The Beautifly Effect
Chapter Fifteen -- To Catch a Pikachu
Pallet Town, a month later...
"Have you got the result of the last vaccination trial?"
Gary sat down at the lab computer and typed in a few commands.
"Here you go, grandpa," he replied. "Only 40% success."
"Hmm... that's higher than the population average. We could be on the right
"Grandpa, is it worth spending all this effort on the Pokémon
equivalent of the common cold?"
Oak pulled up a chair and sat down next to Gary.
"Well Gary, the Pokérus may be a mild disease, but worlwide it
consumes a significant proportion of Pokémon Centre resources. The
problem is that if you don't treat the sick Pokémon, there are risks of
further complications."
Gary paused for a moment. He typed at the computer again and brought up
another file.
"Grandpa, I've been meaning to ask you about a bit of my own research."
Oak raised an eyebrow. "What's it about?"
"It's about Pikachu--its response to what happened."
"Go on."
"I looked at some historical material. In the last world war, there was a
regiment where Pokémon were trained to defend individual soldiers. One
soldier, one Pokémon--in fact, the soldier did most of the
"Yes, that rings a bell. It was a long time ago."
"What they found," continued Gary, "was that if a soldier was killed, there
was a good chance that his Pokémon would develop what they cauled
traumatic grief syndrome."
"And I suppose Pikachu's behaviour fits this syndrome?"
"That's right. Look what it says here."
Professor Oak leaned over and read what was written on the monitor:
"'Hermitic, irritable, violent, incommunicate...' Hmm, I think you may have
something there."
"And most reports say that the stronger the bond between the Pokémon
and its trainer, the more severe the disorder." Gary looked his grandfather in
the face before continuing. "I'm going after it."
"Gary, have you taken leave of your senses? It's already killed one
"--and the police haven't been able to catch it. I have to catch it before
someone else gets hurt. Not to mention all those Pokémon it's
"I don't know, Gary. It's dangerous work. What's your plan?"
"Well, I'm going to need to borrow some of your Pokémon..."