A slight warm breeze swept across the golden field of barley, sending a wide ripple right across the girls field of view. A number of flaming horses and a few bulls meandered through. She was a young girl, around fourteen or fifteen. She sat on a grassy hill looking over the sea of yellows and browns. Summer was such a nice time. Her amber hair blew across her face, tickling her nose. Beyond the field she could see a forest and beyond that in the very distance was a modern city. The orange setting sun turned the buildings into dark spires and nothing else. She let out a sigh and turned around. Her small country house was behind her, it’s white walls shone and a few pidgeys sat on roof. They were cooing softly. She could see her mother sitting in the front room watching the television and her little brother, Tom, playing in the garden. Todd, the family Growlithe, was barking loudly and hysterically. The girl faced the right way to see a few Yanma fly over her head. The same breeze again messed her straight hair. Tom was laughing behind her and playing with his ball. She stood up and stretched. Even at her full height she was only five foot. She wore a yellow dress which came just to below her knees. A loud crash made her once again look at the house. Todd had got out and was running towards her, barking. The house stood silently. Tom had gone inside. There were no more Pidgeys on the roof. That same gust of air. A flock of Taillows darted past to there left, towards and over the small house. She bent down and greeted the puppy. He was still barking and began running circles around her. A low rumbling sound began to rise up behind her. She span around so fast she fell over. Sitting on the floor she saw the Ponytas and Tauros sprinting towards her. She grabbed Todd and held him close as the Pokemon thundered past. The ground finally stopped shaking and she got up and let go of the dog. It immediately began barking. Her mother was at the door screaming at her to come inside. She began to head towards the house but out of the trees came a dark shape. It was moving at an amazing speed right towards her. It cut a path through the long plants in the field. Her mother noticed the shape and began shouting again. The girl was rooted to the spot. Todd was still barking. Her mother ran towards her. The dark shadow emerged from the barley. It’s Stantler. Her mother continued running but breathed a sigh of relief. It was only a Stantler. She arrived at the girls side and the deer Pokemon flashed past leaving nothing but trailing hoof prints. She grabbed the girls arm and pulled her back towards the house. She began to calm down. The sun was still casting long shadows across everything. Todd still hollered at nothing. All was well. She entered the house leaving the little girl to retrieve the dog. Another gust of wind swept through the garden. A cold wind. Todd barked. Two shadows leapt from the foliage of the forest and clashed in midair. A blinding light flew across the valley. The girl screamed and covered her eyes. Seconds later she was blown off her feet as the shockwave from the explosion hit her. Then came a deafening roar. As quick as it had happened it stopped. A solitary tree fell down in the remains of the once lush forest. Todd barked.
A young man shut his desk draw and picked up his black briefcase. Unloosening his tie he headed towards the lifts. He hated doing overtime but the Silph Company paid well and he did need the money. Plus his wife’s mother was round the house. The orange light streamed in through the rectangular window. He closed the blinds and headed off. Switching off the light he made his way down the narrow passage. A janitor was cleaning the lift area while listening to his music player. The man pressed the button and stood waiting for the lift. He couldn’t wait to have something to eat, take a shower and go to bed. Hopefully his mother in law would have left by now. A chirpy bing told him the lift had arrived and he stepped in the grey cubicle. Pressing the G button he leant against the side and began to hum to himself. The lift came to a halt as warm air greeted through sliding opening. The same orange glow came through the massive foyer window. The loud splashing of the large central fountain was reverberated through the room and the click of a woman’s heel bounced off the walls. He exited the building through the revolving doors and the hustle and bustle of the city street hit him. He lazily sloped down the pavement. There was a crowd of people surrounding a TV shop. There was a news report on about some Pokemon or other. They were all the same to him. He was aware enough to notice all six televisions simultaneously go blank. Another gust of warm air was sped up by the tall buildings as it raced up the street. A flock of bird Pokemon followed it. The man watched them fly over head when he noticed that his office window had been left open. The man cursed loudly and set off back towards the block. This was the source of his annoyance towards Silph Co. They were sticklers for rules. All windows must be locked, even ones on the seventeenth floor like his. He entered the loud splashing of the foyer and stepped into the same lift. He again emerged into the long corridor and set off for his office. The janitor was hitting his music player in vain. It had appeared to have broken Stepping inside he flicked the light switch but nothing happened, the golden light was enough to show rows upon rows of ordered computers. He walked towards the window and opened the blinds. He looked out across the Saffron Valley. There was the forest. In the far distance a cloud of dust and dirt drifted around a white farm house on top of a hill. He could see a large group of Pokemon running on past it. That same gust of wind. He was startled back to his senses by the janitor walking into the room. He had given up on his music and had resigned himself to cleaning up in silence. He gave a short, sharp nod and a grunt to voice his recognition of the man. The man turned his attention back to the white farm house. He could just make out two figures running towards the garden. He reached out to close the window. A cold, fast shot of air blew his arm back. Two large black shapes flew from the top of the forest. They collided. A huge ball of bright light flew from them. The glass in the windows blew out as the man was sent sprawling, landing on an empty desk. This was accompanied by a loud boom. It began and ended it a matter of seconds. Outside car alarms were wailing. The janitors music began again.
The orange light forced it’s way through the gaps in the vast trunks of the forest. A musty organic smell filled the air. Small yellow mice chattered and skittered through the fallen logs and deep green foliage of the forest floor. Two people wandered the path which cut through the trees like a river. One, a tall man with a square head and broad shoulders, walked slightly ahead of the other. The other was a woman with auburn hair tied up at the back. She wore a pair of glasses and a relaxed expression. The warm air hung all around them like a thick blanket. It was just cool enough to be comfortable. A swarm of green leaves whipped up around there feet and then scattered off into the darkness. A low buzzing echoed around the path as a small group of green and red insects passed overhead. The rumble of their wings trailed off as they disappeared into the distance. The large man looked back towards the ground and kicked a round pebble. The stone bounced along the floor and of into a bush. He turned around to look at the woman following him. She was a couple of feet behind, she was always a couple of feet behind. He sighed and stopped. She caught up with him and they continued to walk in silence. It wasn’t long before she was again trailing some meters behind. She enjoyed the sights and the sounds of the forest and the warm breeze whipping around her ankles. She had gained notoriety as a cold person but had never been comfortable with it. The man on the other hand knew they had a job to complete. The news they had could shape many peoples lives and it was five days walk to Pokemon Headquarters on the Indigo Plateau. Why they had to walk was beyond him and he was always slightly annoyed he had been sent, surely a dragon master would be a better choice. A gust of wind blew a long brown hair into his eye. He batted it away with a huge paw. A few meters behind the woman bent down to tie her shoelace. She was slightly disturbed to find the ground was shaking slightly. The man had noticed a dull roar about half a mile ahead of them. The horizon was blocked out by leaves but a huge cloud of dust was rising into the sky. Another warm wind blew across. The woman peered through the trees. Far to her left. A slight crackling sensation moved around the area. In the shadows she saw a yellow flash moving faster than anything. It was heading straight for the man in front of her. He was oblivious. “BRU…!” She shouted. She was to late. The yellow object hit the huge man. He disappeared in a cloud of red dust. The cloud of the dead man lingered then settled on the floor. The woman had not moved an inch when a cold wind blew her off her soles. It was followed by a blinding flash, wall of energy and deafening roar. Then nothing. The forest had been reduced to thousands of blackened trunks. Far away a dog barked.