Part 9
~ Hi all! Ok, let me just get something straight…. You’re all gunna have to wait and find out what are in those pokeballs in the later chapter…and the sequel too! This chapter has got a bit of a clue for you though, and for any who still hasn’t got the foggiest after you’ve read it, just send me a line and I might decide to be a nice author and tell you. Then again I might not… hehehe… the power of the writer! Again, thanks for all the reviews, love all you guys! Please, don’t stop reviewing; it’s what keeps me going! ~
Ash/Jen- 15
Misty/Dylan- 16
Brad/Rachel- 16
Tracey/Corrie- 17
Narrator: last time we left our group of heroes, a tragedy happened when Ash got shot trying to save Misty’s life. He was brought into Turban Island hospital and had an operation to remove the bullet from his gut. He was still unconscious when the successful operation was over. He eventually woke with friends Tracey and Jen surrounding him. Misty at the time was checking on the injured Pikachu and Togepi but left when she received a phone call from the hospital about Ash having to be tranquillized because of his desperation to see Pikachu. Ash awoke once again, this time face to face with Misty. Things heated up for a bit but it all ended when Ash flat lined. Read on to find out what happens.
Once again the defibrillator was wheeled over and a high voltage edged through his body. His chest rose and fell from the shock but there was no change in condition of his heart. It had stopped beating but the doctors didn’t give up. A higher voltage was set and the pads were replaced.
Doc 1: CLEAR!
The electricity surged but no change.
Doc 1: AGAIN!
Nurse: Charging up.
Doc 1: CLEAR!
Still no change.
It was looking hopeless.
Doc 1: Increase the voltage.
Nurse: But doctor, it’s too high a voltage! You’ll kill him!
Doc 1: Do as I say! CLEAR!
The higher voltage had no effect. The doctor looked from Ash’s heart monitor back to the boy and lowered his head. He knew he had failed, and this was the first death on his hands
Doc 1: (sadly) Time of death, 6:36pm. Patient died from internal bleeding. I’m sorry…
Soon enough, the unhappiness fell all around. It hit Misty the hardest as she had to face not only the death of the one person she has ever loved but also telling his mother the bad news. How could she do it when she couldn’t even speak? Especially not about Ash. Misty’s heart was ripped out of her body and torn into pieces over the loss of him. There was so much he hadn’t done, and so much she wanted to tell him. Now, she would never get the chance. Misty requested to see Ash one last time, to say good-bye. Her wish was granted and Misty stepped back into the room where 3 hours ago, she saw him, bright and normal again, before he went into an eternal slumber. He was as pale as a sheet, and that deathly white remained in Misty’s mind. She approached his body from where it was left. Her tears streamed down her face as she couldn’t believe he was dead. How could she possibly lead a life without him in it? Misty moved forward towards Ash’s body and sat down on the chair next to his bed, placing her red bag on the floor next to it. She clasped his hand in hers, barely able to keep the tears from falling.
Misty: (very softly) I can’t believe its come to this...
She searched his eyes, hoping that he would wake up any minute and shout ‘surprise!’ and laugh at how gullible she was to have believed he was dead. She waited some more, still watching the face she longed to reach for. Nothing happened and it was then that she realised he wasn’t coming back. Tears painfully struck at her eyes with a pang in her heart. She sprawled herself out over his body and cried into his chest.
Misty: (crying) You can’t leave me like this Ash! (sobs) There’s so much you haven’t done, so much you haven’t experienced.....so much you haven’t realised....
Misty stayed there holding him tight, never wanting to let go. Their time together had been wonderful to Misty, even though she knew she wanted more out of it. Her memory surrounded her suddenly as she started to remember their past. She remembered the first time they had met. How she was so rude to him when he needed her help to reach the pokemon centre. Misty smiled as she remembered the thought of Ash’s face when she arrived at the pokemon centre, wrecked bike in hand. Then another image of Ash staring at her from where he sat. She had arrived late to the Maiden’s Peak Celebration and was wearing a pink kimono with her hair down. She remembered how the intensity of his eyes gazing at her made her feel uncomfortable, but all the same intrigued. They had a fun time that night, always dancing, putting their petty squabbles behind them, all for that night. Misty cried harder thinking of what a good friend Ash has always been to her. And her feelings for him didn’t stop there.
Jen smiled respectfully to the people surrounding her. All of them were mourning over the loss of Ash Ketchum. None of them cried only because they had done that already. Each of them were comforting another. Only Dylan was apart from the group that were sitting in the waiting room. The loss of his Fearow still hung him down, but the grief that he felt about Ash’s death was immaculate. Dylan knew that he was very competitive with Ash and no doubt had made Ash feel unwanted for given attention of Misty. Dylan knew deep down in his heart from the beginning that Misty cared a lot for Ash, but his stubbornness wouldn’t allow him to believe it. He blamed himself and deeply regretted the competition they had over Misty. Tracey broke the silence...
Tracey: (holding back tears/quietly) I haven’t known him all that long...I can’t help but feel some of this is my fault..
Corrie: Tracey, that’s ridiculous! How could any of this be your fault?
Tracey: I don’t know but I’m responsible for what happened to him. I’m older than they are, it was my job to protect him!
Jen: You couldn’t have stopped what happened Tracey. He dove in front of that bullet to save Misty.
Rachel: She’s right, you can’t blame yourself.
Tracey looked round at the people surrounding him. He knew they were right, but he couldn’t help the feeling of guilt inside him.
Dylan: (looking down away from the group) If anyone’s to blame then it would be me.
Jen: Dylan....
Dylan turned round sharply towards the group.
Dylan: If I didn’t challenge Ash to that match then none of this would have happened! We wouldn’t have got surrounded by those thugs and Ash wouldn’t have ended up.....(looked down not being able to bring himself to finish his sentence)
There was a small silence.
Brad: That’s not exactly true. Who knows what would have happened if we were inside. The thugs could have broken in and caused terror on the resort, not to mention the people in it.
Dylan: (holding his head down) Maybe so....
Rachel: Err, guys. I don’t mean to bring this up but what about Ash’s family. Shouldn’t they be notified?
Tracey: Misty will sort that out. She’s the only one here that knows his mother and how to contact her.
Jen: It must be awful for her. I know they were close...
Everyone nodded in agreement and the silence returned. This was a very tense moment as they waited for Misty to return...
Misty’s tears finally softened and she pulled away from Ash’s body. She brought up the courage to walk slowly back to the chair where her bag rested. She dived into the bag, still sniffing from the emotional torment that engulfed her. She brought out two pokeballs. One of them she laid on the cabinet beside Ash’s bed, the other she placed in his hand.
Misty: (very upset) This (sniff) was for you Ash, for your b-birthday. (smiling a bit) At least I remembered this year! (turning serious again) I tried to keep these hidden from you, but you found them the other day.
Misty looked down at the pokeball placed in Ash’s hand, then gazed back at his face.
Misty: (on the verge of breaking out into tears) I guess you’ll ….never get to...... see it…..
Misty couldn’t hold it any longer. She fell on top of Ash, releasing all her tears onto his chest. She tried to hold him but didn’t have the strength to even move her arms. Her endless stream of tears poured as her heart finally opened up to tell him how she really felt.
Misty: (crying / extremely upset) Oh Ash! Please don’t go! I can’t live without you! I…I love you…..You can’t leave me…(sobbing)… please….don’t leave me…
Misty never wanted to leave his side as she lifted her head to face his. She moved forward and kissed his blue lips lightly, tears still streaming. The kiss was released only when Misty noticed a light surrounding her and Ash’s corpse. She was so shocked and scared that she pushed herself away from the bed. The light was blue and it enclosed her image. She noticed that the pokeball that was placed in Ash’s hand was also glowing, but this time with a yellow light. The yellow light searched and found a body. It enveloped him and now both Misty and Ash were glowing with light. Misty was intrigued but knew that the pokemon inside the balls were responsible for this event. She remembered what power they contained and why she was giving one of them to Ash. Because these Pokemon are special, and need to be looked after by special trainers. Ash was one of these trainers and now Misty knew that she too was one of the chosen trainers by the event now taking place. A series of images flashed in front of her like a hidden past. She held her head from the slight pain that was forced upon her. She saw the blue light lead to a place in her mind that was simply perfect. The image of the hospital bed had vanished from her vision. Instead she saw a green paradise. It was peaceful, open and wide. Water trickled from cracks in an open gorge, trees shrubs and other plantations encircling it. She stood in her mind looking at this newly found heaven. It really was perfect. Not a sound disturbed her. Then she saw a darkness fill the land that she gazed upon. It slowly swallowed up the sun’s light and she suddenly trembled from the cold that struck around her. The sky was now full of storm clouds, not like the clear blue sky she saw a minute ago. The land had also turned grey as the dark storm cloud sucked its energy away. The land died instantly and the darkness reached out for her with one menacing, feeding hand. Misty screamed as she felt it strangle her, forming a tight grasp around her ribs. Just as she thought the last ounce of strength had left her body, the blue light returned and engulfed her once more. The energy that it contained feed through her veins like adrenalin. She managed to push away the dark hand that held her so frightfully. The blue light surrounding her intensified and with a flash from it, the land was living once again. Misty felt strange, but knew the light still surrounding her was being controlled by her thoughts. A new sense of power pumped through her and she was brought out of her mind. The mental images Misty faced stopped, and once again she was in a room staring at Ash’s glowing but lifeless body. He was still dead, she realised and a pain struck her heart. The yellow light that surrounded him still remained. She looked down at herself and noticed her own blue light was still around her. Then she realised what her mind had shown her and how she had connected to the pokemon inside the pokeball. She suddenly became enlightened and it gave her energy. Her mind was clear she knew what she had to do. The dream, the paradise being destroyed in front of her, the fact that she was one of the special trainers...it all made sense now. The blue light that she controlled in the dream healed the land. If it could heal the land then maybe if Misty could just focus her energy on Ash.... She moved forward towards him, hoping and praying that what her instincts had told her would work. Misty bent over his face, moving hers towards it. The two different coloured lights touched each other and became united as one. It grew brighter and brighter as Misty kissed Ash on the lips. At first, it was a lifeless kiss but then after some time, Misty felt Ash’s lips press harder against her own. Misty moved a hand and brushed it against his face after pulling away. She searched his closed eyes, hoping that what she felt wasn’t her imagination. The lights disappeared back into the pokeballs and returned to their normal red and silver colour. Misty saw Ash twitch his eyes and she smiled.
Misty: (crying tears of happiness) It worked…
Ash started to open his eyes and obtained a sharper image of the girl standing in front of him.
Misty: (very happy) Your alive!
Misty was so happy that she hugged him, not noticing the tears of joy rolling down her face. Ash embraced her, enjoying every minute of being close to her.
Misty: Oh Ash, don’t you ever do that to me again! (sadly) I thought I lost you…
Ash: (confused) Errr…..Lost me?
Misty pulled away from the hug to answer his question.
Misty: Don’t you remember what happened?
Ash looked clueless.
Misty: Your heart... It stopped beating. Y-You died Ash.
Ash: (confused) Died? But if I died then how comes I’m here now….(thinks for a bit)…Unless your a Dream Misty and this is nothing but a dream.
Misty: (playfully hitting Ash on the head) ASH!!!
Ash: (playing) Misty, what did I say?
Misty kept silent, trying to keep the tears behind her eyes.
Ash: (softly) . I’m so confused about what’s happened.
Misty: I thought you were dead… we all did…. And… I don’t know if I could have lived without telling you…..
Ash: Without telling me what Misty?
Misty: That …I couldn’t have lived without you Ash….all this...it’s made me realise how much you mean to me....I….. I love you…
Ash smiled and pulled Misty closer to him, wiping the tears away from her eyes.
Ash: I love you too Misty. And I always have.
Misty: (smiling) Really?
Ash smiled a broader smile and moved forward to her lips, kissing them when he reached his destination. He had never kissed anyone before and he was surprised how easily it came to him. He went with his instincts and wrapped his arms around her. She did the same and the two experienced their first real kiss….
Misty exited the room with Ash inside it and made her way back to the group. She giggled to herself. Not only was Ash alive and well, but they were together, like they always should have been. She couldn’t help smiling, knowing that her life is going to get better and better from this day forward. Misty entered the waiting room beaming with delight. She managed to get everyone’s attention just by stepping into the room. The group saw the smile on her face and were all curious to know what had made her so happy at this depressing moment.
Misty: (grinning) He’s alive..
Jen: What?
Misty: (happy) Ash, he’s alive!
Tracey: (confused) Misty, that can’t be. I’m sorry but you have to let go of him.
Misty: If you don’t believe me, see for yourself.
The group looked at each other and shrugged, knowing that they might as well say there good-byes whilst they were there.
Misty led the way. When she came to Ash’s room, she shot him a massive smile, making him blush.
Ash: (waving / squinty eyes) Hi guys!
Corrie: I don’t believe it!
Tracey: Ash! Your OK! (high five) Great to have you back!
Ash: Great to be back (looking at Misty)
Misty: (blushing)
Ash and Misty did try to avoid contact with each other in front of the group as they had previously discussed that it should be kept a secret until it was the right time to let them know, but they found it very hard.
Dylan: But I don’t get it Ash. We all saw you…
Ash: Die? Yeah, I know. I don’t know what happened but I’m alive and look!
Ash removed his bandages from around his stomach and the bullet wound he had received previously was gone. Only a small scar remained.
Jen: But how? There’s no way it could have healed that fast!
???: It couldn’t be.
The whole group turned to face the Doctor that just came in. It was the same one that declared Ash as a dead patient.
Doc 1: I don’t believe you’re alive.
The Doctor took out his stethoscope and examined Ash. He check his pulse, heart rate and even his throat to help explain why he was alive, but found no clue other then he was 100% better. Misty tried not to make contact with the eyes of any of the people in the room. Only she knew what was responsible for his recovery. She couldn’t let out her secret just yet...
Narrator: What did Misty have to do with bringing Ash back to life? And what was that light coming from those pokeballs? Do you have any idea what pokemon is in those pokeballs? I know I don’t! Find out in the next series to this story....coming soon!