The Eeveelution Gang
Disclaimer: I don’t own Pokémon. You should know that by now. They belong to Nintendo. You should also know that by now. Anyway, on with the story.
Lori walked through the quiet streets of Viridian City. Lori was only twelve and she lived in Fuchsia City with her mum and younger brother Kipp. Lori was going to Pallet Town in hopes of getting her first Pokémon. She wanted to become a Pokémon Trainer when she was ten, but Lori’s mother didn’t think she was old enough.
Lori’s parents separated when she was eight and her brother was only five. Now that she is twelve she could go on her Pokémon journey. Her brother is now nine, so he can’t go on his Pokémon journey until he turns twelve also.
Lori knew what starter Pokémon she wanted. Espeon was her favourite Pokémon of all time. She loved the beautiful purple cat-looking Pokémon with the red gem on its forehead and large ears. Also it’s forked tail and curious look. She would defiantly love to have a Pokémon like that. Maybe she could. Professor Oak was giving away six Eevees to anyone who could win his challenge. Lori was defiantly going to enter that challenge and hopefully win.
Finally making it to Pallet Town Lori knocked into someone. She slowly looked up at the face of a young boy about her age. He was slightly taller then her with jet-black hair. For some reason his eyes were actually golden-yellow. Lori couldn’t figure out the reason for the boy’s unusual eye colour. She thought that he looked a bit odd. His jet-black hair was done neatly. He wore a black un-buttoned jacked and a pair of black trousers. The guy seemed to have a thing for the colour black.
The boy looked at Lori with great distaste. Lori really didn’t know why he was staring at her like that. Besides, the fact that she had almost knocked him down, she hadn’t really done anything else wrong to him. It couldn’t have been the way she looked. Lori was an average looking girl with waist-length lavender coloured hair and violet coloured eyes. She wore a plain purple T-shirt and a pair of lilac shorts. Maybe the boy’s distaste had to do with her eye and hair colour. After all, they were a little weird.
Shaking the thought off, Lori made an effort to apologise and introduce herself. "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you like that. I didn’t see you. Really, I’m very sorry." She held out her hand. "My name is Lori. What’s yours?"
The boy ignored her hand. "My name is Zeke. Next time watch out where you’re going next time." He pushed past Lori and headed for Professor Oak’s Lab.
Lori figured out that he must be here for his first Pokémon. She jogged up towards him. "Wait! Are you getting your first Pokémon? I am. I’m going to enter the competition and win one of those Eevees."
"Me, too," Zeke said tightly. He sounded like he really didn’t wanna talk. Ignoring he entered Professor Oak’s Lab.
It was a large Lab filled with filing cabinets and shelves filled with Pokéballs. The walls were off-white and a steel table was at the end of the room. Both Lori and Zeke walked up towards the steel table.
There were three more kids there. Two girls and a boy. The boy was tall for his age and had spiky blond hair. His eyes were very pale grey, almost white. He wore a yellow T-shirt and a pair of white shorts.
One of the girls had hair that was almost pale white and blue eyes. Lori thought that the girl’s hair colour was very weird. She was tall, but a few inches shorter then the boy. She wore a black sleeveless top and a navy blue mini skirt.
The other girl had fiery red hair and yellow eyes. She wore a red top and a pair of maroon pants under a short burgundy skirt. She looked as if she had a fiery temper.
Lori thought that the three of them looked strange, but who was she to talk? Her hair and eye colour was also weird.
There were also six other kids. Lori didn’t bother looking at all of them. She was more interested in Zeke, the other boy and the girls. There was something about them, but she couldn’t quiet place it.
There were eleven kids here so far. There were surpose to be twelve. Lori saw the blond haired boy roll his eyes and heard him mutter to the blue eyed girl next to him, "Teru, he’s always late." The girl giggled in her hand as the boy grinned.
Lori looked at Zeke. He looked calm. Lori was surprised at how calm someone could actually be. Wasn’t he at least a little worried that Teru might not make it here?
Zeke must have known she was staring, because he looked at her. Lori blushed and turned away quickly. She didn’t want him to think that she was eyeing him off or whatever.
"Sorry I’m late!" Called a voice. "I slept in and my Mum had to go to work, so she couldn’t drive me here and I had to walk." The voice belonged to a boy younger then Lori. He looked about ten. He had light brown hair and black eyes. He was very short and was only up to Lori’s waist. Lori wasn’t exactly tall herself, but compared to this kid she was very tall. He was the only one out of the kids that Lori had looked at that least looked normal.
"Ah, Teru. You’re finally here." Professor Oak said. "Ok, now that all twelve of you are here, I need you all to gather up, so you call all hear me. As you may know I have six Eevees and six other Pokémon. As we all known, Eevees are extremely rare Pokémon and are not always used as starter Pokémon. That is why I have given you this challenge. Each of the six winners gets to have an Eevee and one of these element stones. The element stones are Water Stone, Thunder stone and Fire Stone. You can use one of the stones to evolve your Eevee into your chosen Pokémon, but I only have one of each stone. In order to evolve your Eevee into an Espeon or an Umbreon you must make your Eevee happy. Of course, this will take a while. If you want an Espeon make your Eevee happy and evolve it in the daytime. If you want a Umbreon make your Eevee happy and evolve it at night. The Water Stone will evolve Eevee into the Bubble Jet Pokémon Vaporeon. The Thunder Stone will evolve Eevee into the Thunder Pokémon Jolteon. The Fire Stone will evolve Eevee into the Flare Pokémon Flareon."
Everyone suddenly got excited and Professor Oak had to calm him or her down.
"For those of you who do not get an Eevee get to choose out of these six Pokémon that can evolve with a stone: Shellder, Sunkern, Growlithe, Pikachu, Vulpix and Staryu. Does anyone have any question?"
"Yeah, wants in those Pokéballs on the table?" asked a small round faced boy.
Professor Oak smiled. "Ah, yes. Inside these Pokéballs are Pokémon for the new Pokémon Trainers that are not competing in this challenge."
"What Pokémon are inside them?" asked a small girl.
"A trainer has a choice between Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Nidoran Female, Nidoran Male, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Paras, Diglett, Psyduck, Poliwag, Abra, Machop, Tentacool, Geodude, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Magnemite, Doduo, Seel, Grimer, Shellder, Gastly, Drowzee, Krabby, Voltorb, Exeggcute, Cubone, Koffing, Rhyhorn, Horsea, Goldeen and Staryu."
I felt as if I had to ask the most important question. "What is the challenge that we have to do?"
I swear that Professor Oak looked slightly embarrassed. "Right. Up in crystal village is Crystal Cave. Inside are six different coloured crystals. Explore the cave and find one out of six crystals. Whoever finds a crystal of a certain colour gets to have an Eevee and the stone of that colour or the items that will help them to evolve."
"Simple enough," The red haired girl said. "So, how many days do we have to find one of those crystals?"
"You have two weeks," Professor Oak replied.
"What happens of you find more then one crystal?" Teru asked.
"You can only choose one crystal. If you find a crystal always take it with you, even if you don’t want it, because you can swap later if you find another crystal. If you have two crystal put one back and then take the one you want."
"How do we get to the cave?" Zeke demanded.
"You’ll all go on a train ride to Goldenrod City. You’ll visit the Goldenrod Department Store and will each get a Pokémon to protect you, rulebook and a guidebook. The guidebook will tell you want you need to know. It’s 6: 37 PM now and you will be all leaving in 7: 30 AM tomorrow. Make sure that you pack only what you need."
After he had finished the twelve kids left his Lab and head for home. Lori didn’t go home just yet. She lived all the way in Fuchsia City and had walked all the way from there to Pallet Town. Instead, she went to the new Pokémart in Pallet Town, which had just opened two months ago.
Lori entered the shop and looked around. It looked more like a small wooden shack then an actual shop. Lori walked around the shop, so she could see if there was anything that she wanted.
Lori picked up a few things that she thought she might need. She brought two books about Pokémon to read, eight Pokéballs, nine Great Balls, nine Ultra Balls, sixteen Antidotes, sixteen Burn Heals, fourteen Ice Heals, eighteen Awakenings, twenty Paralyze Heals, sixteen Full Heals, twelve Potions, twenty-two Super Potions, twenty-two Full restores, twelve Revives, a bottle of water and a travel bag. Lori had always gotten lots of pocket money, so she had plenty of money to buy all this stuff.
After paying for her stuff Lori left the shop and headed for home. It was such a long walk and she’ll get home about 9: 30 to 10:15. Lori defiantly knew that that defiantly wasn’t a good way of going home. She had no Pokémon to protect her. Plus, she also had to get up at 6: 15 in order to get ready and meet Professor Oak and the other eleven kids at Saffron City. She then had to take the train from there to Goldenrod.
Lori hadn’t been paying attention to where she was walking. She had been staring at the ground thinking. When she looked up she realised she was in Viridian City. Looking around Lori noticed that there weren’t many people around today. Thinking about it she decided to take a look around for a few minutes.
Lori entered a small building. It looked almost like a house. Inside was a group of kids and black haired lady. When Lori had entered they all looked up.
The lady smiled at Lori. "Yes, may I help you?"
Lori blushed in embarrassment and shook her head. "No, sorry. I was actually just looking around town. I live all the way in Fuchsia City and it’s going to take me a while to get home anyway, so I’m just taking my time."
"Well, that’s ok, then. This is a Pokémon School. You’re more then welcome to join us if you’d like."
Lori shook her head. "No thanks. I’m only taking a quick look around town."
"You sure? Each class session only goes for half an hour."
Lori was suddenly getting worried. The lady seemed as if she really wanted Lori to stay. "No, really. I’m sure. I have to get back home. I have a lot of things to do."
The lady stared at Lori for a few seconds and then asked, "Are you a Pokémon Trainer?"
"No, but I will be soon."
The lady nodded. "All right. When you do become a Pokémon Trainer please she me. I will have something for you."
Puzzled, Lori nodded. She then left the small school and headed towards Viridian Forest. Lori had always had no trouble getting past Viridian Forest. All the Pokémon there knew she wasn’t a Pokémon Trainer, so they knew that she wouldn’t harm them with trained Pokémon.
Reaching the end of Viridian Forest Lori entered Pewter City. There were more people here then there were in Viridian City. Lori was now running into a bit of difficulty right at that moment. In order for her to get home she had to travel through MT. Moon, then end up in Cerulean City, go through Rock Tunnel, end up in Lavender Town, go underground to Celadon City, go through the Bike Path and then finally the last stop Fuchsia City. The problem was that Lori didn’t have a Pokémon or a bicycle, so she couldn’t get home.
Lori had gone from Fuchsia City to Pallet Town by Pidgeot Airlines. Of course, now that it was getting late the Pidgeots weren’t flying at this time. The Fearow Airlines stay in the sky for two hours longer then the Pidgeot Airlines, and then they’re finished for the day.
Lori checked her watch. It read 7:37. Grumbling, Lori leaned against the wall of the Pokémon Centre. She had loved exercise, but this was ridiculous. Lori sat down and opened up one of her new Pokémon books to read. No point in trying to find away home, she thought. Might as well enjoy one of my new books.
"Hey, girl!"
Lori looked up. She had been reading for twenty minutes. "Yeah?"
"What are you doing reading at this time of the hour? It’s too dark to read. You really need to go home."
Lori raised an eyebrow and stared at the boy in front of her. He turned out to be the blond haired boy in the lab. "I can’t My home is too far away for me to get there."
"Oh," The boy said. "Never mind then. Where do you live?"
"Fuchsia City."
For some reason the boy laughed. "Me, too."
Lori frowned. "Funny, I haven’t seen you around before."
"That’s because my parents, older brother and I only moved there two days ago, so we haven’t really explored Fuchsia City yet."
Lori nodded. "Oh. So, where did you use to live?"
"Cherrygrove City. I find it quiet a boring place. There isn’t a gym there or anything. Anyway, what’s your name?"
"I’m Lori Espson."
"Lori Espson?" The boy asked, puzzled.
Lori shrugged. "I have no idea. That’s my surname. Take it or leave it."
"No, I just thought it was funny, because my name is actually Edgar Jolson."
"Jolson? It’s almost close enough to my surname."
"Yeah, anyway my older brother let me borrow his Pidgeot. If you want too, I could give you a ride to Fuchsia City."
"I’d love to ride on a Pidgeot."
"You seem eager to ride on one."
Lori laughed for the first time in a while. "I’ve ridden one before. Twice actually. The first time I rode one by myself. The second time was on Pidgeot Airlines. I find that they’re so easy to ride."
Edger nodded. "Yes, they are. If you win one of the Eevees what do you hope to evolve it into?"
"An Espeon."
"I’m hoping to evolve my Eevee into a Jolteon."
Edgar brought out his brother’s Pidgeot and the two of them climbed abroad the huge bird. With two flaps of its wings the Pidgeot rosed into the air and headed straight for Fuchsia City.
"You’ve got lovely lavender coloured hair," Edgar commented nicely. "It’s very unusual, but nice."
Lori blushed and mumbled a ‘thank you’. "Why are your eyes almost white?"
Edgar shrugged. "That’s just the way I was born. I’ve noticed that you’ve got violet coloured eyes. Have you met Zeke, Reena and Krise yet?"
"I’ve met Zeke, but not Reena or Krise." Lori answered.
"Oh. Well, Reena is the girl with the almost pale white coloured hair and blue eyes. She’s very sweet, but quiet. She’s a terrific swimmer. I’ve heard that she wants to evolve her Eevee into a Vaporeon if she gets one. The other girl, Krise, is the redhead with the yellow eyes. She’s a real hot-tempered girl. She wants to evolve her Eevee into a Flareon if she gets one. I’ve also heard that those two don’t like each other."
"Do you know anything about Zeke?" Lori asked.
"That guy?" Edgar rolled his eyes. "All I know is that he wants to evolve his Eevee into a Umbreon. I don’t really know how to explain him. He shuts himself from the world most of the time. He never laughs or smiles. I’ve seen him several times. The first time was when I almost bumped into him. I apologised, but he told me to watch where I was going next time. I had always found him rude."
"I’m sure he’s not that bad," Lori reasoned. "He’s probably just had a bad life or something."
"Yeah, probably." Edgar replied doubtfully.
"What about Teru? He looked normal enough."
"Teru probably is normal. He looks ten, but is actually eleven. He’s the same age as Reena. If he had an Eevee he wouldn’t evolve it. He’s always late for class or whatever. I mean, he’s never really on time with anything. Despite always being late he actually has a rather quiet personality. As if he doesn’t really know what to say in front of other people."
Lori sighed a little. Except for Teru, all of them looked different. The six of them had different hair or eye colour from other people. Thinking, Lori pulled back a lock of lavender hair from her eyes and looked down below ground level.
They were flying above Celadon City, so it wouldn’t be long before they would reach Fuchsia City. It was a smooth ride and Lori was actually enjoying it.
"Do you know Reena’s, Zeke’s, Krise’s and Teru’s surnames?" I asked curiously.
"Yeah, I do. Teru’s surname is Eeson or something like that. Reena’s is Vason, Krise’s is Flason and Zeke’s is Umson. They’re very weird names."
"Have you noticed that all our names are similar and that they have part of the Eeveelution’s name on it?"
"As a matter of fact, I have. Weird, huh?"
Lori nodded. "Very."
"We’re here, I’ll just get Pidgeot to land."
Pidgeot flew down gracefully and then landed gently on the ground. The big bird had landed right near a Pokémon Centre. Both Edgar and Lori got off the Bird Pokémon, and Edgar recalled it.
"Well, here we are. Fuchsia City." Edgar said, spreading his arms wide.
"It’s beautiful is some ways. Look, I really have to go. It’s 9:47 PM and my Mum will be worried."
Edgar nodded. "Yeah, better not keep you waiting. Hey, listen, would you like me to pick you up on my brother’s Pidgeot tomorrow, so you can get to Vermillion City? The Pidgeot and Fearow Airlines are on strike for two days in a row."
"I would love to. Thanks."
"Great, I’ll pick you up at 6: 20 AM."
After they said there goodbyes Lori headed for home. She reached her house and took out her key from her shorts pocket. She put the key in the lock and turned it. Lori opened the door to the sound of her brother playful screams and the smell of her mother’s cooking.
Walking into the kitchen Lori dumped her new backpack with her stuff inside it on the kitchen table. Lori walked towards the refrigerator, opened it and took out a can of coke. She sipped it while watching her Mum cook and her brother run around the table.
Her mother looked up from her cooking. "Shouldn’t you be getting ready for tomorrow?"
"I already have." Lori replied. "I’ve just got to change my stuff from the old backpack to the new one I brought."
"What about homework?"
"Done that."
"Well, then maybe you can clean up your room. Those Espeon posters are getting out of hand. They’ve practically covered up your whole bedroom wall. There are too many books on Espeon on your desk. I’m pretty sure you have your Espeon Dairy and Journal on your bed. Your bed needs to be made and I suggest you fluff up your pillow."
Lori groaned. She liked the way her room looked. "Anything else?"
"Yes, you can clean up that bedroom floor of yours. It looks disgusting. You’ve got too many junk in that room of yours."
Grumbling, Lori made her way upstairs and into her room. Sighing, she started to clean up her room. She got a plastic bag and put all her rubbish and other stuff that she didn’t want. Finishing that she decided to rearrange all her Espeon posters. She had managed to fix them up, so that they weren’t all completely covering her bedroom walls.
Lori then cleaned up her desk. Dusting her computer and piling her books neatly and put them at the back of her desk, near the computer. Lori put her dairy and journal in her new backpack.
For the first time ever Lori actually made an effort to really clean up her room. Usually she would just put her stuff in the wardrobe, but this time she wasn’t going to. Lori opened her wardrobe and peered inside. Inside she had loads of clothes, shoes and other things. She got rid of any rubbish and junk that she didn’t want. She then took out the clothes that were too big for her or too small.
Lori put the clothing she didn’t want on her bed. She would give them to Nicole and her older sister later. Both of them love Lori’s clothes, so Lori always ends up giving them the clothes that don’t fit her.
Now finished Lori stepped back to admire her handy work. She was impressed. Her room looked much bigger then before now that she had cleaned it up. Feeling bored, she transferred her stuff from her old bag into her new one. She then put in some clothes, a book, some food, and a couple of other things as well.
Lori looked at the clock on her bedside table. It read 9:54 PM. Feeling tired she decided to go to bed straight after dinner.
Lori walked down stairs and straight into the kitchen. Her Mum was setting up the table, while her brother stood and watched. He was sucking on a red coloured lollypop. Lori sighed. Her brother had done it again. Kipp was such a spoilt little brat, but he was still Lori’s brother.
Tonight’s dinner turned out to be pork chops and patatoes. Lori loved pork chops and patatoes. It was one of her favourite foods. On the other hand, Kipp hated this stuff. Instead, he was munching away on some fish fingers.
After dinner Lori went straight back to her room. She got dressed into her pyjamas and got into bed. She then turned her bedside table lamp of and her whole room was plunged into darkness.
The next morning Lori woke up to the sound of her beeping alarm. Today was Thursday. Lori knew that she had a challenge to do. She got up, even though she was still tired, and got dressed. By the time she had finished the clock red 6:15.
Lori ate her breakfast in a hurry. In just five minutes Edgar will be picking her up. Finishing her breakfast at world record time Lori washed her bowl grabbed her backpack and ran quickly out the door.
Now outside Lori looked around. Edgar wasn’t here yet. Lori checked her watch. It read 6: 17 AM. Just three more minutes and he’ll be here.
Three minutes later Lori spotted Edgar on his brother’s Pidgeot. The Pidgeot flew down and landed a metre way from Lori. Lori ran up to greet them.
"Hey, Edgar. Looks like you actually made it."
"Did I come at a wrong time?" Edgar asked, looking at Lori’s quickly brushed hair.
"Nope, defiantly not."
"Well, that’s good then. Climb on."
Lori climbed onto the huge bird and the Pidgeot opened its wings, flapped them twice and rose into the air.
Lori loved the breeze blowing through her lavender hair. The day was peaceful and nothing could ruin it. Or could it?
"This is fantastic!" Lori yelled out from the sear joy of flying. "I love this!"
"Yeah, it sure is great." Edgar said. He looked down. "We’re right above Celadon City. It shouldn’t be to long before we get to Saffron City."
Lori looked down. She could see the big building or the department store. She could also see the Game Corner and Pokémon Centre. Looking straight ahead she thought she saw something. A purplish glow of light in the sky. It flashed once and then disappeared as quickly as it had come. For a few seconds a yellow coloured light also appeared. This one appeared like a flash of lightning. It to disappeared.
"What do you think that was?" Edgar asked, voice slightly shaky.
Lori shook her head. "I don’t know. We’re the only ones who saw, though. Everyone down below is acting as if those colours never appeared."
Lori was right. Edgar looked down. They were right above Lavender Town. All the people down there were acting completely normal.
Both Edgar and Lori decided not to worry about it for now as Edgar’s Pidgeot landed on the city of Saffron. Getting of the large bird Lori opened her backpack, took out a Pokémon pellet and gave it to the Pidgeot as a thank you. The Pidgeot squawked its thanks and was then recalled back into its Pokéball.
Edgar and Lori walked towards the group. Lori had noticed that Zeke was standing away from the group. This time he was wearing sunglasses, navy blue trousers and a red jacket.
Reena and Krise were well away from each other. Krise had her red hair up in a neat ponytail. Reena’s strangely almost white hair was hang down loosely past her shoulders. I was wet as if she had just gotten out of the water.
"Now that we are all here I want to introduce you to William. He will be travelling with you on your train journey. Please always listen to him."
Every kid nodded, including Zeke. The train came onto the platform and all twelve formed a line. Lori was behind Edgar, but in front of Krise. Krise looked her up and down as the twelve of them waited for the other people to get of the train.
Two minutes later everyone was on and the train were now riding towards Goldenrod. Once there everyone got off the train and exited the train station. William walked them into the city and then stopped in front of a huge building.
"This is Goldenrod Department Store. We’re going to go inside for a few minutes. Please follow me."
The kids entered the building. Lori looked around. The first floor was pretty big, but there was nothing to buy in here. A lady was behind the counter. William walked up to her.
"Can you please tell me where Mr. Chad Locklin is?"
"He’ll be done here shortly."
My Locklin was the manager. He come down stairs in his black suit and trousers. He was an overweight man in his early thirties. He had straight black hair that had been sleeked back with lots of gel. His eyes were a pale blue colour. He shook hands with William.
"It’s nice to see you again, William." Locklin said.
"It’s nice to see you, too." William replied.
"So, I guess these kids are ready to get a Pokémon." Locklin said.
William nodded. "Yep, they are." He turned towards Lori and the rest of the kids. "You will all be given one Pokéball. It will contain a Pokémon that you will use to protect yourself with."
Mr. Locklin handed everyone a Pokéball. Lori clutched hers tightly; wondering what Pokémon was inside.
"Please only open those Pokéballs once you get inside the cave." Locklin said. "I do not want an Onix or whatever inside the building."
They were then giving a rulebook and a guidebook. After that William and the students exited the building. William then took them to a place that Lori had never been to. It had lushes green grass and hills all over the place. Flowers of many different colours were here and there.
Up ahead was a large cave. The group walked closer towards it. The cave was huge and looked almost like a bluish-grey mountain. They went inside and discovered that the cave was very roomy. They were on a ledge. Below them was a lava pool.
William stopped the group and looked around. "Ok, your all on your own now. Whatever you do, please do it carefully. Always read the guide and rule book."
He left. The group started muttering about which way they should go. There were at least twenty different tunnels. Lori ended up going in the tunnel right at the end, while Edgar went inside the tunnel next to her.
The tunnel was dark, but the lanterns on the cave walls mostly lighted it up. She kept walking, not knowing what she might find. The cave tunnel was long, way too long. After twenty minutes she stopped walking.
"This is ridiculously," She mumbled in frustration. "How am I surpose to find a colour crystal if these tunnels are too long?" Suddenly she clicked her fingers. "I know, maybe my new Pokémon can help."
Lori took the Pokéball out of her jeans pocket and tossed it on the ground. Out emerged a small furry red fox-like creature with six darker red tails. Lori just stared at it. She didn’t know what it was.
"Hey there little one," Lori said gently. "Do you reckon you could please help me find a coloured crystal?"
"Vul! Vul!" The fox-like creature said. Without saying anything else, she ran straight back the way Lori come and out of the tunnel. Lori followed closely as the Fox Pokémon ran into another tunnel. This one was shorter then the other one and in no time Lori and her Pokémon had reached the end.
Lori looked around. She was in a large room. On her left was a lava pool. She could feel the heat from the hot molten lava. On her right was a pool filled with icy cold water. To keep cool, Lori moved closer to the icy pool. In front of her was a funny looking large rock. It grew up to her chest. On the rock was a bright purple crystal.
Lori stared at the crystal. Its glowing purple aura was making her slightly dizzy. She stared at it for a few more seconds and then finally picked it up. Holding it in her warm, gentle hands she put it in her jeans pocket where it would be safe.
Recalling her Pokémon, she walked through the tunnel back the way she came. Exciting the tunnel she noticed that Zeke, Teru, Reena, Krise and a few other kids were waiting for the others to come out from one of the tunnels. Lori couldn’t see Edgar. He mustn’t have come out yet.
Lori stood near Reena to wait for him. After a while of waiting her and Reena actually got into a friendly conversation. Reena had ended up finding the blue crystal.
"Yeah, so what if you found the blue crystal." Krise snapped rudely. "I’ve found the red crystal and you don’t hear me bragging about it."
"I wasn’t bragging!" Reena shot back. "I was just telling Lori, that’s all. What’s it to you anyway?"
"Nothing. You just sound like an idiot."
Reena’s mouth dropped open. She seemed angry and upset at the same time. "You can’t say bad stuff about me. You don’t even know me."
"I know enough to know what you are," Krise replied smugly, flicking back her long red hair.
Not having a come back, Reena kept silent. So what if Krise thought she was an idiot or whatever? Reena knew that she wasn’t one, so it didn’t really worry her.
Edgar had finally come out from one of the tunnels. He was obviously happy, because he was grinning from ear to ear. He walked up towards Lori.
"Hey, Lori. How did you go? I found the yellow crystal. It was so easy to find."
Lori grinned and held up the purple crystal. "Got one. Man, that was so easy. I expected to be hard, but it defiantly wasn’t."
"I found the brown crystal," Teru added. He was beaming all over.
Zeke shrugged and said in a dull done, "I found the black crystal."
"What Pokémon did you guys get?" Asked Edgar.
"I’m not really sure what it is. It looks like a fox with red fur and six tails." Lori said.
Krise rolled her eyes. "How can you expect to be a Pokémon Trainer if you don’t know what Pokémon you’re catching. It’s called a Vulpix. Make sure you get it through your thick head, so I won’t have to tell you again."
Lori growled angrily and moved forward to tell Krise a thing or two, but someone grabbed her arm to stop her. Turning her head around to face he people she found that it was Edgar. He had a stern look on his face. Lori glared at him.
"Don’t, Lori. She’s not worth it."
Lori calmed down and nodded. "All right. But if she says something like that again she better watch it, and next time I won’t hold back."
Edgar nodded. "Ok, just chill. Don’t go round bashing people up no matter what they say about you. You got that?"
Lori nodded. "Ok, fine. I won’t, but that won’t stop me for telling her a thing or two if she does it again. Anyway, what Pokémon did the rest of you get?"
"I got a Larvitar," Teru said. "Its so cool looking."
"I got a Pikachu," Reena said with a smile. "It’s so cute."
"Yeah, whatever. I got a Bulbasaur. Big deal." Krise rolled her eyes.
"I got a Growlithe," Edgar said happily. "He actually listens to me."
"What about you, Zeke?" Lori asked.
"A Scyther," Zeke replied, not really sounding as if he wanted to join in the conversation.
Half an hour later the students were back at Professor Oak’s Lab. They were all waiting to see what would happen.
Prof. Oak came in with a medium-sized bag. He put it on the floor next to him. "Ok, everyone. Earlier today I asked the twelve of you to find the colour crystals. These crystals came in six colours brown, blue, yellow, red, black and purple. Teru had found the brown crystal. He will be given an Eevee that will not evolve a Pokédex and four Pokéballs. Reena had found the blue crystal. She will be given an Eevee, Water Stone, Pokédex and four Pokéballs. Krise had found the red crystal and she will be given an Eevee, a Fire Stone, a Pokédex and four Pokéballs. Edgar had found the yellow crystal. He will be given an Eevee, Thunder Stone, Pokédex and four Pokéballs. Zeke found the black crystal and he’ll be given an Eevee, items to help it evolve into an Umbreon, a Pokédex and four Pokéballs. Lori had found the purple crystal. She will be given an Eevee, items to help it evolve into an Espeon, a Pokédex and four Pokéballs."
Everyone clapped and cheered. Except for Zeke who didn’t say nor do anything, and Krise who just rolled her eyes.
"Now the rest of you have all ready chosen your starter Pokémon. You are allowed to keep the Pokémon you got from Goldenrod City Department Store. Now that you all have a Pokémon the rest is up to you. Oh, and can I please she Teru, Reena, Edgar, Krise, Lori and Zeke alone please?"
Everyone left except for the people the Professor Oak wanted to talk to. Lori was starting to wonder what the professor wanted to talk to them about.
"Now I know that this might seem a pain to all of you, but now that you each have an Eevee I would strong recommend that the six of you travel together on your Pokémon journey."
"Why?" Krise demanded.
"I can’t tell you yet, but I really suggest you do so." Professor Oak answered.
Lori was worried. Would something bad happen if they separated?
"Ok, fine," Zeke said. "We’ll work together, but since I’m the oldest we’ll do things my way. Got it?"
Everyone nodded and then they all left the lab.
Reena took out the Water Stone and touched it on her Eevee’s nose. Her Eevee was covered in a bright white light. When it had gone Reena’s Eevee was now bigger. It was light blue in colour with a fin on each side of its head. Around its next was a fin frill. Its eyes were completely black and it had a dolphin-like light blue tail.
"What’s that?" Lori asked.
"A Vaporeon." Reena answered with a smile. "Isn’t she just the cutest?"
Edgar ignored her and touched the Thunder Stone on his Eevee’s nose. His Eevee was also covered in a white light. When it had disappeared everyone could see that Edgar’s Eevee was now bigger then before and was cover in spiky yellow fur. It had a spiky white frill around its neck and black eyes. It didn’t look as if it had a tail. It also had long yellow ears on top of its head.
"Wow! My Jolteon looks so cool." Edgar said happily.
Krise’s Eevee was now bigger then before and covered in red fur. It had a yellow mane and fluffy tail. Its ears were long and red and it had black eyes.
"Flareon," Krise smirked lightly. "Defiantly one of the greatest Pokémon ever."
Zeke didn’t say anything as he handed his Eevee the necessary items that would help him evolve. It took a while, but at long last Zeke’s Eevee was happy enough to evolve.
The new Pokémon was completely black all over. On its forehead, sides, legs and tail were golden rings that kept on glowing from time to time. The creature’s eyes were dark red and its jet-black tail stuck straight out.
"Umbreon," Zeke whispered drastically. "A dark-type evolution of Eevee. No Psychic moves can harm it. It is also the ultimate Pokémon type." He had said it in the kind of voice that made everyone not want to argue.
"Looks like I have to wait for day time until I can get an Espeon." Lori said.
Krise shrugged, but didn’t say anything.
Zeke looked at each one of the members in turn. "Ok, we have to go on this Pokémon Journey together and since I’m the oldest, we’ll do things my way. Got that?"
Everyone nodded. It was hard to argue with Zeke, because he had this aura around him. It was almost like he was meant to be the leader. Zeke headed straight towards Viridian City and without a word the rest followed.