Do a water gun on that Onix."
Wartortle obediently opened his mouth, took aim, and sent
forth a spurt of water directly at the huge stone serpent. Ash's
scheme worked, but perhaps a little too well. The Onix turned its
atention away from the Sandshrew, but would it now attack
"Quick," called Ash, "behind this rock. Perhaps it won't
realize who did it."
The rumbling resumed, coming closer. Ash looked around. Most
of the field was open, but there were woods to their left. At
least it might provide some cover.
"Everyone, let's run into the trees."
They all dashed as one into the woods without looking back,
but they could feel the rumbling behind them. Ash, Pikachu and
Wartortle hid behind a bush and hoped for the best.
Ash thought hard. How could he defeat an Onix? It's a
Pokémon, after all. He defeated Brock's Onix once before,
a long time ago, to get his first badge. But Pikachu had been
supercharged for the event; now he was still recovering from
yesterday's battle.
He could use Wartortle's water gun to make Pikachu's electric
attack more conductive, but would it be enough for such a tough
The vibration grew stronger, the rumbling louder, branches
splintered, trees crashed, flying Pokémon squawked and
ground Pokémon squealed. The Beedrill tried to attack the
rampaging monster, but it poisonous barbs made scarcely a dent on
the giant's hard, rocky surface.
The Onix's tail swished, another tree fell, another hiding
Pokémon was revealed and squealed in fright. A Raichu!
Raichu were electric Pokémon that evolved from Pikachu by
the use of a Thunderstone. They weren't as common as Pikachu, but
one encountered them from time to time.
However, the Onix's attention was focused on Wartortle. It
swung its huge head left and right, looking where to attack.
Seeing the Raichu, Ash's experienced mind quickly formulated a
plan. It was their only hope, and it had to work first time.
"Pikachu," whispered Ash, "can you get that Raichu to help us?
Tell it to attack with you when I give the word."
Pikachu nodded to indicate he understood. "Pikachu, pikachu,
chuu!" he called out to the Raichu.
"Chuu!" called the Raichu in reply.
Pikachu looked Ash confidently in the face, to let him know
that the Raichu agreed.
Pikachu's voice also let the Onix know where are the group
were hiding. It swung around towards them, and advanced. As it
approached, it pushed a tree, knocking it over towards Ash and
his Pokémon. Pikachu jumped to the right, and Ash ran away
to the left, Wartortle behind him. That Wartortle was trapped by
a falling branch, and couldn't get free.
"Wartortle," called Ash, "can you still reach it with your
water gun?"
"Tortle!" nodded Wartortle.
"Okay!" yelled Ash, "Wartortle, Pikachu, Raichu, go!"
Wartortle opened his mouth, and a powerful torrent of water
issued forth, drenching the huge stone serpent. Simultaneously,
Pikachu strained with all his might and a shot out a fearful
blast of lightning. A moment later, a blast twice as powerful
came from the Raichu from the far side of the Onix.
The Onix was ablaze with light, sparks and flashes bouncing
back and forth all over its length. Ash's hair bristled from the
electric charge. The Onix rose high into the air, arched its
back, and gave a frightening roar. The Pokémon continued
their attack, giving it their all as long as they could, until,
their energy spent, they ran out of the creature's away as fast
as they could.
The Onix fainted. It's huge body wavered for a moment in
mid-air, then went limp. In seconds it would crash.
Ash's stomach turned in fear for Wartortle, trapped under the
branch. He quickly took out Wartortle's Poké Ball and
aimed it at his friend. The Onix came tumbling down, crashing
through trees and splintering branches, directly towards the
trapped Pokémon.
The ground shook, wild Pokémon screeched, branches
crashed to the earth below. A rush of wind and debris knocked Ash
of his feet making drop the Poké Ball from his hand. But
it had done its job. Wartortle had dematerialized and entered his
Poké Ball not a moment too soon.
"Pika!" And Ash heard his companion's cry. Was he hurt? Ash
got to his feet, ran around the unconscious Onix, looking for his
"Pika, pika." He sounded all right this time. Ash found him,
saw him look a right mess, and laughed. After the stress of last
few minutes Pikachu was a comical site, with a Pidgey nest
dangling from one ear and broken egg all over his face.
"I'm glad you're OK, Pikachu. Well, we did it."
Pikachu nodded to Ash, then shaking his head briskly, he got
off what mess he called. He turned to look for Raichu.
"Chuu!" called Pikachu.
"Chuu!" answered the Raichu. Being a wild Pokémon, it
would not be likely to approach Ash without good reason. So
Pikachu hopped off by himself to acquaint himself with his
new-found ally.
"I wonder where that Onix came from," Ash asked himself, "and
why it was acting so crazy?" He surveyed the awesome hulk,
scratching his head.
A short distance away, Pikachu and the Raichu were busy
chattering, getting to know each other. Pikachu was trying to
clean the egg of his face with his paw, when Raichu started
helping by licking it off.
"Boy, they're getting chummy," thought Ash.
Ash heard a voice behind him, and turned around to see the
Onix dematerializing. Behind where it lay were standing a group
of people in unusual costumes. An elderly man in old-fashioned
clothing was standing in front holding a Poké Ball in his
"Do you know why my Onix is in this condition?" asked the man
when he noticed Ash.
"I knocked it out," replied Ash innocently.
"Now how did you manage that?" said the man, while the others
started muttering to themselves in amazement.
"Is that your Onix?" asked Ash. "It was on a rampage and
attack us."
"We're from the Pokéball Circus," said one of the
others. "Our Onix escaped."
Ash put two and two together. "And why did it escape?"
demanded Ash indignantly. "You were mistreating it, weren't
"Well now that's none of your business," and said the third
man angrily. He was tall, well built, with a hard face.
"Hold on, now," said the older man calmly. "Calm down, Brent.
And what right have you, young man, to question us? As a matter
of fact, I was about to offer you a lift back to Pallet Town, if
that's where you're going."
Ash realized that the elderly man wasn't as bad as he had
presumed. Perhaps all the gossip wasn't completely true after
"Oh," said Ash meekly. "Well... sorry about that. Actually, I
was on my way to Cerulean Gym, but my Wartortle got hurt fighting
your Onix, so I really have to take it to a Pokémon
"Cerulean Gym, you say. You don't happen to know the Cerulean
sisters, now, do you?"
"Well, yeah, actually, Misty's a friend of mine."
The elderly man gave orders to the rest of the troop.
"Everyone, returned to the circus, please, and prepare for the
midday show. I'll take Onix and this young man to the Viridian
Pokémon Centre."
"Thanks, Mister uh...," said Ash.
"The names Mr Monmaster, young man. Actually, that's my stage
name. My real name is Mr Grey." As he led Ash to his vehicle, he
asked, "And who might you be?"
"I'm Ash," replied Ash. Ash called Pikachu, and noticed that
the Raichu had left. Ash guessed that it must have been scared of
the people, and had gone to hide.
Pikachu arrived in response to his master's call, and the
three drove off.
"Now tell me, Ash, what makes you think that Onix was
"Well, actually, the word's been going around Pallet Town that
you guys don't treat your Pokémon very well. And Onix was
on a rampage, and your friend said that he escaped."
"Hmm... so our reputation precedes us," remarked Mr Grey. "You
know, there are two sides to every story, Ash. Pokémon
fighting in the Pokémon League often suffer too. But when
they succeed in what they were trained to do, and they hear the
audience cheer and applaud, they realize that it was all worth
it. It's just the same in the circus."
"I never thought of that way before," admitted Ash.
"Now sometimes we make mistakes. We set our goals to high and
push our Pokémon too hard. A good circus trainer needs to
be sensitive, just like a good trainer in the Pokémon
League. But mistakes do happen. I gather you've been in the
Pokémon League. Is that right, Ash?"
"Well, yeah. How did you know?"
"From what you did to my Onix, I thought you must be a pretty
good trainer. And tell me, Ash, haven't you ever made mistakes
with your Pokémon?"
Ash looked embarrassed.
Mr Grey changed the subject: "By the way, you say you know the
Cerulean sisters?"
"Misty and I have been friends for ages."
"I've been meaning to meet them and learn about water
Pokémon. I'd like to add some more variety in my
"I guess I can try and arrange something," said Ash.
"Thank you, Ash. That would be greatly appreciated. And I hope
your Wartortle is all right. We're nearly there."