Love Is No Longer Enough
"I'm so glad you decided to come along with us," ranted Harper as they all sat at a table. Misty sat next to Ash as he sat beside Brock. May and Masato sat between Harper and Adamos as Adamos had preferred.
"I'm glad I came too... So ... before we order why don't you tell me about your Pokemon."
"Damos, that's a little rude, don't you think? How about we first start off talking about ourselves before we move on talking about our Pokemon, okay?"
"Oh, all right, if that's what you want," sighed Adamos softly.
"Then lets start with you, Damos, tell us about yourself. We already know you love Pokemon, obviously. But is there anything else you do?" She leaned her head towards him with a smug look upon her face which caused Ash, Misty, and Brock to exchange suspicious looks to each other at the way she was behaving.
"I like science, I like science a lot, in fact my apartment is my own personal lab where I've been recently working on an experiment involving Pokemon."
"Really! What kind of Pokemon?" Asked Misty hopeing he'd say water types.
"Any kind."
"What kind of experiment is it?" Asked May.
"Well, it's uh..." Started Adamos, he looked over at Harper and took a small nervous gulp and continued in saying, "based around a theory that certain chemicals and elements can create the power to transfer different Pokemon powers with each other. For example a water Pokemon using a fire attack."
"Wow, cool. Is Dad helping you out in this project? Is that why he's been so distant lately?"
"Partly, I guess."
"How did you come up with this idea? How are you going to make it work?" Asked Masato.
"Well, a Pokemon's power are all element bond, I mean fire, water, plants, wind attacks from bird Pokemon, are all earth bond which are special kinds of elements."
"But what about Pyschic Pokemon? Their power's aren't elements," said Misty thinking about her Psyduck.
"But with the right chemicals, it could still have the ablity to separate it's powers."
"I don't know, this sounds kind of dangerous. Are you sure you know what you're doing? If you're transferring Pokemon's powers, that means your taking away what's part of them, what makes them strong and what they were born with. Won't that weaken them if something goes wrong?" Suggested Ash. Adamos rolled his eyes, spitefully.
"You sound just like Professor Oak," complained Adamos.
"Oh, he visited you, how's he doing? What did he have to say about all this?" Asked Harper.
"He agreed that it was dangerous and a high risk and he talked your father out of doing it."
"So why are you still doing it?" Asked Brock curiously.
"Because it's still worth a try," retorted Adamos bitterly, quieting Brock. Adamos then shot up from his seat and rushed to the front of the restaurant, Harper got up and followed after him as Ash and co. stayed in their seats, dumbfounded at what had just happened.
"Damos, wait," called Harper catching up to him and reaching for his hand. Adamos reached the front door and stopped, leaning against the glass of the door as Harper walked over and leaned against it also, facing him.
"Why are you so sensitive about these things? It was just a question," reminded Harper.
"I believe that's none of your concern."
"No, I believe it is. Adamos, if you want to keep doing this project, that's okay. I think they're just trying to warn you that if you do decide to test this on Pokemon and something goes wrong... There's a good chance you could get put in jail, for so long you may get to see another Pokemon again." Adamos just let out a frustrated sigh not knowing what else to say.
As Harper leaned against the door she gave a gentle smile as she moved closer to him. Adamos stared back awkwardly as Harper kept smiling and reached up and touched the rim of his glasses.
"You know, I bet you'd look much cuter if you didn't wear those glasses all the time, fixed up your hair a little so it wouldn't look like you went to the same hair stylist as Albert Einstein and maybe wore some other clothes besides a T-shirt, slacks and a lab coat. Ever thought about jeans or something?"
"Uh... N-no," stammered Adamos shyly staring back at her awestruck.
"You should. It'd be nice to see things added to your list of favorites besides loving Science and Pokemon, ya know?" All Adamos could do was nod his answer, completely losing all his words. Harper's hands fell to his shoulders.
"Don't worry I'm not gonna bite you or anything, so relax... It's not like I'm a Growlithe."
"Uh, r-right," nodded Adamos. Harper gave him a bright smile then reached lower down and took his hand, leading him back to their table.
* * *
"This information is all so... Informative," stated David studying Adamos's papers in his hand in amazement, "wow, he was really serious about this, wasn't he." David picked up his back pack and placed all Adamos's supplies inside of it and zipped it up, turning off all the lights of the lab as he made his way to the door, he took a deep sigh and left, planning to check things out at Adamos's house not knowing he wouldn't be the only one there.
* * *
At Adamos's house they all entered gawking at the whole room, Adamos was the last to enter right after Harper, he closed the door and locked it.
"Wow, when he said his apartment was like a personal lab, he wasn't joking," commented May still staring with the rest. Masato wandered off to the very back where there was a room there all to itself and the only one that seemed hidden. Masato reached up to touch the door knob.
"Hmm, what's this...?"
"Uh, no." Adamos pushed through Harper and the rest of them as he walked over to Masato and took his hand away from the knob. "Don't go in there... It's nothing good." Masato nodded curiously not completely believing him. Adamos led them to the living room where Ash, Misty and Brock sat on his couch, May and Masato sat in some near by seats and Harper continued standing, leaning against the couch and watching Adamos who also stood with her.
"Well, since we already ate at the restaurant, why don't you all tell me about yourselves, I already talked about me so why don't you guys talk about you," suggested Adamos.
"Well, I'm May and I'm from-" Before May could continue Adamos interrupted in a nervous laugh.
"I'm sorry, No, I mean why don't we just skip the people introductions and just move on to the Pokemon," persisted Adamos excitedly. Ash, Misty and Brock stared suspiciously at him but still they went on talking about the different Pokemon they had and how they caught them, they also talked of their favorite Pokemon and favorite kind of Pokemon and which ones they hope to catch someday.
When they were finally through in talking about their Pokemon Adamos suggested they let out all their Pokemon so he can see. Misty was the first to narrow her eyes at him and say, "Why don't you go first? Show us the Pokemon you have."
"Yeah, lets check out what Pokemon you have, Damos," nodded Harper cheerfully. Adamos felt an uncomfortable feeling arise in him remember how he had finished his experiment but the price that was paid were his Pokemon becoming very weak and getting more sick by the minute.
"I can't, I'm letting them rest... They haven't been feeling too well," explained Adamos.
"Then take them to the Pokemon Center," suggested Masato.
"Yeah, I'll even come with you," said May.
"We all will," added Ash. They all got up and made their way to the door, Harper grabbed Adamos by the wrist dragging him along as he held tightly to the Pokeballs in his pockets knowing he couldn't show his Pokemon to them anytime soon and knowing if Nurse Joy saw the condition his Pokemon were in she'd make no secret of it or of her feelings against it, his mind then wandered off to his experiment, it was done but he still needed more Pokemon to test it on and his Pokemon were out of the question.
"Dad," Harper sprung out as the door opened revealing him, he looked back at her in surprise.
"Harper? I didn't know you'd be here."
"We were just leaving to go to the Pokemon Center with Adamos," answered Harper.
"Adamos," thought David as his name struck a cord inside, "I need to talk to him." Ash and his friends made their way outside the door onto the sidewalk waiting for Harper and Adamos to walk out the door and down the steps also. Adamos came to a stop realizing David there.
"Mr. Deagon!" Said Adamos seeming surprised and uncomfortable.
"Dad, Adamos's Pokemon are sick."
"Yes, I'm sure they are," said David coldly in a murmur.
"We're taking him and his Pokemon to the Pokemon Center right now, okay?" Explained Harper as Adamos made his way quickly down the steps over to Ash.
"But this is important, I need to talk to him."
"Later, Dad."
"Well, at least let me... Talk to you."
"Me?" Smiled Harper surprised at her Father's words, "You actually want to spend time talking with me?"
"Okay, that'll be great... Dad," said Harper feeling an overwhelming rush fall inside her.
"Well, I'll guess we'll see ya, Harper," Said Misty softly but happy for her, they waved good bye and made their way to the Pokemon Center.
"It's a good thing you guys came when you did, Team Rocket tried to steal the Pokemon we had here again," informed Nurse Joy as they handed in their Pokemon.
"Really? But I had stopped here before to drop Psyduck here and I didn't hear about it."
"That's because it had happened right after you left."
"So I guess they didn't get away in stealing the Pokemon," said May.
"As usual," added Brock in a small grin. Adamos stayed quiet as he was the last to hand Nurse Joy his Pokemon, he hid his eyes behind his glasses as he did.
"Brock, how come you didn't try to hit on Nurse Joy?" Asked Misty.
"He hit on her earlier, Misty. Besides I think he may be coming out of that phase," said Ash.
"Who's Team Rocket?" Asked Adamos randomly.
"Thieves who try to steal Pokemon but there are three members named Jesse, James and Meowth who usually concentrate on stealing our Pokemon and mainly taking Pikachu," answered Misty.
"Jesse, James and a Meowth," repeated Adamos softly to himself in deep thought.
"They're Meowth can talk," told Masato, thinking that would impress him. Adamos nodded absently.
"So, what should we do now?" Asked May to Ash.
"Look for a place to stay, I guess," answered Brock for him, nodding as he thought about it.
"What about your house, Misty?" Asked Ash. Misty shook her head.
"My sisters wouldn't allow it, maybe Harper could-"
"You can stay with me."
"You? But..."
"Are you sure there's enough space?" Asked May.
"There's an upstairs that nobody's using. Three rooms and seven beds."
"Well, we can sleep in the same room," said Misty pointing to her, Ash and Brock, they nodded with her casually.
"Yeah, and I can sleep in the same room as Masato," May pointed out.
"And if Harper wants to stay over too, she can sleep in the spare room. There'd even be a bed left over if she wanted you in the same room also," grinned Misty.
"Uh..." Adamos backed away nervously, "...R-right..."
* * *
"So, what's up, Dad?" Smiled Harper walking with her Dad, still not believing her father wanted to actually spend time with her.
"I want to talk to you about Damos."
"You said that already," reminded Harper softly, becoming uncomfortable as her smiled began to fade, "What's going on Dad?"
"This... Isn't about us, is it?"
"No... I'm sorry, but it will be I promise, soon..."
"Yeah," sighed Harper, "right."
"I'm worried about Adamos, he's been acting strange lately."
"Dad, he always acts strange, all Scientist and Professor's do... Uh, No offense."
"Uh, Offense taken," chuckled David. Harper smiled, it was nice to hear her Father laugh.
"But despite the accusations and stereotypes, we're not all like that. Some of us can be pretty cool."
"Right," laughed Harper hysterically, she calmed down and looked up at her father, "that's very hard to believe."
"Look, Dad, I don't know what's going on and frankly if you try to even begin to explain it to me something tells me my brain's going to just start melting. So how about I just keep an eye on Adamos from here on out, at least until he gets back to normal-whatever that is." David leaned over and placed his arm around her giving her a gentle squeeze as they continued walking down the street.
"Beautiful and understand, just like your mother."
* * *
Night Time At Adamos's House...
"I didn't think you'd want to stay over," admitted Adamos fixing the bed for her. Harper stood against the door staring at him through the slight darkness that fell to the room. She walked over as he finished fixing the bed and sat herself down smiling up at him.
"I just wanted to see how you're doing." Harper was already in a long white T-shirt and slippers, she leaned over and picked up a thick but small, hard cover chapter book and got into bed, making her self comfortable, she leaned over, turning on a light then opened her book. Adamos stood where he was, staring down as he watched her read.
"What are you reading?" Asked Adamos.
"Well, when I was little and my Mom was still alive she would read me fairy tales and get me into liking to read things about good versus evil and this book is all about it and how it starts, how people just lose themselves to wanting to take over the world and how others resist the temptation in order to save the world. It's called Genesis Of Nemesis and it basically informs how to know when someone is the good guy and when someone is on the verge of turning into an enemy."
"Sounds interesting," said Adamos sitting on the edge of the bed she laid in, studying the cover.
"Yeah, it is. And the most powerful of enemies usually turns out to be the most unlikely one," said Harper, she closed her book studying Adamos's face seeming interested by the book cover, she handed the book over to him, "Here. You can take a look at it." He nodded and slowly took the book studying it through his glasses sternly. Harper shook her head as if unsatisfied by him, she then smiled warmly and leaned forward putting both hands on each ends of his glasses.
"Take those stupid things off," she said sweetly, sliding the glasses from his face and placing it on a nearby table. Adamos blinked a few times trying to adapt to being without his glasses.
"You always wear those things, I can barely even see your eyes with that thick black rim, why do you need them anyway?"
"Just to see," said Adamos normally but sarcastically, still blinking.
"Ever thought about contacts?" Adamos just shook his head. Harper took out her brush and started brushing down his short dark brown hair, when she finished she leaned back to take a look at him and when Adamos stopped blinking so much finally, a satisfied smile grew wide on her face.
"What is it?" Asked Adamos through the pause Harper gave as she stared at him warmly.
"You look so different and your eyes..."
"Something wrong with them?"
"I just..." She tilted her head admiring him some more in a slight daze, "Never knew your eyes were that color."
"Ash? Ash?" Whispered Misty through the dark room they slept in. Ash stirred a little by her voice while Brock stayed still, sleeping soundly and not being bothered by her voice which wasn't directed to him anyway.
"Are you asleep Ash?" Whispered Misty to him again.
"Mmfp..." Moaned Ash, "What is it, Misty?" His voice came out muffled and distant since his back was to her and he slept with his face was stuffed into his pillow. Misty got up from her bed and walked over to Ash's, she turned on the small light next to him, which made his closed eyes scrunch up.
Misty walked over to the end of his bed and shook it a little still not waking him up completely, she climbed onto his bed and crawled in next to him, placing her arm upon his shoulder and leaning herself next to him.
"Ash?" She whispered into his ear. Ash's body began to move slowly as a sensation from her voice surged through him, making his nerves become more alert. His eyes slowly opened, he turned his head and looked up at her wearily.
"Misty? What is it?"
"I couldn't sleep and I'm not sure if I should have let Psyduck not stay at the Pokemon Center too, I just assumed he was fine but maybe..."
"Misty, I did the same with Pikachu, it's okay, they'll be fine. Psyduck's fine, Pikachu's fine..." Misty's eyes still didn't seem completely assured, Ash smiled and added, "And Togepi's okay too."
"Yes, now go to sleep, Mist," yawned Ash tiredly turning back to his side with his back to her once more, falling back into his slumber. Misty didn't leave his side as soon as he said so, she leaned against his pillow and stared at the back of his head for a while until Ash's voice softly grumbled, "I meant back in your bed, Misty." Misty's eyes popped out surprised he was still awake and could feel her presence still near him, she quickly crawled out of his bed and walked over to hers.
"Sorry, Ash," she whispered in a small giggle as she crawled underneath her covers. "Sweet dreams."
Harper fell fast asleep with her book on top of her, Adamos smiled and picked it up placing it down on the table near her bed. He turned off the light near her and got up from the edge of her bed. This was one of the rare times he felt actually comfortable being near her.
Adamos felt a little guilty though, he had told Harper a white lie because he could see without his glasses and he really only needed it for reading. He just chose to wear them often because in time they just became part of his character.
As he left her room he didn't go back to his, in fact he threw over his lab coat once more and snuck over to the Pokemon Center but not for his Pokemon, for everyone else's.
In his lab pockets were tons of needles and jars filled with his special Liquids, he made his way out the door closing it behind him softly not to wake up Harper and the rest.
As he came to the Pokemon Center, he was surprised to see the door was already opened, he walked inside and saw three unfamiliar characters through the blinding darkness scrummaging through the Pokeball bags as other sick Pokemon slept outside of their Pokeballs in individual small beds, he realized some of them to be his Pokemon.
"Would you hurry it up, James, before that Nurse Joy wakes up again," demanded Meowth.
"A talking Meowth," gasped Adamos silently to himself forcing to be kept hidden, "this must be who they meant."
"That's enough, we have all the Pokemon we need, lets just go," said Jesse.
"And just what are you planning to do with that?" Demanded an arrogant and distant voice. Jesse, James and Meowth looked around cautiously for where the voice was coming from.
"Where are you?"
"Yeah, show yourself," challenged Meowth. Adamos nodded and walked forward more into the light, doing as Meowth asked respectfully. Jesse narrowed his eyes to him.
"What do you want?"
"I'm a scientist and I want to study those Pokemon you hold, especially the small one," said Adamos looking at Togepi, whom Jesse was holding.
"You're a scientist?" Questioned Meowth.
"Aren't you a little young?" Pointed James.
"I graduated from my Pokemon School early and became a Scientist assistant to be exact but I'm in training of making being a Scientist my profession."
"Great story, is there a point to it?" Asked Jesse rudely.
"If you let me see those Pokemon, I can make it worth your while. Did you know Togepi's a Psychic Pokemon and probably already mastered his power of Transport," smiled Adamos.
"Really?" Said James.
"That explains a lot," nodded Jesse.
"Sure does," agreed Meowth. "Now we'll have something worth giving the boss."
"What if your boss could not only have these Pokemon but actually have their powers?"
"What? Like an attack?"
"What do you mean?" Asked Jesse.
"I just finished an experiment where I can transfer any Pokemon's power into another Pokemon. I'm sure with a little help from you I can be able to transfer the power into human as well. All I need is your boss's help and a Lab," informed Adamos.
"Then you can come with us," said Jesse, "and meet him for yourself." The three picked up the bags of Pokeballs and made there way out the door with Adamos following behind them, grinning as he did. Finally, he thought to himself, people who will bother noticing me and this is only the beginning.
To be Continued...