Like most of you, I am in no way affiliated with the corporation responsible for creating the real Pokemon ("in no way" meaning: I do not own any part of the Pokemon franchise; I do not help the official creators of Pokemon in the designing, programming, and, in short, progressive generation of the various aspects that ultimately get incorporated into the Pokemon world; I am not affiliated--either as a consultant, programmer, generator of ideas, etc., either employed or otherwise--with Nintendo, Gamefreak, Wizards of the Coast, or any other organization directly involved with the official corporation that owns Pokemon, owning the rights to create, distribute, and/or promote Pokemon). I am merely an old fan.
Nevertheless, I reserve the right to my own creations: the collective characters, creatures, places and other items which I have exclusively made. These belong to me and are not to be copied in any way by anyone unless permission is explicitly granted to that individual or individuals by me.
So there are no misunderstandings about this, here are the exact channels to go through before I can even consider any request:
Before permission can be granted:
- Tell me exactly what you want to use. Every Character, device, place--each and every specific item from my own collection you wish to use.
- Tell me exactly how you will use them. This would include the precise outline of the plot and thesis of the story in which the items requested will be used, as well as the scenario or situation in which they will be deployed.
If Permission is granted:
- Understand that you are borrowing the ideas of another. You CANNOT claim any part of them, or anything in which they are used, as something of your own in any way, either by explicit or implicit means.
- Understand that by using these items, you are also agreeing to use them only in ways they have already been used. If you wish to render them in a new way, you must consult me first. I cannot make any exceptions.
- Understand that by using these items, you are also agreeing to be under my personal supervision in all areas in which these items are concerned--either directly or indirectly, so long as they affect anything/are affected by anything in the story.
- Understand that by using these items, you CANNOT change any of their characteristics in any way. Where my creations are concerned, that right is exclusively mine.
- Understand that by using anything from my arsenal, you are agreeing to respect and adhere to the basic rights of ownership--that I have the exclusive right to change anything I have created, even if that would change anything [or everything] I, or anyone else borrowing my creations, have made or are in the processing of making which incorporate any of these items.
Regardless of whether or not permission is granted:
- Understand that you CANNOT create anything that is like to mine in name (this includes not only the precise spelling and pronunciation, but also the collective, defining origins of the name), characteristics ( personality, abilities, and all other collective, defining attributes, both physical, metaphysical, internal and external), or basic design (the collective, defining origins of that item, and all other collective, defining attributes, whether physical, metaphysical, internal and/or external). There can be no exceptions.
- Understand that I make all the final definitions and overall interpretations of the material in this document. If there is something you do not understand and/or need defined, send your question to me. No one else has the right to give an official interpretation and/or definition concerning the content of this document unless I say, and therefore verify and confirm, that they got that interpretation and/or definition directly from me.
- Understand that I have the exclusive right to refuse or renounce anyone and everyone's request, even if that means revoking--at any time--any previously accepted request(s). If this is done, the individual(s) will have to remove all items previously granted them from their own work. I cannot make any exceptions. Yet, also understand that I will follow this measure in regard to anything of yours I have requested, have been granted, am using, or anything of your own I am using under granted permission but must forfeit due to that grant being revoked by you.
- Finally, understand that I will treat anything you have created with the same respect my own things are to be accorded. When requesting permission to borrow any item of yours, if you specifically request it, I will adhere to the same guidelines specified above. Understand that if you want to use anything of mine, you must as well. I cannot make any exceptions.
These are the exact guidelines that will be followed when and if any of my creations are being used by anyone else. No one can use anything I have created and claim it as their own. Likewise, no one can use anything of mine unless they are first willing to and have gone through the exact channels specified in the list above. Violations of this trust will not be tolerated. Likewise, violations of the rights of ownership will not be tolerated. All violators will be prosecuted. I can make no exceptions.
Thank you for bearing with me. I do not wish anyone to be put off, but I do strive to set a precedence. Where one's exclusive creations are concerned, and require any amount of protection, such measures are not only advised but necessary.
The Dragon Emblem link (below) will take you back to Behemothor's Table of Contents. As always, your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Enjoy the story.
--Sylph Knight--
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