Disclaimer: I don’t own Pokemon, or any related anime characters. I only own the character of Josie Sheridan and other assorted rivals I make up for her to battle. Except the ones I rob from the game…like I dunno bug catchers >.>.
A/N I’m going to use the idea from the show that resting a Pokemon in its ball for a while will restore its HP, too many trips to the Pokemon centre otherwise, surely there’s only so much Nurse Joy conversation guys can take XD.
Josie had, last time, been disappointed at the lack of Pokemon on the way to the Indigo Plateau, seems they were wanting to make her journey to the Viridian Forest as difficult as possible though.
“Rattata, quick attack!” Josie ordered the rat-like Pokemon.
“Rat-a!” it practically roared, slamming into the unfortunate female Nidoran that had accosted them on the way back from the plateau.
The Nidoran got up slowly, this was a tough one, no denying that. Maybe she should have used Rattata and the others a bit more on the way here, she mused as she ordered Rattata to do one final tackle attack…Phew, the Nidoran went down to stay this time.
“That’s it Rattata, well done. Poke ball go!”
She threw the ball at the weakened Pokemon hitting it directly on one of its poisonous barbs. As the ball rolled around, Josie watched it intently, as did Rattata, who’d battled so hard for this, and Charmander, who had been watching from the sidelines. Whilst eager to be her Pokemon of choice, Charmander seemed content to be rested up for a while as well after the journey here and a battle with Squirtle. The ball pinged, confirming another capture and another addition to Josie’s team.
“Cool I’ve caught a Nidoran!” she laughed, running up to the ball and picking it up. “Great job Rattata.”
“Rattata!” he seemed to agree with that. She stroked it gently in reward, checking sly for signs of poison…there were none.
“Ok Rattata, you have a good rest now, return,” she held out Rattata’s poke ball and a red beam of light shot out, engulfing the Pokemon and returning it to the safe confines of the ball.
Ok, Josie thought silently, looking in her notebook, that’s five Pokemon, which means I can only catch and carry one more before they start going to Oaks. Well Viridian Forest is full of bug Pokemon so…as long as I keep Charmander, Pidgey and Spearow I should be ok in there…
“Char!” her faithful Pokemon caught her attention to look around, just in time, a poison sting attack was heading her way!
“Ah!” she practically freaked, jumping out the way in a nick of time, as the tiny barbs sailed past her face. That was close, she could feel the breeze they caused on her cheek! She turned to face her assailant…a male Nidoran. Why would a male Nidoran attack her like…oh! “Oh, did I just beat your mate? I’m sorry I…”
“Nido!” it nodded launching another poison sting, which Josie had to duck from, geez she was gonna have to fight him too, he was too angry to be reasoned with.
“If that’s the way you want it to be!” Josie said. “Spearow I chose you!”
She threw Spearow’s poke ball and he appeared in a flash of white light flying slightly in front of her.
“Be careful Spearow,” Josie commented, catching his ball and preparing another one. “Watch out for those poison stings.”
“Spear!” he acknowledged, turning to face his opponent.
“Ok, stay high Spearow and go at it with your Peck attack!” Josie ordered.
Spearow flew up and dive-bombed the male Nidoran, but it stood it’s ground well against the pecking of the flying type.
“It’s not working Spearow, fly up quick before it try’s poison sting!”
Spearow flew away just in time as it did indeed try poison sting, so strong this time, the barbs stuck in a nearby tree!
“Wow!” Josie exclaimed. “Be real careful now Spearow, this is a strong one! Sand attack it, lets try and make it hard for it to see us!”
Spearow blew up a sandstorm with his wings no problem, and that did seem to disorientate it a bit.
“Now while its disorientated Spearow, fury attack, then follow up with pursuit!” Josie commanded the Pokemon who furiously pecked away at the disorientated Nidoran, before diving past it so fast its shadow couldn’t follow. Josie had to admit dark attacks were cool! But still the Nidoran was standing as evidenced by a loud shout of ‘Spear’ as a Nidoran attack seemed to connect with it. Nidoran had used double kick as Spearow flew past, clever thing… “Spearow, you ok?”
The Pokemon replied by flying up out of its dissipating sand attack with barely a scratch on it. “Ha, good on ya Spearow,” she checked the Nidoran, finally faltering! “Spearow, one more time, fury attack!”
This time the Nidoran had little energy for a defence as Spearow’s 3rd hit knocked it on it’s side.
“Poke ball go!” Josie shouted, throwing the ball at the Nidoran male, as the red light encompassed the Pokemon and drew it into the ball. She and her Pokemon waited patiently, but Josie knew she’d hear that ping.
“Cool, two Nidoran in one day,” she smiled picking up the ball. “Spearow, that was some good flying there.”
“Spear!” he nodded.
“Now Spearow, return for a well-deserved rest,” Spearow went obediently as the red light recalled the Pokemon to his ball. Josie slumped to her knees taking out the two Nidoran’s balls. That was six now, the next one would go directly to Professor Oak. “Phew,” she sighed as Charmander came over. “These two are some battlers eh Charmander.”
“Char!” he readily agreed.
“Still Spearow and Rattata both did great jobs and now we’ve got both types of Nidoran,” she smiled. “ I wonder though, do you think they were boyfriend and girlfriend, the males attack was kind of sudden huh?”
“Charmander,” he shrugged.
“Well let’s see shall we? Nidoran, both of you, come on out!”
She threw the balls and out popped both the male and female Nidoran in a bright flash of white. They both looked at her, then at each other, before smiling happily and rubbing cheeks, seemed she was right.
“Hey Nidoran,” she smiled. They both turned to look at her. “I’m sorry about that, honestly if I’d of known you two were…but you weren’t together so…” she rubbed the back of her head laughing a little. “Err Anyways, I’m Josie, and you two were great, I’d be honoured if both of you would join me and my Pokemon on my journey.”
The two looked at each other, then her. Before both walking up to her and nodding. “Nido-ran.”
“You will? Cool,” she smiled. “Glad to have the both of you on board. Just so I don’t confuse you…and myself, maybe you should have nicknames so we know which I’m calling out?”
They both seemed to agree to this. “Ok then how about…Derek for you?” she pointed at the male. “And Diane for you?” She pointed this time at the female.
They both looked at each other, then nodded.
“I’m so glad you like them,” she smiled. “Those are my parents names.”
The Nidoran looked slightly confused but then nodded, seeming to get it. “Nido!” They both said. Josie supposed that just meant they got the idea.
“Well then, Derek, Diane, return.”
The Nidoran happily returned to their poke balls. It was only then it hit her, man it was gonna be weird shouting out her parents names every time she wanted them to battle. Charmander obviously registered the shock that had suddenly appeared on her face.
“Char! Charmander!” he laughed.
“Aww its not funny Charmander,” Josie blushed. “We are so not telling my parents about this, ok?”
Charmander just kept on laughing as they re-entered the city, walking past the place where the old man had obviously gone home for the day and headed straight up North, towards Viridian forest.
It wasn’t long before they saw the imposing tree line of Viridian forest come into view. Having been sidetracked by visiting the stadium at the Indigo Plateau, that guy Kendo and catching her Nidoran, it seemed it was already getting dark. A short walk had ended up taking most of the day! This realisation also seemed to make Josie’s stomach rumble. Man she hadn’t eaten either. Still she had those fresh sandwiches and popcorn balls Joy had given her to look forward too.
“Reckon we should camp for the night Charmander?” she asked her companion. “I think it’d be best if we tackled the forest in daylight hours and…well I’m hungry.”
The Charmander sweat dropped a little at the hungry comment but did agree with her. “Char!”
“Cool!” she said, setting down her pack and taking off her sleeping bag ready. Before diving into the bag for her food, and her Pokemon’s. She already knew which one’s Charmander did and didn’t like and had labelled the tins with colours, with the help and advice of Joy to help herself remember. The first one she had, no labelled blue was Rattata’s favourite, so she set out a serving for him. The second, now orange, was Charmander’s favourite, and she set out a serving for him, the third was no ones favourite yet, but had a green label, Derek or Diane might like it though. The fourth, red, was both Pidgey and Spearow’s favourite, so two servings of that were set out, she had to admit she was glad that you could fill up at every Pokemon centre if it was going to be like this! The final one, yellow, was also no one’s favourite, but there was Derek and Diane to consider she reminded herself. She set all five tins out for them to inspect before grabbing her poke balls.
“Alright everyone,” she called. “Dinner time come on out!”
The whole group came out, dazing her with the brightness of the light. Maybe she should call them out one at a time in future.
“Charmander, Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, your foods out so chow down.” Those Pokemon duly went to their food and began eating happily. “Derek Diane, I don’t know about you two so come and have a look and tell me what you like.”
Josie had put each tin in order; blue, orange, green, red and yellow. Both the Nidoran took their time sniffing them before both deciding on the yellow one. “Nidoran!” they both said.
“You like the same food, that’s so sweet,” Josie mused almost dreamily, before shaking it off blushing and pouring their servings and setting then down with the rest of her team. “Enjoy everyone.”
As she sat down, getting out her own sandwiches and popcorn balls, she assured herself that all the random calls meant ‘thanks’ or something to that effect anyway.
After their meal, the Pokemon seemed content to lay around a little, to help their food go down. Josie had finished before them, it amazed her she could eat faster than her Pokemon, maybe she was a pig, like her mum had always said. She had gathered some wood for a fire, and Charmander, before resting had graciously lit it. It was around that fire they all lay now. Josie in her sleeping bag, watching her Pokemon, and, periodically, the dancing of the flames. Spearow, had roosted low in the branches of a nearby tree with Pidgey, they seemed to be asleep already, Derek and Diane were snuggled together the other side of the fire, also seemingly asleep. Charmander was to the side of Josie, curled up watching his creation dance about in the night and Rattata had curled up at Josie’s feet, she admitted to herself that that made her feel warm. Every night should be like this she mused, the whole team, sleeping outside together, like a ritual thing, a team builder. Charmander looked at her as though it was reading her mind, smiling. Yeah, she thought as she drifted slowly off to sleep, that was what she was going to do in future. Build the perfect team, through love and friendship…a girl could dare to dream.
God she was stiff she thought as she finally entered Viridian forest the next morning. Sleeping on the ground was going to take a lot of getting used to. She was lucky though, she’d had a wash in a fresh water stream that Spearow had flown off and found for her so it wasn’t all bad. She stretched, yawning as she looked down at her Charmander, who was as happy as Larry in comparison. Pokemon were used to the great outdoors and she’d made sure all her Pokemon were well fed like herself before setting off today. All of them were in their poke balls now, well bar Charmander who still seemed quite content to walk beside her. She smiled, he was sweet like that. She herself had prepared for this trip, rearranging the potions in her bag so the antidotes her father had given her were to hand in case they were needed. She’d need to stop off at the next city’s Pokemart too, she only had four poke balls left. Come to think of it, she still only had $3000, that Kendo guy hadn’t given over money for her winning, wow she so totally forgot! Still, she didn’t lose money, and that was the best thing she supposed. Anyways Viridian Forest was full of bug Pokemon, a few flying types and, if the stories were true, the odd Pikachu or two. She’d heard specialist bug trainers hung around here a lot too. Maybe her luck would be in here.
Her luck most definitely was in, in searching around one of the first grass patches she came across low and behold a Caterpie was skulking around.
“Alright!” she said loudly. “My first bug Pokemon!” She brought out a Poke ball. “Pidgey I choose you, tackle that Caterpie!”
In the usual flourish of white light, her Pidgey flew from its ball, flying straight into a tackle on the Caterpie as ordered.
“Great shot Pidgey,” Josie yelled in encouragement, catching the ball he was just released from. “Tackle it again!”
As Pidgey swooped down for another tackle attack, the Caterpie seemed to be preparing something. Josie’s eyes widened…string shot! “Quick Pidgey change to a gust attack!”
The Pidgey stopped and started to flap its wings just as the string began to come from the Caterpie’s mouth. The gust, blew away most of it, but some still stuck to Pidgey.
“Pidgey,” Josie shouted, concerned. “You ok?”
The Pidgey flapped its wings, getting some more of the string off. “Pidgey!” it nodded in reply.
“We’d better stay high, so we don’t get caught like that again,” Josie said. “So use gust to show that Caterpie what you can do!”
The Pidgey flapped its wings furiously knocking the much smaller Caterpie completely flying…straight into a tree. Even Josie and Charmander winced at that.
Josie got out a poke ball. “Poke ball go!”
The ball flew striking the Caterpie dead on, the usual red light sucking the Pokemon into the ball. The ball held steady, despite a little shaking, pinging to confirm the capture.
“Alright we got a…” the ball teleported away. “Oh yeah, that was my seventh Pokemon,” Josie scratched her head embarrassed. “Oh well, at least I know Caterpie will be safe with Professor Oak right guys?”
Pidgey and Charmander sounded in the affirmative, before Josie recalled her Pidgey congratulating it on a job well done. Only 3 balls left now… and the whole of Viridian Forest to explore.
“We’re doing great, aren’t we Charmander?” Josie smiled at her partner.
“Char!” he agreed readily.
“Lets go see who else we can catch for our team shall we then,” she smiled walking on, as her Charmander, smiling in agreement, readily followed.
Wow this forest was like the city named after it, a maze! Josie wiped her brow with her hand, although the sun was barely penetrating the canopy of the trees, she still felt warm. She reached into her bag and pulled out a water bottle, taking a sip before offering some to Charmander, who politely declined from a top her pack. Charmander had been sat up there a while, Josie allowed him so long as he held his tail so nothing caught fire…like her hair for instance! The thought of losing her hair to a stray tail flame, whilst amusing to some, would be the end of the world to her, she liked her hair, all brown, wavy, and, importantly long, she’d just washed it in that stream this morning! The day had been uneventful apart from the capture of the Caterpie after that it was all they came across! All of her team had dispatched at least one; maybe it should just be called Caterpie forest and be done with it. Still just as good fortune had changed to bad, it could change to good again.
“Char!” Charmander suddenly said, jumping off her pack and looking around.
“What’s up Charmander? Charmander!” she had to start running as the Pokemon ran off slightly to the right. What was he doing, following something? She soon saw what it was! Charmander had stopped in a clearing and there, near the far perimeter of it was a Pikachu.
“Wow!” Josie whispered quietly. “Great work Charmander, did you hear it?”
“Char,” he nodded quietly.
“Well you found it, you ready to battle it?” Josie asked.
The Charmander smirked, nodding.
“Well let’s go then, tackle it against that tree over there,” she pointed. “If we can stun it first there’ll be less chance of it getting away.”
He nodded, and then off he charged, straight into the clearing, straight at the Pikachu. The plan worked, the Pikachu was both surprised, and stunned. A great start.
“Ok Charmander, now ember and follow up with scratch.” Josie ordered, having run into the clearing after her partner.
Charmander’s ember hit right on the money; undoubtedly hurting the Pikachu, but it surprised Charmander and Josie by evading the scratch attack.
“Uh-oh,” Josie said. “Watch out Charmander, this Pikachu knows agility, be on guard.”
“Pikachu!” the Pokemon roared, catching Charmander in its side with a quick attack. Charmander slid back a good few feet but used its claws to remain on foot.
“Good recovery Charmander,” she shouted. “Now dodge before it tries a thunder shock!”
The Pikachu did indeed try a thunder shock, and it missed thanks to a fore warning. The Pikachu set up for another quick attack, Josie knew once it was on course it wouldn’t change direction…well hopefully anyway.
“Charmander,” she ordered as it began running at him. “Stand your ground and use metal claw!”
Pikachu obviously hadn’t expected Charmander to stand his ground and took the full brunt of metal claw.
“Quickly, ember before it recovers again!” Josie said. Despite Charmander’s best efforts though the Pikachu moved quickly again, and tackled him from behind. Charmander recovered again using its claws for balance.
“You keep moving too Charmander,” she ordered. “It’ll thunder shock you if you stay still.”
Charmander and the Pikachu danced around, Pikachu dodging ember, Charmander, dodging thunder shock. The Pikachu though, had less experience than Charmander and was wearing down slowly.
“Almost there Charmander,” she shouted. “It’s tired so get up close and personal, tackle then metal claw!”
This time, the Pikachu was too slow for the more experienced Charmander, the combination worked, and the Pikachu was stunned enough for Josie to at least try it.
“Alright Charmander, now poke ball go!” She threw the ball with more force than usual, hoping it may help in some small way. It seemed to, as Charmander watched the ball intently, just in case, as it shook. Josie was nervous; it’d never taken this long before. The ping finally came however and her Charmander was extremely happy with the result as the ball teleported away.
“Great work Charmander”, she ran up to the fire lizard hugging it. “You did an excellent job there!”
“Char,” it sighed tiredly. An exhausting battle, but then he’d already fought a few Caterpie before this.
“Come on,” she said happily, placing him back atop her pack. “We’ve gotta be nearly outta here by now.”
“You are indeed,” a voice said from behind her. “A brilliant battle by the way, well done on catching a Pikachu.”
She winced, why did everyone sneak up behind her? God she hoped it wasn’t Kendo. She turned around though to be faced with a young boy in a straw hat, plain shirt and black shorts, a net strapped to his back. “I’m Josie of Pallet Town. Who are you?” she asked looking him over.
“Oh excuse me, I’m Lenny, people call me the bug catcher though. I’m from Pewter City which is just up ahead. I’ve come for some bug catching, but a battle with you should warm me up a little for it. Up for one?”
“Always,” Josie said. “I accept you challenge, terms?”
“I’m afraid it’ll have to be one-on-one I need some Pokemon left for my bug catching, lets say $100 to the winner.”
“Fine by me,” she agreed. Taking a poke ball out. She didn’t want to chance him having a Weedle so a poison type on her part would be good. “I chose, Derek”
Derek appeared in a flash of white light, the bug catcher seemed surprised with her choice. “With me being a bug catcher I’d of thought you’d use your Charmander.”
“Charmander’s just had a battle, that wouldn’t be fair.” Josie said. “Besides, Derek’ll do it for me, won’t ya Derek?”
“Nido,” it growled, getting into a ready position.
“Ok then, Kakuna I choose you,” Lenny shouted the cocoon Pokemon appearing also.
It was as she thought, a poisonous type, that couldn’t affect Derek. “Derek, start things off with double kick.”
Derek duly obeyed launching its hind legs at the Kakuna.
“Kakuna, harden! Then poison sting…” Lenny ordered.
Derek bounced off the harden Kakuna barely hurting it, but then it wasn’t like Kakuna’s poison sting did anything to him.
“Huh?” Lenny questioned. “Why didn’t poison sting do anything?”
“You know a whole lot about bugs, but not much about other Pokemon?” Josie nearly laughed at the kid, but held it back, Kakuna could still surprise her yet, after all it’d retained poison sting, not a lot of Kakuna’s did that. “Nidoran are poison pin Pokemon, poison does nothing to them.”
The look of shock in Lenny’s eyes confirmed Josie’s suspicions, he hadn’t known, still best be careful. “Let’s continue shall we, Derek, horn attack”
Derek charged horn first straight into the Kakuna, sending it back a little. “Keep at it Derek, that’s the ticket!”
Lenny couldn’t believe it, he’d expected her to launch at him with a flying type or her Charmander so he could poison them for an easy victory, but Nidoran, he’d forgot their immunity! All he could do was hope Kakuna could wear it down. “Kakuna harden, full power.”
It was already to late though, horn attack was powerful and he’d left it too late to give the order, his Kakuna was done for, lying on its side.
“Stop, you win,” Lenny conceded. “Kakuna return,” his Pokemon returned to its ball, he looked at it. “We tried Kakuna, never mind good work.” He turned to Josie. “I figured you for a fool who’d try to play type advantage over my bugs…well you kind of did, but it was a wise choice.” He handed over $100. “You and your Nidoran deserve this…” He turned. “Pewter City is about a half hours walk that way. I wish you well on your journey, Josie, Charmander, Derek.” He tipped his hat to them.
“Thanks a lot,” she smiled, turning to Derek. “Good work Derek, return.” She put Derek’s poke ball back into place and turned back to Lenny. “Well good luck to you and your bug catching too Lenny, I’d better go prepare for my gym battle at Pewter, see ya!”
He waved as Josie ran off. He mused to himself a little. So long as her Nidoran could hold up, she could already have the boulder badge in the bag.