Title: Get her back!!!
Part I
Author: Susan Jimenez
Rating: G, I guess
Disclaimer: I don't own anything about Pokémon, but I do own this fic ; ), hope you like it. So here it goes.
"We are here, just watching our heros led their way to Olive city, there is were Ash would fight up for his 5th badge in the Johto League. He just came from beating up Morty with his always trustful Noctwol. But even though that's a happy thought for the gang, they don't even care to think about that in this presice moment, I mean, in the air their is some kind of "love aroma", both the twerps are fighting their guts out, this is insane, what's the matter with this two, ew gave them hints, we told them we knew, but they didn't care much,......they are just denying"
"Who do you call a scrawy, dumbass"
"In case you notice,....IT WAS YOU!!!!!"
"Oh man, not again, stop it you two, split up" replied Brock
"But she started it" said Ash
"Did not" Misty replied
"did too"
"DId not"
"Did toooo"
"PIk Pikachu chu!!!(that's it), PiiiikaaaCHUUUUUUUU!!!!!"
"AAAAAWWWWW" both Misty and Ash yelled out
"....OK....we'll...calm...down,just........DON'T STRUCK US WITHOUT WARNING" Ash yelled
"alright...I won't...disturb....more."
"Pika pi chu(OK ash)"
"Thank you Pikachu,..now, we are 5 days away from Olive city, we have to keep up our rithym so we can be there just in time" Brock said
"In time for what?" Misty asked
"In time for..............bikinis" said Brock starting to make his girl face.
"Is that you think about,girls" Misty said
"I think that question is already being answered, don't you think" Ash wispered to Misty
Misty sweatdropped.
Suddenly smoke came out of nowhere, and a familiar music was being played.
"Prepare for trouble"
"A make it double.."
(Blah, blah, blah, blah...)i didn't feel like place that blabbing in the fic, and also that I've only heard it in spanish so i don't really recall the english motto.
"That's right" said Meowth
"You again!!!" ash said
"Yeah, is us, you remember, now I guess you must remember you must give us that Pikachu" Jessie said
"I won't do it, as YOU must recall" Ash Said
"Well, well, little twerp, we must say that we didn't only came for the Pikachu"
James said proudly.
"We have a little surprise for you, RELEASE!!!!" Meowth shout.
As soon as Meowth said that, an enormous Meowth robot came from behind a hill, it had two plastic nets in it's "claws".
"Do it now James" Jessie orderd
"With pleasure" James replied
James pressed a redish button on a remote and the two nets went right to Pikachu and to....Misty.
"Misty!!! Pikachu!!!!" Ash cried
"Return them" Brock yelled
"Nope, we won't do it, unless you do as we tell you" Jessie said calmly.
"And what is it?" Ash asked
The trio got in the robot, and placed the two captured ones inside, once they did that Jessie said through a speaker, " Now... we place a letter under that dead tree over there,
you just have to read it and do whatever is says, and we'll give you back the girl and the pokémon,...and another thing, if you don't acomplish what's on the paper in a week, we'll take them to our boss,so DO IT FAST!!, now let it go Meowth, bye twerps, good luck!!"
After she said that, the robot started to lift up in the air then a pair of wings came out of it's back, and before anyone could say anything, teh robot was blasting off as quick as a bullet.
Ash and Brock couldn't belive what they've just heard and watch, they were attonish, until...
"We have to get them" Ash said with rage in his eyes, "I won't let them go away with this, this is IT"
What does the paper says? What'll be the faith of Pikachu and Misty? What will Ash do?
Wait for Part 2
I hope yuo like it, this was my first fic, and I´m betting I have to improve it a little in my writting skill and of course in my imagination, send me some help mails or anything and wiling to accept any comments