Akira and the Mystic Pokemon Adventure
One Early morning a girl named Akira was fast asleep while she was suppose
to be at Prof. Oaks lab getting her new pokemon for her journey. Akira's dad
died along time ago so her mother takes care of her now. Akira's alarm clock
went off! " BBBBBRRRRRIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!!!!" " AAAAHHHH!!!!" shouted Akira as
she came rolling off her bed! Her head slammed into her night stand!
" OOOOWWWW!!!!" shouted Akira again. You can tell Akira's not the morning
type of person! Akira's Mother rushed up the stairs and through the door. "
Akira! Are you alright. I heard you screaming and banging around!" " Every
things fine mom, just the clock over here scared the crap out of me!" said
Akira. Akira's mom whacked Akira on the head.
" Watch your mouth!" she said. " But ma, CRAP is not a.." SMACK!!! "
OOOOWWW. Mom quit'it!" Akira said. " Then you watch your mouth. I Don't want
you ending up speaking like a darn trucker!" She said. The mom left in a
huff and told Akira to put on some clothes. Akira looked at the clock. "
Hmmmmm.. 12:00....!?!? 12:00!? AAAAAAHHHHHHH I'm late!!!!" Akira rushed to
her dresser put on some clothes, got everything she needs, said goodbye and
was off!
Huffing and puffing down the rocky and muddy road. As Akira ran she said "
Ugly, stupid, slow, any pokemons good just save one for me!" When Akira
arrived someone else was there. Big lines and piles of people were standing
in front of Proffesor Oaks lab cheering out the name " Kojiro". Akira pushed
through the people and saw Kojiro for the first time in 5 years.
" Well long time no see Akira, laughed Kojiro, I thought you weren't gonna
show up!" " You now that I would show up you little brat!" said Akira. " You
two calm down!" said Prof. Oak who just got out of his lab. " You two used
to such good friends, whatever happend to that?" Akira and Kojiro glared at
each other for along long time. Akira remembered that when they were very
little, they did get along good.
But when Kojiro got older, he got meaner and selfish. " I don't have time to
think about the past, said Kojiro, I need to think about the future." Kojiro
hopped in his car that his friend was driving with cheerleader in that sung
out " Kojiro, Kojiro his our man, if he can't do it, no one can!" As the car
drove off the people cleared out. " OOOHHH I'll show him!!!" grumbled Akira.
" Prof. Oak do you have a pokemon for me!?" said Akira.
" Well lets go take a look see!" said Oak. After a long walk through the
lab, Akira came to a small room with a table a 7 pokeballs. " Oh wow,
POKEMON!!!!" screamed Akira. " Well why don't you pick one" said Prof Oak.
Akira picked up the 1st one and opened it. Nothing was inside. " Darn" said
Akira. Now she tried the 2nd one. Empty! " WWHHAA..." said Akira.
Akira raced through the pokeballs only finding nothing in any of them. "
Prof. Oak, do you have any other pokemon?" sighed Akira. " Well... your in
luck cause I do have one!" said Oak. He went up to a red switch and a blue
panel. He typed in a code and pressed the red button. Just then, a pokeball
came out. Akira smiled and picked it up. " NOW NOW BE CARFULL!!!!!!" said
" Why what can a pokemon do to me!" said Akira. Just then the pokeball
opened and a pink lightning bolt shot out the pokeball and out came the
pokemon. Akira opened her eyes and saw a Jigglepuff with a cute little
yellow bow clipped at the foot of its ear! " OOOOHHH it's so cute, screamed
Akira! How did you get it?" " Well... I found it in the woods near my lab. I
heard it crying so I found it wrapped it in a blanket and been taken care of
him ever since then. But the weird thing is that it's a jigglypuff and only
electric pokemon can shoot out electric energy like that.
The other weird thing is that it shoots out pink electric energy when it
should be yellow or gold!" I've always wanted to give this pokemon to a
skilled trainer and well.... I think you are going to be that skilled and
lucky trainer! " Wow! You really think I'm going to be a master trainer
Prof. Oak?!" said Akira. " Welllllll….. It all depends on your pokemon
skills and how many pokemon you catch!" said Oak. " Well… You can count on
me Professor Oak to be a pokemon master!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" said Akira.
" Oak, is my pokemon rare by any chance?" asked Akira. " Well to tell you
the truth… Your pokemon is mch rarer than Kojiro's is." Said Professor Oak.
" Alright I rule!! shouted Akira! Is my pokemon stronger than Kojiro's ?!" "
I'm not going to tell you everything. I Tried to give you each equal pokemon
so there would be no difference…but.. I gave you each different pokemon so
now one stronger than the other and faster than the other and you get my
drift," said Oak. Akira walked out the door with Professor Oak.
" Well I wish you good luck Akira!" said Oak. " Thank you! Well goodbye!"
said Akira. " Wait you forgot somethings!" shouted Prof. Oak. " Here is your
pokedex and pokeballs. Oh and one more thing, That Jigglypuff of yours hates
to be in its pokeball," said Prof. Oak. Akira took out the pokeball that
Jigglypuff was in and let it come out. ZZZAAAAPPPPP!!!! Jigglypuff bounced
shocked Akira.
" Gag cough…. Wow that little bugger hurts!!" said Akira. " Well your just
gonna have to deal with it. After you spend time playing with Jigglypuff and
spending time with it, Jigglypuff will grow to like you!" said Prof. Oak. "
Ok I'll try my hardest then," said Akira. " Goodbye Professor Oak and thank
you!" said Akira as she ran off into the woods. " *Sigh* That kid reminds me
of myself when I was little and starting my pokemon journey," said Professor
Oak to himself.
Akira walked through the woods with her Jigglypuff trying to find a pokemon
to test Jigglypuffs powers. Suddenly they both heard a rustling in a near by
bush! " what the hell is that?" said Akira! A small Sandshrew jumped out of
the bushes and was ready to fight! " Why does that wild Sandshrew want to
fight so bad? I thought wild pokemon were shy," said Akira. Akira took out
her pokedex to find the anwser. The pokedex read: WILD POKEMON CAN BE JELOUS
Akira closed her pokedex and found Sandshrew glaring at Jigglypuff. "
Alright a perfect target to test Jigglypuffs skills out," thought Akira. "
Alright then. Jigglypuff..go!" said Akira. Jigglypuff just looked at Akira
and ran up a near by tree and sat on a branch. " Jigglypuff get down here,
you have a battle to win!" yelled Akira. Jigglypuff ignored Akira's yell and
still sat there. " Alright Jigglypuff! I don't need your help I can do this
all by myself!" said Akira.
When Sandshrew wasn't looking, Akira snuck behind it and trapped it in her
jacket. " Ha! I got you now!" said Akira. But Sandshrew got ticked off and
started to run around. Sandshrew and Akira were right about to hit a tree
when Sandshrew ran out of the jacket and missed the tree while Akira smashed
her face into it! " Ow dammit!" said Akira rubbing her face. Jigglypuff
busted out laughing at the sight! " Shut up you little Jiggly turd!" said
Akira! Sandshrew was so ma that it called all the other Sandshrews in the
forest to come and beat up Jigglypuff and Akira. The ground started to
rumble so hard that Jigglypuff fell out of the tree and into Akira's
" Jigglypuffpuff!?" said Jigglypuff pointing at a huge hurd of Sanshrew
coming there way! " Oh s**t!!!" screamed Akira. Akira with Jigglypuff in her
backpack took off running down the path of the woods! Akira was running as
fast as she could, but, the Sandshrew were catching up to them! Akira was
running so fast that she couldn't see the path very well and tripped over a
rock! Akira was on her face no the muddy path. Akira tried to scurry away
but the Sandshrew were already circling them. " JIGGLYPUFF!!!!!!!" said
Jigglypuff and Akira were back to back surrounded by mad Sandshrew! "
Jigglypuff, whatever happenes to us, I'll always be protecting you! At that
moment, Jigglypuff saw how protective Akira was of it and behan to trust
Akira. Right before the Sandshrew slashed them, Jigglypuff jumped in the air
and did a big ass lightning bolt and hit all of the Sanshrew. The Sandshrew
were scared by Jigglypuff and ran away.
" Jigglypuff!" said Akira running up to Jigglypuff ready to hug it. "
JIGGLYJIGGLYPUFF!!!" said Jigglypuf the two met and hugged each other.
Jigglypuff was enjured so Akira picked it up and carried Jigglypuff to a
pokemon center. Jigglypuff made a faint sound and fell asleep in Akira's
arms. Akira looked up at the sky a knew this would be the start of a great
pokemon journey that no one could resist!
Next: Chpater2#