Disclaimer: Don’t own Pokemon or any intellectual properties tied to its name and franchise, but I own Josie Sheridan and miscellaneous characters I make up for her to battle…except gym leaders :D.
A/N Dydd gwyl Dewi Sant hapus, or in English, Happy Saint David’s day, to all you Welsh people out there! ----------------------------------Well now, this was just excessive! Josie couldn’t believe the size of the mart compared to the general store her mum and dad ran back home. She winced there, woops, better ring them next chance she got. Anyways…poke balls, errr where were they? She wished Todd had come in to help her now but nooo he had to get distracted by Officer Jenny and her Growlithe, still that was kind of his job she guessed.
“Char,” her Charmander caught her attention from her thoughts, pointing at a shelf clearly marked poke balls. Eh-heh…
“Thanks Charmander,” she smiled, clearly embarrassed. “I so didn’t notice those.” The creature gave her a ‘duh’ like look, what was he going to do with her.
Josie picked out six new balls and a potion for good luck and set about trying to find the counter. That would be her gym battle winnings gone, still at least she wouldn’t run out of balls on the way to Cerulean. Eventually she remembered the counter was by the door and, after smiling rather sheepishly at her laughing Charmander paid for her goods and left the store.
Todd was already waiting outside having finished photographing the Growlithe patrolling the outskirts of the city, they were really quite lucky that the mart was on the route to their next intended destination.
“You were a long time in there, get lost or something?” he asked laughing.
“Errr no,” Josie said, obviously lying, especially confirmed by her Charmander’s still grinning expression.
“Don’t worry about it,” Todd smiled. “You’re a rookie remember? Besides, I get the feeling Charmander kept you from getting too off track in there.”
She laughed, scratching the back of her head, but also patting her Charmander. “Yeah, alright. It’s just a lot different from what I’m used too, sure I worked in the family store sometimes, but its a small one mind you.”
Todd laughed. “Then you are gonna love Celadon’s mall, you’ll be lost for days!”
Charmander sweat dropped at the sound of the world mall.
“Its ok Charmander, I’ll have you with me, and I’m sure I’ll be used to it by then…I think”
“Char,” he smiled, he’d have to make sure that was true.
“Then lets head off shall we?” Todd said, waving in the direction of Route 5 to Mount Moon. “Those Growlithe who were patrolling here were heading the same way we are, maybe we’ll see them in action once we get there if we’re lucky.”
“If you’re lucky you mean,” she laughed, as they began to walk off. “I’m not too keen on running into any of Team Rocket truth be told, but if it does happen…” she trailed off, patting her ball belt and her Charmander. “…we’ll be ready.”
“Char!” the Pokemon readily agreed, eager as ever.
“Go Charmander, metal claw attack!”
It seemed that Charmander’s eagerness was being fulfilled as shortly after they left the city, a female trainer, Carrie, who was too…cutesy for words, had challenged Josie to a two on two battle for $300. Carrie’s Pidgey had been easily dispatched by Josie’s Rattata and his rapidly improving skills, a quick attack/bite combo had been enough to despatch of the comparatively less experienced Pidgey, that must have only been recently caught. Of course, Rattata had had to dodge quite a bit till the Pidgey flew low and close enough, but he’d done his work. Josie kind of wanted to use her Pikachu really, but she’d chosen Rattata on strength of experience when they decided she should choose a Pokemon first. Now Charmander was battling a Sandshrew, as Josie had readily called back her Rattata when the young lady threw out her second Pokemon. Charmander was doing a good job too.
“Sandshrew, defence curl,” Carrie called out, hoping to lessen the damage of the attack, being quite successful in the endeavour.
“Charmander, use leer and follow it up with and ember!”
Charmander did as he was told, freezing his opponent long enough for the ember to hit full force. Sandshrew stood its ground though, as a ground type Pokemon its defence was impressive after all, even against fire attacks.
“Sandshrew, use sand attack and follow it up witch scratch!”
Sandshrew blew up quite an impressive dust storm by waving its claws around in the soft earth. Josie thought fast though.
“Charmander, dig underground!”
Her training paid off as Charmander swiftly dug a hole, evading Sandshrew’s scratch attack and getting away from the dust cloud. The Sandshrew’s landing from its failed attack would help Charmander know where he was.
“Now Charmander, surface!”
Her Charmander reappeared under the Sandshrew with surprising force, causing it to fly into the air.
“Now finish this with a flying metal claw!”
“Char!” her Pokemon roared as he jumped after his opponent connecting his attack squarely in its midsection. As the Sandshrew hit the ground it was obvious it wasn’t getting up again.
“Awww man!” Carrie sighed. “Never mind Sandshrew, we tried our best, return.”
Josie was busy congratulating her Charmander, and Todd packing up his camera, what a great shot of a Sandshrew sand-attack, as Carrie walked over. “Here,” Carrie said, handing over the agreed prize money. “Thanks for the good battle, I guess we’ll just have to work a little harder.”
“Hey thanks to you, that was great, you have a strong Sandshrew and a Pidgey that will develop well if you treat it right.”
“That’s right,” Todd agreed. “That sand-attack was great, and the defence curl too, thanks for letting me take some shots.”
“Yeah, and no problem Snap, I guess I just need to train a little more, and catch a few more Pokemon before I take my first gym battle.” Carrie agreed.
“There’s a good place just outside Pewter on the forest side,” Josie said. “You could probably teach your Sandshrew some great tricks there.”
“Char!” Charmander nodded in confirmation of Josie’s statements, but also glared a little at Todd, what no shots of that jumping metal claw!? Todd saw this and, as if knowing what it was about, pointed at his camera smiling. This made Charmander smile.
Completely oblivious to the antics of Charmander and Todd, the girls continued their conversation. “Thanks, I might do that,” Carrie smiled. “But expect a battle again next time we meet.”
“Sure, we’d like that eh Charmander?”
“Char!” he agreed, smiling at Carrie before returning to his usual perch.
“Hmmm, maybe I should let my Pokemon out of their balls more often, you seem to get on great with your Charmander.”
“That’s because we’re friends and partners right Charmander?” she looked at the smiling Pokemon.
“Charmander,” it agreed smiling.
“Well I’m gonna head to Pewter then,” Carrie said. “Watch out around Mount Moon though, there’s a lot of police activity down there, heard they were gonna cut off the passage temporarily.”
“What?” Josie exclaimed. “Awww man, I need that passage to get to Cerulean.”
“We might make it if we hurry,” Todd said.
“I was kinda hoping to catch a Sandshrew around here but if we have to hurry…” Josie started.
“Oh you can find them in Mount Moon,” Carrie assured her. “Not as common as out here, but they’re in there, along with Geodude, Zubat, Clefairy and, if you’re lucky, a Paras.”
“Thanks for the tip…how’d you know that?” Josie asked.
“Oh the Nurse Joy at the Mount Moon Pokemon Centre told me,” she said. “She’s very knowledgeable on the Pokemon in that area. She told me about it as she was giving my newly caught, at the time, Sandshrew a check up. She also told me that there was a new fossil dig going on in Mount Moon and the police had heard Team Rocket of all people were gonna try and hijack it! I’m surprised, they haven’t been active around here for years, I hope they’re not back.” Carrie shuddered at the thought.
Josie had to admit, she did a little too. “Thanks Carrie, see you again sometime, maybe at the league.”
“You bet,” Carrie smiled waving as she turned towards Pewter. “I’m gonna train hard for it.”
“Heh, us too!” Josie shouted to her. “Later!”
“I didn’t think you one for motivational speeches towards other trainers,” Todd said, as Carrie disappeared into the distance. “That was impressive.”
“What now?” Josie said, completely oblivious to the fact that she’d just made a friendly rival by offering advice.
“You told that girl a good spot to train,” Todd said. “Not many trainers give away their training spots.”
“Well,” Josie smiled. “Its hardly mine, I mean it’s a disused quarry.”
“Still, I think you’re gonna end up with more friends than enemies the way you are Josie,” Todd said, reminding her of the talk they had. “Kendo or no Kendo. Isn’t that right Charmander?”
The Pokemon agreed nodding its head in a proud manner.
Josie laughed. She hoped they were right. “Thanks you guys. Now lets get going, we need to make it before they close off the passage.”
Charmander and Todd nodded as they again continued their way to Mount Moon.
Psh, just her luck she sighed, slouching in the lobby of the Pokemon centre at Mount Moon. The passageway was blocked off, but with so much going on, Todd had gone to get some pictures of the police at work. Charmander was curled up at her feet, just lazing basically. She had to wonder when the passage would be reopened, and what was going on. There was no sign of Nurse Joy anywhere either which was kind of strange. Eventually a thought came into her head.
“Hey Charmander,” she looked down at her lazing Pokemon. “How about we ring my parents?”
Charmander liked that idea, Josie could only guess why. The vidphones were all available; most people staying at the centre were watching the Mount Moon drama unfold. I mean there were TV cameras there and everything, which was probably the main reason she was inside, camera shyness and everything.
The phone blinked into life fast as usual. Her mother’s smiling face filling the screen.
“Josie,” she squealed, as Charmander suppressed the urge to laugh. “How are you dear? Have you got to Pewter city yet? You’re not at Mount Moon are you? Oh I hope not I heard those terrible Team Rocket people are there and…”
“Mum,” Josie blushed. “Please calm down. I’m ok, I’m at Mount Moon yes, but I have my Pokemon with me, if Team Rocket show up I’ll be ok.”
“Oh of course, Charmander will protect my little girl, won’t you?”
Charmander nodded as Josie continued to blush.
“So if you’re at Mount Moon then you’ve got a badge?”
“Yep, won from the Pewter City gym leader,” Josie said proudly, soon regretting it though.
“Oh my God, you’re doing so well Josie, you’ll be in the league before you know it. Imagine, my little girl competing in the Indigo stadium…” she seemed to go into a dream like state at the thought of that. Charmander could barely contain himself and Josie just looked stunned at the expression on her mother’s face…how embarrassing.
“So is dad there?” Josie asked in an attempt to bring her mother back into the real world.
“Oh sorry dear, your father is out delivering goods at the moment though, if you call back later he should be home.”
“Sure thing, doesn’t look like we’re going anywhere soon.”
“I know its all just so terrible…” her mother was going to start again she could see it.
“Well I’ll call back later then,” Josie smiled. “Later mum.”
“Ok I should probably get back to the storefront anyway,” her mother realised. “See you later dear, take care Charmander!”
They both waved till the screen went blank and Charmander burst out laughing while Josie just sighed with relief. “Ha, ha Charmander,” Josie smirked.
“Char!” Yeah he thought so too.
“Guess its back to just waiting then…” Josie sighed walking back to the centre of the lobby and flopping onto a couch. “I just hope the police catch them quick…”
“Charmander,” her Pokemon nodded in agreement and understanding, again curling up at her feet.
She had to wonder how long it had been. Probably not long, hours hardly flew by when you were bored out of your skull. Nurse Joy still wasn’t around and Todd had come to try and convince her to come watch, but there was no way she was gonna chance getting caught on camera, imagine the big deal her mother would make of that. No, she’d rather not…she sighed, so much for going through Mount Moon today.
“Will you be quiet!” she heard a female voice whisper sharply as she heard a clatter in the back.
“Everyone’s watching the commotion outside, what’s the problem, no one will be here.” A male voice replied.
“Let’s just hope there’s some juicy Pokemon for us to steal,” the female one said.
Steal? Hey wait! “Who’s there!?” Josie shouted in the most confident voice she could muster, as she and her Charmander headed towards the direction of the voices.
“Damn!” she heard the female voice say. The next thing Josie knew as she rounded the corner of the main counter she was confronted by two people in black uniforms, a big red R emblazoned on their front.
“Oh…” Josie murmured.
“Ahh its just a brat Claudia, nothing to worry about,” the man said.
“A brat who can identify us Avery,” the woman reminded him. “So lets get rid of her!”
“Yeah brat you’ll regret coming across the world famous Team Rocket!”
As both Avery and Claudia brought a poke ball into their hands, Josie stepped back a few steps. Awww man she didn’t want this but…
“Zubat come on out and deal with this pest!” Avery commanded as the large fanged bat Pokemon emerged from the ball on command.
“You too Oddish!” Claudia commanded releasing her bulb like grass Pokemon.
Josie closed her eyes and breathed deep, she’d need two Pokemon for this. “You want to steal other peoples Pokemon then you’ll have to get through me!” she said confidently, motioning to her Charmander. “Go Charmander and…” she reached to her ball belt, grasping a ball and throwing it. “I choose you, Pikachu!”
Now it was on.