"Order in the court. Order in the court." The judge began. "A quick recess and we'll be back for the verdict." Outside the courtroom, Mary and Ash were talking. "I can't belive it! How can someone swear on the bible to tell the truth and lie?" Mary gasped. "Well, Misty pulled it off easily, but I would never ever in my right mind ask her out on a date." Ash said angrily. "I know what she said I said , it's wack." Mary replied. "I really think she needs to see a therapist(shrink). I know I would never ask her out, never!" Ash replied. "ASH! WE KNOW YOU DIDN'T ASK HER OUT OKAY NOW CHILL!" Mary said annoyed.
***Back in the courtroom***
""Will the defendant please rise?" The judge said. Misty stood up. "We have reached a verdict. Misty has been found...guilty of attempted murder." The head juror said. The look on Mmisty's face was so,so,so unexplainable. It was mixed with shock,guilt,and crazyness. "NOOOO! OKAY. I DID IT! AND I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!" Misty screamed. Just then, guards put handcuffs on her and drug her out of the courtroom, never to be seen again by Ash or Mary.
To be continued...