Episode 9 - Spell Unknown Amber found out that Falkner had carried her to safty and that he was the gym leader of Violet City. Amber battled him and earned the Wing Badge. "Thanks!" Amber said as she waved her hand. Amber walked north of Violet City, then went through a gateway. "Be carefule once you exit...many strange things have been happening there..." the guard said. The guard nodded his head and returned Amber's PokèGear. Amber proceeded through nodding to the precaution on the guard. "Whoa...it's...creepy here..." Amber walked around in the area surrounded by rocks. The rocks seem to hold spirits of long time ago Pokèmon. The windy swept Amber's hair back. She saw light coming out of a cave. Amber walked to the cave quickly and peered inside. Excavators were digging out stuff. On the wall, Amber saw ancient writing...or were they Pokèmon. The excavator saw Amber and invited her in. "Hey, you're a trainer...you know what kinda' new species these are?" he asked. Amber shrugged her shoulders. "Well, at least help up with this..." the man said. Amber looked down at several pieces of something. She placed some of them in a border type fasion then, tried out the middle pieces. "Hey, it looks like...a Kabuto..." Amber said. All the researchers gathered around her. They stared down at the completed puzzle. "Geez, stop squishing me!" Amber got shoved and pushed around as the researchers all struggled to see the artifact. Amber looked at the wall and it said "STOP" in weird font. She stopped. A trap door opened underneath her. Amber fell through and landed on some stack of straw. "Great...I help out someone and I end up here...what a nice time to be in a dark...place...alone...and..." Amber got up in the darkness. She didn't see anything, not even her own hands. Amber sent out Cyndaquil and the flame on its back lit the room up. Amber shrieked and ran after Cyndaquil. They had seen something. Amber rested against the wall in another area. "Whoa...what were those things? Pokèmon?" Amber asked Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil panted and its fire stood up again because it heard something coming. "RAECHS LOVEUNOIT UCH" the weird font on the wall displayed. (Zapchu's Note: Try to unscramble to letters to see what you get...you'll find out some cool information about something...) "What does...love you no it, you chi mean?" Amber asked herself. "Ahhh, no time to unscrable, let's go Cyndaquil!" They climbed out a ladder and escaped from the weird creatures. Amber continued through another gateway. |