Episode 2: The Neo Temple
Sam felt like he had been hauled by the Sneasels forever before he felt himself being lowered
down. The Sneasels started to flee.
"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Sam yelled. He threw a pokeball at one of the Sneasels, and surprisingly
caught it.
"I CAUGHT A SNEASEL!" he yelled. Then he looked at where he was. He noticed a path, and
knowing that paths always lead somewhere, followed it.
Meanwhile, James and Kate were wandering around aimlessly, when a Sneasel rammed into James.
James stood up to his full height.
"So you want to fight eh?" James questioned the Sneasel. The Sneasel grabbed one of his
pokeballs and pushed the button 2 times, before being sucked in. James looked stunned. Then he
leapt up, and was about to yell "I GOT A SNEASEL!" when Kate said,
"You're just like my brother!" James fell silent. "Didn't those Sneasel run away from
something?" James nodded. Kate rushed into the clearing, and found a path.
"We're going along the path," she said.
"What kind of dimwit would go along a path when their footprints could be seen?"
"Think about it," said Kate. "Who gets hyperactive about buying tickets?" James shrugged.
Kate sweatdropped. "Come on, let's go." she walked along the path.
"Who gets hyperac...oh," said James, finally realizing it was Sam. He rushed after her.
Sam finally came to the end of the path, to see a majestic temple in the centre. He rushed in, and found a pad with a button on it. Sam pushed it. Suddenly he fell through a hole.
Sam woke up to find himself in a large grey room that was...
"Moving?" Sam thought aloud. Then he realized that he was on a truck. But who would kidnap
someone in a temple? Had they been planning this? Questions rushed through his head, when the
truck stopped. Sam heard footsteps, and the door opened. He found himself in a city in Foretwood.
*Is this...Foretwood City?* he thought.
"Hey you!" a voice said. Sam turned to see a man of 20 facing him. "Want to battle?" Sam nodded.
"GO ESPEON!" Sam cried. The man laughed.
"Seeing as your pokemon are so pathetic, how about a 2 on 2? GO HARIYAMA! GO MIGHTYENA!"
Sam paused, then yelled,
"GO SNEASEL!" and the battle was joined. Eevee did not need to be told what to do next. He
leapt into the star formation in the air, then slammed down on the Hariyama, knocking it out. Sam's
Sneasel had already KO'd the Mightyena and was gazing at the sky. The man looked stunned. Then he
"You are a great trainer, you know. I know you can do it." then he ran off. Just then, James and
Kate emerged from the forest. They spotted Sam and ran up to him. After explaining to him that
they did not get along, Sam saw the
Sky Underground ticket stall and rushed off. He came back 2 minutes later and dashed off to the
gym. Kate and James followed.
Kate and Sam had agreed that they would battle gym leaders together. When they entered, the
gym leader Jessica was training with her Chikorita. She spotted the 2 trainers and returned her
pokemon. She stood up.
"Hello there!" she said in a cheery voice. "I'm Jessica of the Foretwood gym. I have always
trained my grass pokemon to tackle even the fire type. If you choose to fight 2 on 2, expect
no mercy! CHIKORITA! BULBASAUR! I CHOOSE YOU!" She threw the pokeballs into the air and sent out her
pokemon. Sam considered what to use against them. He snapped his fingers with an idea.
"SNEASEL! I CHOOSE YOU!" yelled Sam.
"MAREEP! I CHOOSE YOU!" Kate shouted.
"WAIT!" Jessica shouted. "Before we begin this battle, let's make things harder. Ready
Chikorita?" Chikorita nodded, and started glowing, before having a small shield around it. Sam
was stunned, but Kate smiled.
"I have a trick up my sleeve to! Ready Mareep?" Mareep glowed and evolved into Flaafy.
Jessica nodded, and the battle was joined.
"Then what do I do?" Kate asked. Sam nodded, and Kate understood. "Flaafy, Star Jump! Then
Star spin!"
"Sneasel! Use Ice beam now!" Sam said. In a few seconds the battle was over. Jessica was
"My...my pokemon! How could you beat them so easily?" she looked to the sky. Sam wondered
as well, then he prodded Jessica and said,
"Your pokemon are so close to evolving. Let them. They'll thank you for it." Jessica nodded,
and faced her pokemon. They glowed, and evolved. Jessica smiled.
"I thank you 2 trainers. I present to you both the Petal Badge. It boosts your evasivness.
It also allows you to use cut outside of battle. Farewell trainers!" Sam and Kate waved, before
leaving, and finding James with a smirk on his face. They were puzzled, until he showed them the
8 badges he had.
"I'm just training up my favourite type so that I can take on the league," he explained. "Now
are we taking the gondola out of here or what?" they rushed up to the ticket stall and were about
to leave when they heard voices. They turned around to see a grey building with the words "MAKARD
CORPORATION" stamped on it. Kate gasped.
"But I thought that the Makard Corporation was only in Makard City!" she spluttered.
"They've started to set up buildings where ever there are gyms." James said. "But I..."
"IDIOT! FOOL!" they heard the voices again, and listened. "HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE BEATEN THE
"s..sir, she evolved them."
"Evolved them? Fine. Take this level 30 Typhlosion and get that badge! We need all eight!
And I highly doubt that the others are experiencing the same difficulties!" Sam, Kate and James
looked at each other.
"The Makard Corporation are trying to get gym badges? What do they want them for?" Kate
asked. "Should we stop them?"
"Wait," said Sam. "Think about it. Where is the place you go when you collect all 8 badges?"
James replied instantly.
"The Paciftic City League. What do they want to do with the league?" Kate and Sam shrugged.
"Listen, let's try to get the badges first, and follow them to the league, OK?" Sam asked.
Kate and James nodded. They left on the gondola.
After arriving on route B, the 3 trainers started walking to their next location, Coastwatch
Town. Just then, a man in black blocked their path.
"Is one of you called James?" the man asked. James nodded. "I have heard of you. That is why
I am bringing some information from the Black League. They are saying that you must enter the
Operation. They say that the Makard Corporation is trying to take over. Bring your friends if you
must, and meet at the Volcano Arena as soon as you can. You can take this Umbreon if you accept."
"I accept," said James. The man thrust the pokeball at James and ran off. Kate and Sam were
"What was that about James?" Kate asked.
"I haven't told you much about myself, but basically I'm a member of the Black League. I'll
explain more when we get to the Volcano arena. You are coming aren't you?" Sam hesitated.
"I don't know, James," said Sam. "What would happen if we were arrested?"
"Suit yourself," said James, before vanishing. Kate slapped Sam on the cheek.
"You idiot! We were supposed to say yes! We have to help him! Come on!" she yelled, grabbing
Sam's arm and running off toward the Volcano arena.