Disclaimer: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I. Don’t. Own. Pokémon. Period. I do, however, own Genesis and his past, in part. Oh, and the whole Hybrid thing is definitely not my idea. It belongs to FireHybrid, who, by the way, writes some really good fan fiction. I suggest you read his fic, New Beginning. But first, of course, please R+R this fic. It’s not my first, and I’ll be damned if it’s my last. Enjoy!!
Beneath the Moonlight
Part 2: Runaway
By Umbreon (Master of Darkness)
Character Profile:
Name- Tobias "Genesis" Jacobs
Hair Color/ Style- Light, almost white, blond. Parted in the middle, really wavy (Looks sorta like Yugi Muto’s hair minus the magenta/black part in the back. If you watch Yu-Gi-Oh!, then you know what I’m talkin’ about…)
Eye Color- Human: Silver/ Blue Eevee: Dark Brown Umbreon: Blood Red
Age- 9
Height- 4’ 3"
Favorite Quote- " Life isn’t short, it’s just that you’re dead for so long!"
{11:06 PM All Hallows Eve Pallet Town 31. 10. 97}
I placed a dark blue cloak over my burgundy, oversized sweater, put on my favorite charm, pulled on a pair of burnt orange gloves, and picked up my backpack. I had already written a letter to my parents.
Looking back one last time, I opened my window and escaped into the night…
{11:23 PM All Hallows Eve Pallet Town 31. 10. 97}
Mrs. Jacobs wiped away her tears of sorrow and regret and picked up the small note from her son’s pillow. She then handed it to her husband. It read:
Dear Mom and Dad,
I’m sorry for being such a nuisance. You’ll never have to see my ugly snout again, for I’m never coming back… Goodbye…
With love,
The young woman rested her head on her husband’s shoulder and began to cry…
{11: 46 PM All Hallows Eve Route 19 31. 10. 97}
I dashed away from my former home, still not understanding why my parents had lied to me during those early years. I was angry, depressed and confused all at the same time.
Finally, I could run no longer. There was no way that I was going to walk around in the dark in an unfamiliar area…
I took off my backpack and placed my dark blue cloak on the ground near a tree. I stretched out upon the large piece of cloth and yawned, my eyelids getting rather heavy…
{7: 15 AM 01.11. 97}
I awoke to the sound of a flock of Pidgeys chirping loudly above me.
Yawning, I opened my eyes. I wasn’t sure of the time, but I knew it was morning, for the sun was now up.
I looked at my surroundings, searching for anything that could pose a potential threat to me.
" Pidgey you pid pid gey?" one of the birds cooed.
I looked up and sweatdropped.
" Umb, excuse bre?" I asked, my voice still fluctuating between the Pokémon and human languages.
" What are gey pid pid gey?" the bird repeated, gazing down at me.
" Did eon just speak Umbreon?" I inquired, not exactly believing my oversized ears.
The Pidgey shook its head.
I sweatdropped again.
" Umb how come breon can umbreon you?" I asked. I then added "... Well, kinda umbreon you…" as an afterthought.
The bird Pokémon shrugged and resumed its conversation with its companions.
I sighed and stood up. I soon noticed that my stomach was making some odd noises. I then remembered the important little fact that I hadn’t eaten anything since lunchtime the previous day!
Looking around, I spotted a small tree full of big red berries. Licking my lips, I headed for the plant, eager to get my hands on some of its luscious red fruit.
I plucked a few of the berries off of the bush and bit into them. They were delicious!
Before long, I had eaten about twenty of the little fruits. I then decided to put some in a bag for a snack later. I pulled a small vinyl lunch bag out of my knapsack and extracted a plastic container. I filled the container with the berries.
After putting the container and lunch bag into my backpack, I pulled on my cloak, strapped on my backpack, and began walking through the woods…
{10:22 AM 01. 11. 97}
Various species of Pokémon chirped, buzzed, whistled, hissed, and basically made some form of noise as I passed through their habitat. I wanted one of them badly, but not only was I underage, I didn’t have any PokéBalls with me.
" Hey, you!" someone shouted.
I spun around quickly, making sure that my hood hid my face.
A boy stood behind me. He had fiery red hair and light brown eyes. He was wearing an off-white T-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts.
" Huh?" I replied. Not my most brilliant comeback ever, but I had to say something.
" You a Pokémon trainer?"
I shook my head, afraid to say anything, for I couldn’t control whether I spoke in English or Poké-ish.
" Then why are you out here?"
" Umbreon want to," I stated. I cursed silently to myself for giving a verbal answer.
" Excuse me?"
" Never mind…" I muttered, glad that I hadn’t said anything else in Poké-ish.
The boy raised an eyebrow.
" Uh huh… Why are you wearing that hood?"
" Umb-skin condition…" I stammered, catching myself before I said something along the lines of " Umbre eonumb."
" Oh. Well, okay, goodbye!" With that, the boy turned around and left.
Glad to be alone again, I sank into the shade of a nearby elm tree. This was going to be a long day…
{11:46 AM 01. 11. 97}
I walked aimlessly through the forest, not really sure where I was. It didn’t matter, though. It wasn’t like I was really trying to go anywhere…
My ears pricked up.
Help me…" a voice called.I wasn’t quite sure what I had heard. Was the voice real or my imagination?
Please, help noctowl…" the voice repeated, this time sounding a bit like a Pokémon.I headed toward the source of the voice, wondering what had happened.
Eventually, I came to an area of the forest that seemed to be burnt up, as if by flames or…
" Elekid, Thundershock again!" a young girl with dark green hair and blue eyes ordered.
" Kid! Ele-shock!" the little, plug-shaped creature cried, spinning its arms around to generate an electric current. Its victim, a small, Noctowl.
" Eon, stop that!" I yelled, snatching the bird up and running like the Hounds of Hell were chasing me.
" Hey! That’s my Noctowl!" the girl cried.
" Umb belongs to bre…" I stated, a bit out of breath.
" Noct?" Noctowl looked at me questioningly.
" Shhh…" I put a finger to my lips.
" But I saw it first…" the girl whimpered.
" Noctowl is mine…" I said, slightly relieved that I hadn’t spoken in Poké-ish.
" Ele, kid ele daytime…" Elekid said, using both English and Poké-ish.
" Umb, did Elekid eon talk in Eon-glish?" I stuttered, forcing my words to sound at least slightly human.
The girl gave me a puzzled look. " No, why would Elekid talk in English?"
" But bre swear it eon said ‘daytime’…" I insisted. That was what I’d heard, after all.
" She didn’t say anything in English, did you, Elekid?" the girl said, hugging the Pokémon. " Anyway, I’m sorry I attacked your Noctowl. I guess that explained why Noctowl was out during the day. Good bye…" With that, the girl picked up her Pokémon and trotted off into the bushes.
I gently laid the small Pokémon down on the ground.
" Towl…" it said softly, unable to get up.
" Umb, since I can’t umbreon understand bre, maybe bre can work out eon sort umb system…" I said softly.
" Noct noctowl…" the bird seemed to agree.
" Umbre, how about eon move your wing once breon yes and twice eon no," I suggested.
Noctowl nodded.
" Umb you okay?"
Noctowl moved his left wing twice.
" Eon want bre to help you?"
He moved his wing once.
I opened up my backpack and took out a small spray bottle. It contained some Super Potion.
" Eon still. This umb help eon," I explained, spraying some of the liquid onto the injured Flying-Type Pokémon. Instantly, the burnt spots on his hide disappeared and began to heal rapidly.
"Towl!" Noctowl cried happily, standing up and looking up at me. " Noct towl towl noctowl!"
" Umb you thanking bre eon helping you? " I asked.
Noctowl moved his wing once.
I smiled. " Umb problem."
Suddenly, I had an idea. " Do breon want to come eon bre?"
Noctowl moved his head from side to side several times before raising his left wing once.
" Great!"
Noctowl fluttered up and pulled on my hood, which was still covering my face.
" You want bre know umb I have this hood eon?"
Noctowl landed lightly on the ground and raised his wing once.
" Please don’t eon away. Umb not exactly, normal-eon," I said, pulling down my hood.
The bird looked at me a while, not sure what to make of me.
I winced, hoping that he wouldn’t fly away. I quickly put the hood back on.
" Eon you umbre fly away?"
Noctowl raised his wing twice and hop/flew onto my right shoulder.
This was great! Perhaps being a genetic disaster wasn’t as bad as I thought…
{2:26 PM 01. 11. 97.}
I sniffed the wind, suddenly aware of a new presence.
" Noctowl towl rain," Noctowl hooted, pointing his right wing to a large, dark cloud that loomed slowly toward us.
" Perhaps bre should umb shelter," I suggested.
Noctowl raised his left wing once.
I looked about for a place to stay while the storm passed. Unfortunately, there was nothing but a wide, grassy field that was spread before us, as though some giant knew we would need a place to hide away from the storm and purposely cleared the land.
" Towl, noct towl!" Noctowl cried, fluttering off of my shoulder and hovering a few feet above my head. He then began to fly off.
" Hey! Wait umb bre!" I yelled, chasing after the Pokémon…