Yo everybody!!!!
What's up? I'm going to try to finish today, in time for RCA! If you
like this story, I'm not even going to ask for a review!!! Just nominate
one of my stories for this time and if you don't have the chance to
nominate, just vote!!! And if I'm not up there, then vote for any of
Pikachu's that are, because he's been a great friend and he is also a
great author and he deserves to win!!! Same with Enja. And Melodi too!!!
They're the best friends I've ever had and all great authors, much
better then myself and they all deserve the award!! Give them a hand and
review THEM, not me because they deserve it!!! I don't care if I win or
even if I get nominated or not, because if they win, all my writing will
be well worth it!!! I'll shut up now and let you read the story.

Chapter 5

     The next day, I set off for the lab again, determined to get a Fire
and Water and Grass Pokemon. I was stopped by many Rockets and I beat
them all. My Pokemon were exhausted when I finally got there. I walked
into the lab as noisily as I had the night before.
  "Hi Jen!!! I'm guessing you want more Pokemon, right?" "Yes,
please, and can you heal my Pokemon?" "Sure! you know where the Pokemon
are, right? By the way, ONLY get two Pokemon." I nodded, confused. Then
I went into the room. I grabbed a Poke'Ball off the shelves. I went to
the other side of the room and got another one. I went back into the
lobby and released them. One was a Typhlosion and the other was a
Meganium!!! "How cute!" I exclaimed. "You liked them?" asked the
professor, stepping into the room with the three Poke'Balls that
contained Clefairy, Chansey and Ampharos.
     I began to walk out the door. "WAIT!!!" Professor Hitaru called
from behind me. She ran to catch up with me. I then noticed she was
holding an icy blue ball, unlike any other Poke'Ball that I had ever
seen. "I want you to have this..." she said, handing it to me. "It was
very special to me," she said, smiling. I wondered what was inside it. I
almost saved it for when I got home. But the look on the professor's
face was so proud, it changed my mind. I took a deep breath and let it
     My mouth then hung open from shock. It took all I had not to
scream. The great aurora Pokemon that stood in front of me was so
amazing. It was unbelievable. I didn't believe my eyes. I reached out to
touch it but I pulled myself back. The Pokemon in front of


Review Pikachu, Melodi and Enja, not me peoples!!
