I woke up the next day, prepared to fight the boss. I knew it would
be easy, with Suicune, Ampharos, Typlosion, Meganium, Chansey and
Clefairy on my team. But I had no idea what would happen.
I walked to the HQ and easily fought the two guards at the door.
Inside, the alarm went off and Rockets were running around, crazy. I
tried to sneak around, unnoticed. But somebody spotted me. Cassidy.
"Long time no see, twit. Have your Pokemon gotten any weaker?"
"Cassidy, I beat you the last time wih ease. My Pokemon are only more
powerful, as in more powerful than yours will ever be." "We'll see in a
few minutes when your Pokemon are beat, twit. I challenge you to a
I called out Typhlosion and she called out Ivysaur. It was an easy
win with Flamethrower. "YOU STUPID LITTLE TWIT!!" she yelled, outraged.
I hurried away, before I was the third kid dead. I bumped into a
door. "Ow..." I moaned. But then I looked at the door. It was red, for
one thing. And there was a plaque on it. And it said, "Giovanni."
Jackpot! I walked in.
"WHO GOES THERE?" boomed a voice, as loud as thunder. 'I'm Jenn.
I'd like to challenge Giovanni!" I shouted. "Very well," he said. And
then Giovanni appeared.
How is it? Review me!!