The Beautifly Effect
Chapter Twenty-Five -- Military Training
Meanwhile, in Goldenrod City...
Richie stood with Abigail outside the military recruitment office.
"I don't want you to go, Richie."
"You know I have to."
"I... better take your Pokémon. Have you decided which one you're
"It's gotta be Sparky. I'll miss you Ab. At least Zac's back home. He's
a real nice guy. I'm sorry I didn't get to know him better."
"I've got two real nice guys in my life now. You'll get to know each other
when you get back."
"You know I might not."
She glanced down. She took a deep breath and looked at him again.
"I wouldn't be able to cope with that," she said finally.
"I have to go."
They embraced and parted silently.

The recruitment "office" was a dingy demountable with less than spartan
furnishing and very Spartan looking soldiers.
Richie advanced to the desk. A sergeant with stern features and close-cropped
hair looked at him as if he expected Richie to obey his every word.
"Richard Wilson."
The sergeant scanned through some sheets of paper.
"You're from Kanto. Pokémon?"
Richie showed him his sole Poké ball. "A Pikachu."
"Listen carefully, I'll only say this once. Line up at the first door over
there for a medical." The sergeant scanned him up and down. "You'll pass, so
line up at the second door for your Pokémon. If it passes, go to the
table over there labelled Vermilion. If not, line up at that one labelled
Pewter. Next!"
Richie wanted to ask what would he do with his Pokémon if it didn't
pass, but decided that he better just do as he was told and worry about
complications if and when they arose.

Two days later, in Vermilion City...
Major Surge examined the dozen recruits sitting at desks in what was Surge's
gym but was now a makeshift classroom.
Most of the recruits looked at each other perplexed as to the meaning of what
sounded like an order. Richie took the initiative and stood up straight. Surge
looked at him.
"Name, rank and serial number?"
"Private Richard Wilson, X327V06."
"Let Wilson be an example to all of you," said Surge. Richie didn't want the
others to think they were only worse than him, but refrained from showing
pleasure or displeasure.
Surge continued. "At ease. Sit down. Alright, I'll be to the point. You have
been chosen as an elite group who will infiltrate and sabotage Hoenn. 'Elite' in
your case means you'll have an enormous responsibility to fulfill with the bare
minimum of training.
"You will pose as Pokémon trainers, you will close in on your targets,
and you will carry out a mission that will lead the Johto-Kanto alliance to
victory. The nature of your mission will make killing a matter of last resort,
but nonetheless you will be trained to kill, and your Pokémon will
become lethal weapons. Your mission is dangerous. If you are found out and
caught, you will be tortured for information and executed as spies.
"Now, release your Pokémon. It's time to begin training."

Over the next few days, Richie and Sparky were trained, and both did
exceptionally well. While Richie turned out to be the only one among the group
who had defeated Surge for a Thunderbadge, Surge did not show favouritism and
only gave credit where it was due. Richie found Surge strict and hard, yet an
amazing teacher, although Richie lamented that that sort of training was
What Surge promised the first day soon came to be. Sparky's well-trained
prohibition against attacking people was expertly replaced by an understanding
that it should attack to protect Richie and it should attack whenever Richie
gave it the order. It learned how to silently aim a thunderbolt directly into a
man's chest, killing him quickly and quietly. Quick attack, thunder wave,
agility, all cherished attacks in the stadium, became means of offense and
defense in a new battlefield.
On the last day of training, the nature of their mission was revealed. Each
agent was assigned a Hoenn city, along with an agent from a similar group from
Celadon. The agents would be flown in that night by Swellow. There were only
three Swellow in Kanto military service, so the agents couldn't hang on to them.
Fearow or Pigeot would have afforded them a return ticket, but had they been
seen with them in Hoenn, it would have given them away more easily as Kanto
All twenty-four agents were to pose as Pokémon trainers, or rather
ex-trainers returning home, since a ban on training had just been declared in
Hoenn. Richie was a better known personality even outside his native Kanto, but
fortunately his recent absence from the Pokémon scene meant that a
suitable story could be concocted to explain his presence in Hoenn.
That night, the Celadon recruits would contaminate the city water supply with
a stun spore concentrate. It would be impossible to add enough concentrate to
cause any serious poisoning, but the majority of people would get sick enough to
keep them away from work. With power stations and their security services
understaffed, the Vermilion recruits would then act and sabotage them using
their electric Pokémon. In the disruption, Kanto forces would attack and
take over the main Hoenn cities.
Richie was ready, or at least as ready as could be expected, as a military
agent with scarcely a week's training. He was woken at 4 a.m. The Swellow
would have already sent the Celadon agents over to do their dirty-work. He got
dressed, picked up Sparky's Poké ball and made his way to where his ride
was waiting. He mounted, a soldier told the Swellow its destination, and sent it
off with a slap on its flank. Bracing himself with courage, Richie flew into the
cold, dark sky.