Episode 4 -
Rival In Tall Grass "Hey, Elm, need any help back there?" Red asked. Red thought it was really quiet. He walked into the back of the lab and noticed that the the window was open. He say Elm tied up and gagged at the mouth. A boy was shuffling through the drawers and folders. "YOU! Stop!" Red yelled. Red ran towards the boy and tackled him. The boy sent out a Chikorita. "No...you stop..." the boy then jumped out of the window with his Chikorita. Red untied Elm and asked what had happened. "He stole that poor Chikorita?" Elm started whimpering. Red shook his head and told Elm a loss was a loss and that he should forget about it. Meanwhile, Amber was wandering through tall grass. "It's getting dark...not good..." Amber pushed aside grass as she walked through. A quick cut attack cleared the grass around Amber. Amber turned around quickly and grabbed a Pokèball. "Who's there!" Amber yelled. Her echo came back, the meadow seemed empty. Then, Amber got pushed from behind. She fell face flat onto the ground. "Hahaha...novice trainers, always so..." the other trainer said. Then he stopped. "You've got two Pokèballs...hmm, let's battle, you can experience what real fighting is like! With the upcoming strongest in the world! Me and my Chikorita!" Amber wiped the dirt from her face as she got up. "Alright, go Cyndaquil! Use your ember attack and burn that Chikorita!" Amber pointed at Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil breathed out fire which caused Chikorita to run around in a frenzy. "Grr...Chikorita, return! This humiliating defeat will not last...remember, Silver and Chikorita are the best masters in the world!" the boy ran off through the tall grass.
"That was...weird, well, at least he cut
the grass for me..." Amber walked north
from the battle spot and reached a house. She
received a Pokèdex and 5 Pokèballs from Oak. |