Memories of a Great Man
“Next on today’s show, we have Misty K. Waterflower and her old traveling friends,” the TV reporter announced from his desk.
Misty and two of her best friends in the whole world slowly walked onto the set. It seemed weird to all of them. True, they were all used to the annoying presence of cameras but this was still so strange. They slowly took a seat, none smiling.
“Why don’t you start by introducing yourselves?” the reporter asked.
“Well, I’m the Cerulean City gym leader, Misty Waterflower.”
“I’m the former Pewter City gym leader from thirteen years past, Brock Slate.”
“And I’m the only assistant to the infamous Professor Samuel Oak, Tracy Sketchum.”
“Hm…That’s awfully close to Ketchum, isn’t it? Are you two related by anyway?” the reporter questioned.
“Not as far as I know,” Tracy stated nervously.
“Speaking of Ketchum, that’s why we have asked these three to take time from their busy schedules to be on the show. To talk about their old traveling companion,” the reporter beamed, “the missing Pokemon Champion, Ash S. Ketchum.”
The three gathered friends flinched at the name. There was only one reason why they agreed to go through with this. And that was to-
“Now, let’s start with the questions,” the reporter said cheerfully, “Why don’t you each tell us how you met him?”
“I’ll start,” Tracy sighed, “Out of the three of us, I was the last to meet him but he still was young then. Around 11 or so. When I first met him and Misty, they had just crashed on the island I lived on. And I mean that literally. They had crashed in a blimp onto the island. How and why, I’m not that worried about. While they were walking around trying to find, they saw some boys beating on a baby Lapras. Ash was the one that defeated all three and sent them running. That’s where I ran in. I saw that the boys were picking on the Lapras and was going to stop it. Then I saw Ash and Pikachu. I was taken back to how strong and beautiful Pikachu looked. Simply astonished. I was trying to sketch it while they fought. Then, after the quick battle, we managed to get the poor pokemon to a pokemon center. That’s where Ash found out about the Orange League. I was listening to him and Misty bicker about whether or not he could enter. Personally, I thought it was crazy for him to even think to try. No one had even beaten the Orange League Champion. Boy was I proven wrong. Not only had he done it, he did it with a smile the entire time. When he did defeat the Champion, Ash was only about 12 ½. Normally, it took two-three years just to beat the gyms. But he was something extraordinary.”
“Wow. That’s amazing!” the reporter exclaimed, “Brock?”
“Well, I was the second of us to join up with Ash. It was in Pewter City not long after he started his journey. He came with Pikachu to challenge me for a gym battle. He hadn’t had Pikachu that long and they already were inseparable and had their confidence in place. When he and Misty arrived in the doorway of my gym, I thought he was crazy. As most people know, Pewter City Gym is Rock type gym. Ash challenged me with a Pidgeotto and Pikachu. I could understand Pidgeotto but Pikachu, I thought he was insane. And it seemed that way. Misty was yelling at him let her lend some of her water pokemon to him, Ash stood his ground. True, it took him two tries but he did it. He only used one pokemon. Pikachu. With Pikachu, he nearly defeated my Onix. The only reason he didn’t was because he didn’t have the heart to hurt my brothers and sisters. They literally clung onto him so he couldn’t do anything. I don’t think many trainers would have done what he did. He forfeited for the sake of my siblings. He didn’t have to but he wanted to. That was a sign to me that he was destined to be something great. That’s when I joined him. My dad took over the gym and I left on my journey with Ash and Misty.”
“That’s simply amazing,” the reporter stated with enthusiasm, “Misty?”
“How did I meet Ash? Well, I was the first person to ever meet him. It was the day that he had set out on his journey with his first pokemon. Pikachu. And boy, was it stubborn. It refused to listen to Ash at all. Because of that, Ash was frustrated to the point that he was throwing rocks at a pokemon to catch it. That’s how he hit a Spearow on the head with a rock. The poor thing called out and got the rest of its flock to chase Ash and Pikachu. Even then, Ash was such a kind person. Pikachu wanted nothing to do with Ash, and Ash risked his life to protect it. To escape the Spearow, Ash jumped off a cliff into a river. A river where I was fishing. My hook caught ahold of his collar on his shirt and I yanked him up. And how does he repay me? He steals my bike. I ran after him through heavy rain and when I caught up to where he dumped it, I found it charred to ruins. I was so upset that I carried my bike to the next town where I knew he’d be. I confronted him and made him promise me that he’d pay me back. That’s how I came to follow Ash around on his journey.”
“…” the reporter gaped.
“What? It’s true,” Misty sighed.
“Truly strange. Ok. Next question. If you had to describe him in one word, what would it be?” the reporter asked.
“Strong.” Tracy stated.
“Clever.” Brock stated.
“Dense.” Misty stated.
“…ok…Since you three traveled with him the most and are his closest friends, who would you see him married with if ever?”
“Misty,” Tracy said, covering his head.
“Misty,” Brock said, doing the same.
“Melody or someone,” Misty sighed.
“WHAT?!” Brock and Tracy snapped.
“What? He was entranced by Melody,” Misty stated.
“AND YOU CALLED HIM DENSE!!!! HE DID THAT-” Tracy and Brock shouted.
“Next question. What’s you’re most memorable moment with him?”
“Um…probably when he was still 10. Ash had gotten so desperate to get the Rainbow Badge that he went to Team Rocket for help. Not the Team Rocket you know though. One squad of grunts in particular. Jessie, James, and Meowth. These guys had been following us since Ash started. They weren’t much of a threat and were more of a team of goofballs then grunts. Anyways, Ash went to them in his frustration and they sought revenge on him. To get him into the gym, they dressed him up as a blonde haired, orange loving, sweet and kind girl. It was hilarious when we found out why he did it.” Misty laughed.
“…Tracy?” the reporter asked, looking at him with hope.
“Well I’d have to say that be when Misty tried to help this couple of Nidoran get together. Their trainers really did like each other but to express this they acted as if they hated each other. So Misty decided to “help”. Ash didn’t understand it and it was funny to watch Misty to chew him out. But then I made a mistake. I stated it was a lot like the two of them. Constantly fighting and hating but truly really lo-OW!!!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!?!” Tracy tried to tell the reporter until Misty hit him with her mallet.
“yes ma’am,” Tracy whimpered.
“B-Brock?” the reporter stuttered.
“Misty, put the mallet away,” Brock sighed, “Well, I had no favorite part. I had a lot. It was always whenever Ash and Misty were NOT flirt…er I mean, fighting.”
“……you guys sure like to bring up something that Misty doesn’t want to hear, don’t you?” the reporter sighed.
“humph!” Misty huffed.
“Anyways, final question. Do any of you have any clue where he is now?” the reporter asked.
“Geez…” a semi-deep voice echoed through the set.
“Hm?” the reporter looked up.
They heard small paws scamper up to the set and run out into the middle chair where Misty was sitting. They looked at the source and the three were instantly shocked.
“P-Pikachu?!” Misty questioned, heart racing.
“Pikachupi! Kachu! Pikachu!” it beamed, “Pikapi! Pikachupi chu pika kachu Pikachu!”
“Good job, buddy,” the voice sounded.
Everyone turned to watch a man with jet black hair, strange marks on his cheeks, deep chocolate brown eyes, and a goofy smile walk onto the set. Misty, Brock, and Tracy’s jaws all dropped.
“Hey guys,” the man smirked.
“a-a,” Brock and Tracy tried to say.
“ASH!!!” Misty screamed, launching herself from her chair into his body.
Ash caught Misty in a very tight hug and smiled, “I missed you too, Mist.”
“Y-you’re Ash S. Ketchum?!” the reporter shouted.
“B-but you’re supposed to be missing!” the reporter snapped.
“I was but now I’m not,” Ash said coolly, “And as for you three. I’m saddened to hear that after everything, you can’t even tell when I’m missing and off training.”
Brock and Tracy just laughed. They couldn’t help it. Here was the man that had worried them so much for the past three years and he claimed it was all for training. The funniest part of it all was…they believed him.
“OUCH!!!! WHATCHA HIT ME FOR MIST?!?!?!?!” Ash snapped.
Misty slung her mallet over her shoulders, “CAUSE YOU DIDN’T EVEN WRITE ME ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“oh…I’m sorry, Mist,” Ash said, sorrowfully, “But that’s why I came back today. Do you remember what today is?”
Misty thought for a second and it hit her, “The Maiden’ Peak festival…”
“And do you remember what we bet thirteen years ago?” Ash smirked.
Brock and Tracy looked at the two in complete confusion. What were they talking about?!
Misty slowly nodded, “Y-yeah. T-That if you become the strongest trainer ever, including becoming the Pokemon Champion, and defeated Team Rocket completely down to the boss without ever having a girlfriend or any kind of relationship within 20 years, I’d marry you.”
“WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” Brock and Tracy shouted.
“Ash was joking about how he’d become the greatest trainer and take out all evil organizations and I was just going to mess around with him. I started joking saying that if he ever did, I’d marry him. He decided to make it a bet…H-He told me that he loved me on that night and that he’d take me up on that bet so long as I was serious.” Misty explained, blushing extremely dark.
“So that’s why you never went out with that Georgie kid,” Tracy chuckled.
“But wait, if he told you that night when he was 10...”Brock thought aloud.
“YOU TWO FAKED THAT YOU DIDN’T HAVE ANY FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER!!!!!!” everyone in the studio shouted.
“Yep!” Ash smirked as Misty nodded.
“So what would happen if Ash lost?” the reporter asked.
“I’d have to be her slave for the rest of my life,” Ash said coolly.
“Again, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” Brock and Tracy shouted.
“What? I made sure I wouldn’t lose,” Ash stated.
“So all those fights and denials…” Brock thought.
“Faked,” Misty stated.
“All those mallet whacks?” Tracy questioned.
“Painful but only for show,” Ash stated.
“Wait, I’m confused…”the reporter said, rubbing his head.
“Misty,” Ash said softy.
There was silence as Ash got down on one knee.
“Will you, Misty K. Waterflower, marry me?” Ash proposed.
Misty flung her arms around him and shouted, “YES!!!!!!!”
Ash just smiled one of his trademark smiles before it turned evil. He then picked up Misty bridal style and laughed evilly.
“Wh-what are you doing?” Misty questioned.
“We have a lot of catching up to do,” Ash said evilly, “A LOT.”
With that, Ash, Misty, and Pikachu ran off the set laughing like a couple of lunatics in love. Brock and Tracy just collapsed into laughter. The reporter let his jaw drop before he pasted out from shock of all that happened. Brock, barely even able to breath, managed to signal to the camera men to stop rolling. And just like that. The simple interview of three friends’ memories of adventures with a great man turned into one itself.