Futures Past By: Zapdos1Alpha zapdos1alpha@hotmail.com AAMRN Part 1 Disclaimer: I don't own anything pokemon. Nintendo, 4Kids Entertainment, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., do own all things pokemon. Somewhere over the remote Rocky Mountains... Ash had just awoken from a short nap. Yawning he felt the plane he was in shudder. "What was that?!" he asked puzzled. Getting up he went to the cockpit of the plane. "What's going on Johnnie?" "We've lost power Mr. Ketchum." He replied tersely. "If we don't get it back we'll be going down." "Where are we?" Ash asked concerned. "Don't know for sure. We just left Denver's control area and entered Utah's. I'd say over the Rockies." "Okay. I'll leave you to work." Ash replied. "I'll let the attendants know the problem and to get strapped in." Johnnie nodded and ash left the cockpit to do as he said. It was a short time later when there was another violent shudder this time the plane lurched as it began to drop rapidly. "Mr. Ketchum, we are going down. Please assume a crash position." The pilot said over the intercom. "We'll do what we can to give us as soft of a landing as we can." Ash sat down and strapped in. He sat there and prayed they would all make it through this alive and well. The plane continued to drop. Ash thought about his life, He knew that if he did not make it the instructions in his backpack would be carried out. The first sound of trees being ripped apart and wings being demolished came to his ears. He thought about Misty and Sarah as he leaned forward. The plane struck the ground soon after, throwing ash into a world of blackness. It was a while later when ash awoke. "Damn. Where am I?" He said to himself. Realizing where he was and what had happened he began to panic slightly "Pikachu? Pikachu where are you?" There was no answer. He reached down to his belt and felt for his pokemon. He felt all six balls there. Choosing one I called it out. "Pikachu, I choose you." "PIKA!" he said as he appeared. "Pikachu, buddy. Look around here and tell me what you can see." "Pikachu." It replied and looked around. He was gone for some time before returning "Chu chu pikachu. Pi pikapi." He said when he returned "No one else around? What about the pilots?" Ash asked and tried to move. He couldn't his leg was broken and pinned under a section of seats. He screamed when he tried. It scared pikachu. Ash only screamed like that when he was in serious pain. "Pikapi pikachu?" he asked softly and a bit frightened "No pikachu I'm not okay. My leg is broken. What about the pilots and flight crew?" He replied and asked again. "pika." He replied very softly "Damn. Well we have crashed. I knew something was wrong when the plane shuddered like that the first time. I feel moisture in the air, is it raining outside?" He asked before pikachu could answer a bright flash of light and loud clap of thunder answered the question. "Pikachu can you find the planes first aid kit? It will be white with a large red cross on it. I need it so I can brace my leg." "Pika." He replied and ran off. Ash pulled another ball from his belt. "Chikorita, go" "Chiko." It said and ran up to him. "chi chiko ri?" "Yes thank you Chikorita. I need you to go and find me some wood for a fire. I need to stay warm." He said to her "Ri." It replied and went in search for wood. "Chikorita wait." He said and released bulbasaur to help her. Ash gave the same instructions to bulbasaur and they both went off for wood. Bulbasaur and Chikorita had both returned with a healthy supply of wood. He asked them to bring in a couple of more loads, which they did happily. While they were out on their second trip pikachu returned dragging the first aid kit. The case was scratched but it was otherwise unharmed. Ash began to look through it and found everything he needed. Now came the hard part, getting his leg out from under the seat holding it. Then getting the fracture set and bandaged. Ash called out charizard to lift the Seats off. He did that with little effort. Ash asked bulbasaur and chikorita to use their vine whips to gently pull him out, the pain from the move caused ash to black out again. It was dark before ash came to. He could have sworn he heard misty's voice calling to him. But being in the situation that he was in there could be no possibility. There was a small fire built that was warming the cabin of the plane. Looking around he saw pikachu curled up next to him. Bulbasaur and chikorita had their vines wrapped tightly around his leg. It wasn't tight enough to cut off circulation but enough to brace his broken leg. It felt a lot better. They were both sound asleep and not moving for fear of hurting their master. Ash turned and saw charizard awake, tending to the fire. Next to him was a small stack of five cases. "Charizard." He said weakly "Char." He replied softly. "I need some water and food. Can you find some in here?" I asked "Char charizard." He said and motioned to the cases a foot or two from ash. Two of them had small bottles of water and two others had small bags of chips, peanuts, and trail mix. A smaller box contained packets of ketchup. Ash smiled and looked down to pikachu. He knew that pikachu would find the ketchup. Ash quickly ate some chips and drank a little water, and decided to fix his leg in the morning after he had rested and restored his strength. Charizard said he was to turn over watch duty to pikachu so that he could rest. He let ash know he would let pikachu know ash was awake and had some food. Ash thanked him and fell back to sleep. Ash woke early the next morning and felt a lot better than he did after the crash. All of his pokemon that were out were awake. Nodding to each of them he thanked them all. Ash asked bulbasaur and chikorita to remove their vines from his leg. They did so gently and it didn't hurt. Ash looked to charizard and gave him some quick instructions. Charizard nodded and quickly set ashes leg. Ash grimaced hard when it was done. Ash recovered and placed a splint on his leg and bandaged it. It would have to do until tomorrow when he would have charizard fly them out of there. The storm was still raging and it was far too dangerous for charizard to leave the planes cabin. It was then pikachu's ears twitched. "Pi pika!" pikachu said. "What do you hear pikachu?" I asked. "He hears me" a young lady replied. "I finally found the plane. I trailed you across this country, now I can complete my mission and return home." "Who are you?" I asked defiantly of the young blonde woman. "I'm Team Rockets number one operative, The Black Tulip." She replied evilly. "And it is time for you to die Ash Ketchum." Ash didn't have time to order any attacks before there was two loud pops and felt a deep burning in his chest. He looked down to see blood spreading fast. Looking up at the young rocket operative, he spoke in a soft voice. "Why?" he murmured. "Why?" She said. "Three reasons. One, to get even for all of the plans you have ruined over the years. Two, you caused the demise of team rocket. We have been few in numbers but we have been growing stronger. With you out of the way we can come back full force. And finally three, to make your wife suffer for the desertion of her mother and father. Yes her parents were team rocket operatives. The best we had. Our leaders most trusted people. One day they turned tail on a mission and ran. That mission netted our leader five years in prison. He vowed to find them and kill them. He couldn't find them, so he chose to punish their youngest daughter in hopes to flush them out. That didn't work either, so by killing you we have killed two birds with one stone. My job is complete." She dropped a note, and something else to the ground. Ash didn't see what it was for he died moments later thinking only of misty and his young daughter, sarah. ~ ~ ~ ~ Sorry all for the pulling of the story. After reading my master I noticed a lot of discrepancies that needed to be fixed. As I fix the parts the story will be reposted piece by piece. Thanks for staying with me. I'll have this fixed and back up ASAP.