Disclaimer: I don’t own Pokemon, or any related anime characters. I only own the character of Josie Sheridan and other assorted rivals I make up for her to battle.
Josie strode into the Pokemon centre just as the ever-present Nurse Joy was handing a Growlithe back to Viridian’s resident Officer Jenny.
“Here you go Officer,” Joy said, smiling as ever as she handed the Pokemon over. “Fit and ready for duty.”
“Well that’s good,” Jenny replied, patting the happy Growlithe. “I hear Team Rocket may be planning something up on Mount Moon past Pewter City. The force up there wants ever available Growlithe for duty up there.”
“Oh I do hope those horrible two that were here a couple of years ago aren’t behind that. Those two, honestly, my poor centre…” It was then that she noticed Josie. “Oh hello dear, is there anything I can do for you?”
Josie, who had been homing in on their conversation, brought herself back to the real world. “Oh yeah, sorry Nurse Joy, I kind of zoned out there for a second. Urm, could I get my Pokemon checked out and a bed for the night?”
“Of course dear,” she smiled, accepting the young trainer’s poke balls and Charmander. “No problem.”
“Are you a new trainer?” Officer Jenny asked as Nurse Joy put her Pokemon away to be checked.
“Sure am Officer,” she smiled. “Josie Sheridan, fresh from Pallet Town ma’am.”
“Well be warned, Team Rocket, a group who steal Pokemon and use them for nefarious purposes are around again, they’ve been quiet here in Kanto for a while but seems as they’re back it’s only fair to warn you.”
“Thank you officer, I’ll be careful.”
“I’m sure you will,” Jenny smiled turning to Nurse Joy. “I’d better get going, see you soon Joy.”
“Yes,” Nurse Joy nodded. “See you soon.”
As the officer left, Joy turned to the young trainer. “Josie was it? From Pallet Town? Sorry I overheard you say so.”
“That’s right Nurse Joy,” she said. “Hoping to do as well as some of my fellow Pallet Towner’s too.”
“Oh you mean like Ash Ketchum?” she asked. “He has such great empathy with his Pokemon, I hear he’s done very well for himself. Know him?”
“No, not really,” Josie sighed. “I tried to meet him every time he was home, but I always just missed him…I hear a lot about him though, his mother frequents my parents general store back home.”
“Oh well, maybe you’ll meet some day on your journey,” she smiled. “Are you planning to go to the Viridian gym?”
“Viridian gym?” Josie questioned. “I heard it was closed.”
“That’s why I asked. It always is this time of year, I don’t know the leader, and they're very mysterious. I don’t know where he…or she goes actually.”
“Oh well, it’ll be open by the time I get back from the rest of my journey, just in time to get the badge and go to the league.”
“Confident aren’t you?” Joy mused, giggling a little.
“Yeah, Charmander and all my other Pokemon are going to be great, you just wait and see Nurse Joy.”
She smiled. “Anyway, I’m sure you’re tired after travelling here, the rooms are over that way,” she pointed to a set of doors. “You should have a bath and get ready, supper is in an hour.”
“Thanks a lot,” she smiled, heading that way. “See you later Nurse Joy.”
The nurse smiled as the trainer went on her way to the dormitory, and then went on about her ministrations; there were Pokemon to take care of after all.
The next morning after a refreshing hot meal and good night’s sleep, as well as a reuniting with her growing team at breakfast, Josie thought it was about time she called home.
The vid-phone blinked into life extremely quick once she’d dialled the home number, too quick if you asked her.
“Hey mum,” Josie smiled, as the visage of her mother appeared on the screen. “How’s it going?”
“Josie,” her mother almost screamed down the phone. “How are you? What Pokemon have you caught? Are you eating right? Are you taking care of yourself? Are you in Viridian City? Hey Derek, Josie’s calling.”
That last one was obviously to get the attention of her father to come to the phone, but Geez how’d she get all that out in one breath. “Heh, slow down mum, one thing at a time please,” she blushed.
“Hello Josie,” her father came to the phone. “At Viridian I see.”
She smiled; her father had been a trainer in his younger years but had settled down when he met her mother. He must’ve recognised the Pokemon centre, it was rebuilt to the exact same specifications as the one that’d been destroyed so nothing had changed in effect. “Yeah dad, I got here last night, got to meet Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny.”
“Yeah, get used to that,” he laughed. “I swear there’s at least one of each in every town. How are your Pokemon? Which one did you chose?”
“Oh yeah, I chose Charmander,” she said. “And I caught a Pidgey, Spearow and a Rattata on the way here.”
“Oh well done honey,” her mother said excitedly. “You’re doing great!”
“Mum, settle down, I’ve only just started.” Josie said, blushing furiously. Honestly her mother had more confidence in her than she did!
“Josie’s right, Diane,” he father said. “Still a Spearow on the way to Viridian City is a rare catch, I’ll give you that one Josie.”
“Yeah but I would’ve caught one sooner or later dad,” Josie reminded him. “They are pretty common after Viridian City.”
“True enough…anyways a Charmander? I always figured you would, a fiery girl like you deserves a partner to suit.”
“Char,” her Charmander spoke from her feet, where he’d been standing all this time, still not staying in his poke ball.
“Oh,” Josie smiled, picking him up. “Charmander, meet my parents.”
“Char!” the Pokemon smiled.
“Aww what a cutie,” her mother intoned as Josie and Charmander sweat dropped.
“Looks like you’re taking good care of him,” her father said. “You take good care of her too Charmander, ok?”
“Char-man-der!” the Pokemon replied.
“Good,” her father smiled. “Anyways, we’d better go open up the store, have a great journey you two and call us when you get to Pewter. Oh and I’m transporting a few antidotes and Paralyse heals, you’ll need these in the Viridian Forest.”
“Ok dad,” Josie smiled. “See you soon.”
“Bye dear,” her mother squealed again, just before the screen went blank.
“Phew,” Josie said, hanging up the phone. “My mum’s very enthusiastic isn’t she Charmander?”
“Char char,” the Pokemon kind of laughed.
“Hey it’s so not funny,” she said, almost sensing what he was doing, but still smiling. “Its embarrassing!”
The Pokemon continued to what can only be described as laughing as Josie again picked up the phone. “Aw come on Charmander, we’ve got to call Professor Oak yet.”
He eventually calmed himself down as she dialled Professor Oak’s number. The vid-phone again kicked into life, after a few rings at least, to show the visage of Tracey.
“Heya Tracey,” Josie smiled. “Is Professor Oak around?”
“He sure is Josie,” Tracey smiled. A noise and intonations of ‘Muk’ could be heard in the background. “Err just give him a minute,” Tracey sweat dropped. “You at Viridian?”
“We sure are,” both her and her Charmander smiled. “Caught a Rattata, Pidgey and Spearow too.”
“That’s a great start Josie,” Tracey said. “Looks like you’re taking good care of Charmander too.”
“We’re taking care of each other, aren’t we Charmander?”
“Char!” the Pokemon replied, nodding.
“That’s the way it should be,” Professor Oak said, appearing on the screen, still struggling with Ash’s Muk. “Pokemon and people, working together. I hear you’ve caught three already.”
“Yes Professor,” she smiled.
“Well remember you can only carry six at any one time, any caught after that will automatically transport to me.”
“I’ll remember that Professor,” she said, mentally reminding herself to put that in her notebook. “So if I want to change Pokemon at any time I just call you to exchange them right.”
“That’s correct,” he said, finally pushing the Muk off. "You can do this at any Pokemon centre. Actually you may want to go visit the program’s creator Bill once you reach Cerulean City, he lives on the cape just North of there.”
“I think I will,” Josie said…another thing for ‘The Book’. “Thanks for the advice Professor, I’ll call in again soon ok?”
“That’d be great,” Oak smiled. “Have fun.”
“Bye,” Tracey waved.
Just before the screen went blank, a wave of purple engulfed the Professor again…Heh, that Muk really must love him!
“Thanks for everything Nurse Joy,” Josie waved as she was about to leave the centre. Nurse Joy had given her some sandwiches, popcorn balls and more Pokemon food as well as a few potions. “Especially the food and potions.”
“That’s what we’re here for,” she smiled. “You and Charmander be safe now.”
“We will,” Josie reassured.
“Char,” her Pokemon agreed.
Nurse Joy watched them go, she wished them good times silently, before going back to work. Something told her other Pallet Town trainers would be arriving soon.
Wow they were lost. She hadn’t realised Viridian City was such a big place. She looked at her map with Charmander.
“Err, I’m no good with maps,” Josie smiled, embarrassed. Charmander almost fell over with shock. “Don’t sweat it Charmander, we’ll just ask someone.” He seemed better at that idea.
Josie looked around, before spotting an old man just ahead of her; perhaps he would help her. She ran up to him.
“Excuse me sir,” she asked in a polite a tone as she could muster in her out of breath state. “Could you tell me the way to Viridian Forest from here?”
The old man turned to face her. “Why certainly young lady,” he smiled, pointing directly ahead. "Viridian Forest is straight ahead.”
“Straight ahead of me the whole time,” she sweat dropped. “Guess I really need to lean to read maps better.”
“Char,” her Pokemon laughed.
“Hmm, new to this I see,” the old man said. He pointed to his right. “If you want to go take a look at what you’re aiming for to inspire you, I suggest you go take a look at the Indigo plateau, it’s just a short walk down there. Watch out for Nidoran’s and Mankey’s though.”
“Inspiration huh?” Josie thought out loud. “What do you think Charmander?”
“Char,” he nodded.
“Well, seems as it’s only a short walk, why not?” Josie smiled. “Plus we might catch us some Nidoran and Mankey. Thank you sir, “ she shouted running off in the direction he had just pointed in.
“Not a problem young one,” the old man shouted at her. Little did she know, he had just sent his young Grandson that way, he was a new trainer too. They can battle each other for experience, he thought as he went about his daily routine. “Extra, extra, read all about it.” How the kid hadn’t taken the time to take a paper he’d never know, kids these days.
Wow, Josie thought as she saw the stadium complex she could be fighting in in a year’s time. Definitely inspiring, even her Charmander looked in awe at it. They hadn’t seen any Pokemon but oh well.
“Cool,” she said. “I’m pumped, what about you Charmander?”
“Charmander!” he exclaimed loudly.
“Well, a Charmander eh?” a voice from behind caused them both to turn. A boy no older than her with perfectly groomed hair, and dressed all in demin stood before them. “I’ll take it you’re a trainer then?”
“Yep,” Josie smiled. “Josie Sheridan of Pallet Town."
“Well I’m Kendo Travis of Viridian city,” he said, certainly not smiling though. “Don’t see why you’re here, unless you’re here to look at what you’ll never reach!” He laughed to himself.
Charmander’s flame on his tail grew slightly as a scowl crossed his face. “Hey,” Josie said. “We have as much a chance as anyone else.”
“Not while I’m around,” he laughed. “How about it, one on one?”
Josie didn’t hesitate; he’d made her angry now. “You’re on, ready Charmander?”
“Char,” he growled, stepping up.
“Wrong choice,” Kendo said confident. “I chose you,” he said, producing a poke ball. “Squirtle!”
The Squirtle was released in a brilliant white light. “Squirtle, squirt!”
Aww man, Josie thought, a water type, she shook it off though. A Pikachu can beat rock types then a Charmander can beat a water type.
“Squirtle, end this quickly with bubble,” Kendo ordered.
The Squirtle obeyed a spray of bubbles protruding from it’s mouth.
“Charmander, dodge it and use leer,” Josie ordered.
“Char!” it shouted running quickly to its right and using leer, which caused the Squirtle to pause a second.
“Now full speed tackle attack!”
The Charmander slammed straight into Squirtle’s front throwing it back onto its back. Squirtle panicked it tried to roll over to get up.
“Quickly Charmander, scratch it then use ember,” Josie said.
Just before Charmander’s combination could have caused maximum damage however…
“Withdraw Squirtle,” Kendo ordered. The Squirtle immediately withdrew into its shell, making Charmander’s attacks only half as effective. “Just give up now,” Kendo said, flicking his hair a little. “I have the type advantage.”
“Type isn’t everything!” Josie said and as long as your Squirtle’s in that shell, it isn’t gonna bubble us, Charmander keep scratching that Squirtle!”
"Huh?” Kendo said, as he watched the Charmander chip away slowly at his Squirtle. “Squirtle come on out and use bubble!”
“Charmander, jump back quick.”
Charmander jumped back a bit waiting for the Squirtle to pop out and attack. It didn’t.
“Squirtle!” Kendo ran up to it. “Are you ok?”
“Squir…tle,” the Pokemon withdrew from the shell but was obviously too weak to continue battling.
“Ahh Squirtle,” Kendo said hugging it. “I should never have sent you out to battle a trainer on your first time, I’m sorry.”
“You mean, this is like your first battle ever, you haven’t even fought wild Pokemon?”
“What’s it to you, you won, happy?” Kendo shouted.
“Not really now…sure winning a battle is great but…your Squirtle put up a great defence for a first battle against a Charmander with experience,” she tried to reassure him.
“I’ll beat you next time,” he said, calling Squirtle back to its ball. “I’ll catch some strong Pokemon and beat you down!” He left with that.
Josie and Charmander watched him go. “Guess you can’t be friends with everyone.”
“Charmander,” the Pokemon agreed.