The Beautifly Effect
Chapter Sixteen -- A Change of Scene
The same day, in the farmlands of north-west Johto...
Richie felt nervous as he knocked on the door of the brick cottage. While a
job interview was a new experience for him, it was the fact that he had never
worked on a farm before that concerned him the most. Nevertheless, he resolved
to give it his best shot--there was no gain by being pessimistic, after all.
The door opened revealing a girl, perhaps a year his younger, with neat dark
hair tied back in a ponytail, a pleasant face, slim build and modest dress. She
looked at him, and stood there speechless and transfixed.
"I'm here for the job interview," said Richie finally. "Can I see Miss--"
"Just call me Abigail," she responded quickly. "You... you're Richie,
"Uh... that's me. Can I speak to the... uh... employer?"
"That's me."
Richie looked for a moment, looking at Abigail expectantly.
"Oh, forgive me," she said with a blush of embarrasment. "Come right in. Take
a seat."
Richie stepped in and looked around. The room looked like what one would
expect of a country-style kitchen, almost rustic in decor, but observing more
carefully he saw it had all the comforts and conveniences of a family home. She
led him to the table and offered him a chair.
"Uh... thanks for this opportunity. I have to uh... mention that I've never
worked on a farm before, but I do know an awful lot about Pokémon."
"Oh, I know all about you," she said, then gave a look as if she regretted
it. Richie stared back in surprise.
"I mean, Richie, I've been a fan of yours. I know you're an awesome trainer,
but a farm is kind of different."
"You mean I don't get the job." Richie's face fell, and he went to get
"Oh no." She gestured him to stay. "I'm sure what you know will come in
handy. What I really need is someone strong." She examined Richie's frame and,
in the process, blushed again.
It was obvious to Richie that this girl was infatuated with him. Still, he
needed a job. He figured he could probably handle her--he just had to make sure
that there was a legitimate position on offer.
"Well, maybe you can show me what's involved," he asked.
"Good idea. Come, I'll show you around."
Abigail led him out the back door. Richie saw a typical country scene, with
pens, pastures, a shed or two--pretty much what he had expected.
"My parents passed away last month," she said as they approached a pen. It
held a dozen or so Mareep, some of which were munching from a trough. The others
were standing around doing nothing in particular.
"I'm sorry."
"Well... who am I to talk. Ash was your friend, wasn't he?" Richie must've
looked visibly upset, for she continued, "Oh, I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have
said that."
"No it's OK... well... it's complicated."
Abigail changed the subject. "I guess you know how to handle electric
"With love and respect?" he replied.
"You could say that--you respect the fact that they can zap you."
"So you've got no-one else to help with the farm?"
She led him past the pens and towards the pasture. "I've got a brother Zach,
but he's still studying. He'll be back year after next. Oh don't worry, I've got
enough know-how to keep things running in the mean time. I just need some
manpower... Here are the Miltank."
Richie looked out along the field and saw a herd of black and white
Pokémon being herded by a Houndour.
"Doury's a great help with rounding up the Miltank. He helps with the Mareep
too, but they don't like him. We were going to buy a Jolteon, but given the
circumstances now, Zach and I decided we can't afford it."
Richie examined the landscape thoughtfully. Abigail was talking of
Pokémon as if they were tools of trade, livestock, a means to and end.
So that's what she meant by things being kind of different. After relating to
them as near-equal partners for so long, could he adapt?
"Where are the living quarters?" he asked.
"Let's go back to the house. I'll show you."
Still, Richie thought, she respects them as living things. Doury may be a
farm tool in a way, but she sounded appreciative, and obviously gave it far more
responsibility than he would ever give me of his own Pokémon."
"So Richie, may I ask why you've given up training? Is it for good?"
"Well, as I said, it's complicated. I was hoping to go back to it in a
couple of years, after I've had time to... come to terms with what
"OK, I won't pry any more. I'd just like to say that all your fans--including
me--were sad to hear that you quit. Of course, it's good for me if you accept
the job."
"You mean I've got the job?"
She took the opportunity to size him up again.
"You'll do," she said with a smile. "Come on, I'll show you to your flat.
It's really neat, I decorated it myself."
Richie thought again for a moment. Now that they were both relaxed, Abigail
seemd like a nice person.
"Lead the way," he said.