P is for Pokémon
By: Wartortle & Buizel
Everybody seems to have a disclaimer here; I should put one too: I do not own Pokémon. Also, I did not create the original version of R is for Respect. So, yah (pronounced "yaw").
BTW (By the way) this is a song that goes to the tune of R is for Respect which is to the tune of You're a Grand Old Flag.
P is for Paras and Parasect.
O is for Octillery.
K is for Kecleon and Kangaskhan.
E is for Eggecutor. Then comes
M That's for Mankey, Mantyke, Mantine.
O again is for Omanyte. That leaves
N to end with Noctowl. These are some of the
The song R is for Respect is as follows:
R is for Respect and Responsibility.
E is for Effort and Enthusiasm.
S is for Show you care how others feel.
P is your Part of this school. Then comes
E once more for you're Eager to know that you know Courtesy comes first. That's
C, and we end with a
T for Thoughtfulness and
OK, review if you can, but I doubt you can think of one; I usually cannot think of reviews for poems (or songs).
Au revoir, mes amis!