The Beautifly Effect
Chapter Twenty-Six -- Escalating Conflict
Later that morning on the remote island...
With a flick of his wrist, the radio came to life.
" The conflict over marine rights off the east Zento coast has
escalated, with Zento, Tohkoku and Chushu navies deadlocked in a three-way
stalemate. Zento scientists have grave concern for the health of the surviving
marine Pokémon as the conflict has prevented them from removing the
thousands of corpses of dead Pokémon floating on the ocean surface.
"Closer to home, the Johto League has formally decided to suspend all
activities and ban all forms of Pokémon battling for sport and
recreation. The Indigo League is expected to follow suit.
"We interrupt our regular news bulletin to bring you an urgent report.
Olivine City has been attacked. While details are still sketchy, it appears that
Hoenn forces have attacked the Johto Navy base and are proceeding north. Johto
Army and Air Force have been mobilized. We still have no confirmation of
casualties, but they appear to be significant. We'll keep you informed of
further updates as they become available.
"Returning to our remaining news--"
It was happening even faster than he had envisaged. He needed to finish his
preparations as soon as possible.
A/N Zento was a region invented by Oddish Grove author Oddish, but is
quite different in location and geography to the land I envisage here. Tohkoku
and Chushu are Japanese for "Eastern Country" and "Central State"
A/N Zento was a region invented by Oddish Grove author Oddish, but is
quite different in location and geography to the land I envisage here. Tohkoku
and Chushu are Japanese for "Eastern Country" and "Central State"
Sorry for slow updates and only a short chapter. Family difficulties are
slowing me down, not to mention insomnia. Don't ever suffer from insomnia. It's
An ffnet reviewer praised this story, but stated that Ash's
behaviour in the early chapters wasn't true-to-character. It's probably fair to
say that Ash's behaviour was not too out far out of character, but some of his
actions and decisions were a little forced for the sake of the plot.
The same reviewer commented that Richie was "a candidate for
the sainthood". My personal interpretation of Richie is that he is as close to
perfect as a character can be. If you observe him closely in the anime, he has
all of Ash's strengths but none of Ash's faults. I have found him a challenging
character to work with, but enjoyable and rewarding. Being a wonderful person
doesn't mean he won't encounter difficulties and challenges in his life, nor in
my opinion is it difficult to relate to him. There's plenty more Richie will
have to deal with in the next chapter, choices I hope none of us will ever have
to make in our lives.