Part 8
~ OK, as always, I don’t own Ash & co. but I do own Dylan, Brad, Rachel, Corrie and Jen. As we all know, Ash has been shot. Will he survive?
Ash/Jen- 15
Misty/Dylan- 16
Brad/Rachel- 16
Tracey/Corrie- 17
Narrator: Last time, Dylan and Ash battled each other in an intense Pokemon battle. Dylan won the first round with his Arcanine, facing Ash’s Squirtle. But the tables soon turned as Snorlax came to Ash’s rescue, beating a Venusaur with its powerful fissure attack. But before the third round could get off to a start, the battle was interrupted by Robbers attacking the Rest Ashore resort. Many Pokemon where stolen as the group of eight fought their way for survival, but an unexpected accident occurred. Trying to save Misty’s life, Ash bravely dived in front of a speeding bullet. His wounds were severe as he lost consciousness in Misty’s arms.
Entry of events: 1
12th August 9:49pm
Dear diary,
The night is still young but I wish it were all over. I know I’ll be
having sleepless nights until I know he’s better. It’s so hard to say his name,
knowing what pain he must be experiencing at this very moment of time, that’s
if he’s not…. I can’t even bring myself round to say it, or write it.
The ambulance didn’t arrive for another 15 minuets once he lost
consciousness. It felt like a lifetime. I tried to hold him, to keep him warm
from the chilling winds that struck around us. I remember looking at his face;
seeing it’s normal and bubbly features disappear in an instant. His lips slowly
turned an ice blue colour as we sat in a pile of blood that was leaking from
his chest. I know he’s lost a lot of blood and I know that’s a very bad thing.
But every time I close my eyes, I see him, pale and lifeless. Not breathing, not
opening those beautiful eyes I love so much. I often wonder if I’ll ever see
them again. If I’ll ever see his mouth broaden into a smile. If I’ll ever be
able to tell him that I never stop thinking about him, whether it’s day or
night. I’m starting to lose hope …… maybe I have to start accepting that he
As for the others, they’re just as upset as me. Dylan keeps blaming
himself when it wasn’t his fault, it was actually mine. If I hadn’t let that fat bastard grab me from behind, none
of this would of happened! I wouldn’t be here writing this and he wouldn’t be
in there, slowly dying.
One good thing has happened since the accident. When the resorts alarm
system sounded, it automatically called the nearest police station that managed
to arrest the ten Men that attacked us. Apart from....him…. I’m the only one of
the group that hasn’t given a statement to Officer Jenny. The Men have been
identified as ‘Team Rocket Thugs’. Apparently, they work for the same boss as
Jesse, James and Meowth do. I swear if
it’s the last thing I do, I will find the boss of Team Rocket and I will KILL
him. The amount of trouble he has caused us on our journey, sending his troops
to capture Pikachu.
Some of the Pokemon are seriously injured and I had to turn Togepi and
Pikachu into Nurse Joy’s expertise. I heard they are recovering well from a
phone call from Tracey but
unfortunately, Dylan lost his Spearow about an hour ago. He came round
to the hospital before everyone else did and many a times, he has turned to me
for comfort. But ever since Ash whispered those three little words to me out on
the battlefield, I haven’t been able to go near Dylan. I didn’t have time to
repeat the same words back to Ash before he passed out. I wanted to, and still
do right now.
The operation to remove the
bullet from his gut is taking longer than I thought. I arrived at the hospital
with him just under four hours ago. The ambulance ride was sickening. Watching
the paramedics use a defibrillator on him, watching his chest rise from the
jolt of electricity that edged through his body. It was done again and again
until a pulse was found. No expression on his face, just a deathly white glaze.
I haven’t stopped crying… and don’t think I can stop until I know for sure that
he is safe. For he is everything I dream of and have ever wanted.
Wish him luck,
Love Mist.
Misty shut her diary and replaced it in her bag that she got back from Officer Jenny once the thugs had been arrested. She was the only one up out of her six old and new friends staying with her at the hospital. She exited the visitor’s room, leaving her red bag inside with the others. Misty made her way to the vender machines, got a coke can and walked to the operating theatre, hoping Ash was out of there. When she reached her destination, she sat down on a near by bench and glanced at the clock on the other side of the wall. 11:56pm. Misty opened the tab and took a gulp of her coke, which refreshed her sore throat. She could feel the tears well up again in her eyes but fought hard not to let them run down her all ready tearstained cheeks. The double doors to the operating theatre opened suddenly and two male doctors stepped out. They still had their plastic overalls on but took their mouth masks off.
Misty: (extremely concerned) How… How is he?
Doc1: Your the girl that came with him right?
Misty nodded her head yes. She did so reluctantly, expecting the bad news that would be thrown upon her.
Doc2: Your friend…
Misty held her breath…
Doc2: …. Is a very lucky guy.
The breath in was released but Misty didn’t manage to break a smile.
Doc1: Fortunately, we managed to remove the bullet in time but, I must say that if it had been even a couple of millimeters higher, he would have died instantly.
Doc2: But, he isn’t in the safe line yet I’m afraid, Missy. We will need to keep him in for a couple of days or even a week or so, just to make sure he doesn’t flat line.
Misty: (confused) Flat line?
Doc1: We have your friend… err… err….
Misty: (sadly) Ash…
Doc1: Yes, Ash. We have him hooked up to a heart monitor, which reads how many beats per minute his heart is doing. This is indicated by a green, spiky line flashing across a screen. If the line goes flat, his heart has stopped beating. We will be able to revive him if that happens though…. (under his breath)… hopefully…
Misty: Can I see him?
Doc2: Well, we’re going to take him up to a private room where we can monitor him more closely. Once he’s in there, you may visit him. I warn you though, he is still unconscious.
Misty: Why?
Doc1: (chuckling) Not even the most educated doctor in the world can awake an unconscious patient, Missy!
Misty: (sadly, not really caring) It’s Misty…
Doc1: Err, yes. Misty. My mistake.
Doc2: We will inform you when he has been transferred.
The two doctors returned back into the operating theatre, leaving Misty paralyzed in the spot. She was still trying to take in all this new information. She had never been in a hospital after her parents had died. She remembered looking through the transparent window at Cerulean Hospital, and she remembered the white faces of her parents. She remembered the blanked expression when a doctor came out to tell her and her sisters that they had died. Misty closed her eyes, recalling the dreadful experience three years ago. She felt faint as she slowly made her way back to the visitor’s room to inform the others of Ash’s successful operation, if they were awake that is.
Misty stepped into the private room especially set up for Ash. The nurse who had shown her where the room was, shut the door behind her, leaving Misty to have some privacy. Misty’s eyes focused on the boy in front of her. He was still quite pale looking but handsome never the less. She noticed the machine that measured his heart rate and saw the spiky line the doctor was talking about, flash across a black screen. She edged forwards towards his bed, carefully stepping over the IV tube running from a large bag of blood into his arm. The bag was placed onto what looked like a portable coat holder on wheels, which Misty moved carefully to the side so she could get close to Ash’s face.
Misty: (softly) Hi Ash. I’ve missed you…
Ash had his eyes closed, still unconscious. Misty clasped his hand in hers and stroked it gently before bringing it to her mouth and kissing it tenderly.
Misty: (softly) You have to wake up Ash. Oh please wake up. (crying) I… need… you…
Misty couldn’t keep the fight to hold her tears back any longer. They burst from her eyes, down her cheeks and dropped on Ash’s hand. Misty laid her head slightly on his chest, facing towards him. Once again, she brought the hand close to her mouth before saying…
Misty: (crying) Why … did …you (sob) have to go and…. Save …me….
Misty continued to cry into Ash’s hand and chest. She cried so much that the blanket covering him got wet. Time passed, and the nurse that showed Misty to the private room, came back several times. The nurse peered in through the glass window and saw the state Misty was in.
Nurse: (observantly) She must care a lot for him. She’s stayed with him all night and still hasn’t had breakfast. No sleep, no food, nothing. Well, I hope everything works out for them both, they deserve it.
Entry of events: 2
13th August 15:34pm
Dear Diary,
I couldn’t get any sleep last night as it was the first time I saw him
since the accident. I couldn’t believe how pale he still looks. It’s the same
deathly white my parents turned just before they died. I can’t lose him, he won’t die on me. I just
have to keep the faith that everyone else seems to have in him.
Tracey’s visiting him right now and I feel guilty for ruining the others
vacation. Despite my urges for them to go back to the Resort, they won’t.
Corrie wants to stay to keep Tracey company, Dylan wants to stay to keep me
company, Rachel and Brad want to stay too and Jen, well, I think she’s here for
Ash’s sake. I believe she has a crush on him. What a love triangle!
It may seem to you that my spirits have lifted since the last entry,
well diary, you couldn’t be more wrong. So I’m not crying anymore, but that’s
only because I can’t. As much as I want to, no tears fall from my eyes. I think
I’m all dried up of tears. I don’t know when was the last time I smiled. But
trust me, as soon as he wakes up from the coma he’s in now, I won’t be able to
stop beaming. Just to hear his voice say my name once again will be pure
It was my imagination when I thought I heard him say he loved me. It
couldn’t have been anything else. As much as want him to love me, I know that
such a thing is impossible. Who would ever be crazy enough to love me? No one,
that’s who. I know some people love me as a friend, but that’s not what I mean.
When I say love, I mean it in a boyfriend / girlfriend relationship. Something that Brad and Rachel
Unfortunately, Pikachu and Togepi have taken a turn for the worst.
That’s where I am right now, at the Pokemon centre. Pikachu had sustained some
serious injuries once the Thugs had captured him. A few slash marks have been
found under the fur where Pikachu was supposedly tied tightly. Nurse Joy thinks
that the ropes used to tie him must have cut into his flesh when he tried to
escape. Because of the loss of blood, Pikachu was left very weak and had stopped breathing. Enormous amounts of
electricity were used to restart his heart again. I find it weird how Ash and
Pikachu seem to be in the same situation concerning their injuries….
As for Togepi, he was also left very weak. At the moment, he has just
recovered from a small seizure and has been placed into a chamber. I’ve been
told that this chamber is filled with a powerful sedative and it has sent my
little Pokemon in a deep sleep. I haven’t seen any of them, and I’m extremely
worried about them both. Nurse Joy keeps reassuring me that they are in the
best of hands and I believe her, but if anything happens to them, I won’t be
able to forgive myself. As for Charizard and the other Pokemon, they have made
a rapid recovery. Nurse Joy let me see them in the ward and I told them about
the condition of their master. Naturally, all of them are concerned, even
Charizard. I know he doesn’t act like it but deep down, I think he really cares
for Ash. Who wouldn’t? He’s a great trainer and a great friend and he is very,
very special… as you will already know.
Must go,
Love Mist
The Diary was replaced back into the red bag, which was then swung over her left shoulder. Misty made her way up to the Pokemon centre’s front desk and rang the bell for assistance. In no time at all, Nurse Joy appeared from the back room.
Nurse Joy: I guess you want to see the Pokemon now, right?
Misty: It has been an hour Nurse Joy. You said I could come back once they’d rested for a bit.
Nurse Joy: Well, I don’t see the harm in it. (smiling / squinty eyes) I think it may help them to see a loved one.
Nurse Joy led Misty through some doors leading to the ER room. She stopped when she reached some thick double doors and told Misty that was the room with Pikachu and Togepi in it, then, Nurse Joy left. Seeing the double doors reminded Misty of how she waited to find out the results from Ash’s operation. She walked forward, and saw who she had come to see.
The black shadow surrounding him slowly started to fade. It became lighter and lighter before hearing recognizable voices.
???: (excited) Oh my God! He’s waking up!
Ash’s eyes began to open slowly and he focused on an image standing over him. The red headband gave the identity away in an instant.
Tracey: (happy) Great! Your awake!
Ash: (weakly) Tracey?
Tracey: Yeah! It’s me! Nice to have you back!
Ash: (confused) Where am I?
Tracey: Your in Turban Island Hospital. You had an accident. Do you remember?
Ash: I think so…. Something about a gun…. And Misty…. Oh my God! Misty! (getting up) Is she OK? Where is she?
Tracey: (holding him back) Calm down Ash! Misty’s fine thanks to you. You saved her life.
Ash: I did?
???: Yes you did.
Ash moved his eyes and focused on the silhouette of a girl standing in the doorway to his private room. But it wasn’t who he hoped and wished it was. Instead, it was Jen.
Jen: You’re very brave Ash. Not many people I know would have done that for a friend. (inquisitively) But then again, Misty isn’t just a friend to you is she?
Ash turned his head away from his surrounding friends to hide away the blush.
Tracey: I knew it! I knew it all along that you liked Misty.
Ash: Well, can you blame me?
Tracey: No not really. She is pretty and a good friend but I don’t feel the same way you do.
Ash: (confused) So, err… where is she then?
Tracey: She’s at the Pokemon centre. Do you remember what happened to the Pokemon?
Ash: (thinking for a moment) hmmm…. WA! PIKACHU! I HAVE TO SEE PIKACHU!
Ash once again tried to get to his feet but Tracey and Jen pulled him back down. The commotion drew the attention of a near by nurse. She saw Ash kicking and wanting to leave the hospital bed so she quickly gathered her medical equipment and rushed over. She brought out a needle and syringe.
The nurse had no other choice and injected the syringe into Ash’s arm. The effects of the mild tranquillizer started to take it’s effects quickly.
Ash: (getting tired) I have to see.. pika….chu. Let…….. me……. Go. (asleep)
Ash’s eyes closed unwillingly and once again, he was faced with darkness.
Tracey: (to nurse) He didn’t have to be tranquillized!
Nurse: He was getting out of control. He isn’t suppose to move from this bed for at least 4 days. He needs his rest.
Jen: 4 days? Why so long?
Nurse: I guess you haven’t been informed of how close he was to dying, were you?
Tracey: (scared to ask) H-how close?
Nurse: Extremely close. What saved him was how quickly the ambulance arrived here and the bad aim of the people who attacked you. I was worried that if he moved too much and got agitated then he would go into a severe spasm.
Jen: You mean a fit? (worried) Ash could have a fit?
Nurse: (sigh) It’s very likely.
There was a long silence as both Jen and Tracey tried to take in the news of their friend. Jen stepped a couple of paces back and turned out of the door of the private room, completely stunned.
Nurse: What happened to that other girl that was in here earlier? The one with the orange hair
Tracey: Oh, you mean Misty. She’s at the Pokemon centre watching some of our injured Pokemon.
Nurse: Well, maybe it would be a good idea if we have her come back here when this young man (pointing to Ash) awakes.
Tracey: (gets what the nurse is hinting at) Yeah, I’ll do that.
Misty held Togepi and cradled it carefully. A tear fell from her eye as Togepi showed no sign of life. Nurse Joy replaced it back into the incubator and reassured Misty that it was still alive and doing well. The phone rang and Nurse Joy ran to answer it, leaving Misty behind. Misty walked up to the other side of the room and placed a hand on a yellow rodent. She sat down beside the bed Pikachu was laying on and nuzzled his head with her hand. Pikachu had bandages wrapped around his stomach from the ropes that had been used to tie him. The bandages were damp and stained with red blood. Misty, once again, felt another tear fall down her cheek. She managed to dry it with another hand before she was interrupted….
Still in the darkness, Ash tossed and turned. His self-conscious interpretation of unhappiness had got the best of him. He began to get lost and sunk deeper and deeper within his mind. The tunnel was long and black. Ash stood still, and was confused on which way to go. He decided to go right but found himself getting nowhere. Still, he continued. Walking at first, then jogging. And before he knew it, he was running. Running from an unimaginable fear, a fear of loneliness. Ash kept running and running through the darkness, seeing his life end within an instant. The fear crept closer and closer, almost about to engulf him. But then, Ash saw it. A light, bright and blue. Ash moved towards it, just missing the fear of loneliness trailing behind him. Ash felt the warm light touch his face as he felt safe again. He sat down, trying to catch his breath when a familiar sound filled the air. Ash remembered this sound almost instinctively and tried to find out where it was coming from. He looked around and found nothing, just blue light. He looked up and still saw no sight of the origin of the most beautiful sound to Ash’s ears. It got louder but more soothing and Ash found himself back in the darkness. He felt his eyes flicker as a warm hand touched his face. The image was blurred but soon came into focus.
Ash: (very weakly) M… Misty
Misty: (happy) Oh Ash.
Misty’s hand remained on Ash’s face, gently stroking it. Ash felt the warmth of her hand flow through his body and relieve his mind. He noticed the bright smile on her face and intently felt warm again. He took her hand off his face and held it in his own hand.
Misty: How do you feel?
Ash: I’ll live.
Misty: (pause) (sincerely) Thank you Ash.
Ash: (confused) For what?
Misty: For saving my life. I don’t know how I could repay you.
Ash: Wow Misty…… (cocky tone) Your actually being nice to me!
Misty: (sarcastic tone) Don’t get smart with me!
Ash: (silly tone) Wow! I can’t believe this! You actually called me smart!
Misty smiled once again and playfully hit Ash on the head, being careful of his injuries. The two laughed together and then stared at each other. The silence wasn’t awkward this time as they both wanted the same thing but, were too afraid to admit it. Misty broke the silence whilst she took back her hand from his.
Misty: (quiet / serious) Ash, why did you do it?
Ash: Do what?
Misty: (annoyed) Save me you numskull!
Ash: Oh, well…. I……err…..erm…..well, you know.
Misty: No, I don’t. Explain it to me Ash, why did you save my life?
Ash: (nervous) I saved you because….I…I…I didn’t want to see you hurt.
Misty: (jokingly) Since when did you start caring about me!
Ash: (quietly) Since I met you…
Misty: What was that?
Ash: (quick reaction) Nothing!
Misty: Hmmm…. I swear I heard you say something.
Ash: (retorting back) Well obviously you were wrong.
Misty: (sigh) Well, I’m glad your OK Ash. (pointing to the door) I better get back to the Pokemon centre
Misty got up from the chair next to Ash’s bed and turned to walk out. She was just about to take her first step away from the bed, when a hand grabbed hers. It pulled her around and because of the force, it pulled her onto the bed. Her head was thrust downwards and when she looked up, her eyes came in contact with his. They’re faces were so close that they could feel each other’s breath on their cheeks. Misty looked at Ash’s lips and then back to his eyes. He saw this and decided to risk it. He moved his head towards her lips and began to close his eyes. Misty shut her eyes too as the kiss was about to commence…… when….. the door opened to Ash’s private room. Misty was so taken back from the sudden pull away of the kiss that she fell off the bed.
Corrie: Oh! I hope I didn’t interrupt anything!
Ash: Well we were kind of about to k….
Misty: (hits Ash’s arm / to Ash / whispering) Shut up! (to Corrie) We weren’t doing anything, honest we weren’t!
Corrie: Then why are you suddenly on the floor when you were with Ash on his bed?
Misty: (trying to come up with an explanation) I…errr….I…. fell!
Corrie: (smiling) Yeah, whatever.
Ash: So… What do you want, Corrie?
Corrie: I just wanted to see if our secret weapon to wake you up had worked. Obviously it has… but in more ways than one! (giggles)
Ash: (very confused) Secret weapon?
Misty: (getting up / coyly) Don’t bother trying to confuse yourself Ash, it should come to you naturally.
Ash: Hey!
Corrie just giggled at the two who were destined to be together. She walked out of the room and left the two alone.
Misty: (giggled)
Ash: What’s so funny?
Misty: We scared her off!
Ash: Yeah your right. I wonder what she really wanted?
Misty sat back down on the bed. This time, further away from Ash then where she was earlier. She looked him in the eyes and easily managed to get his full attention.
Misty: Ash… If Corrie hadn’t have walked in just then, what would have happened? Would you have …(blush) …..kissed me?
Ash: I don’t ….(sigh)….I don’t know.
Misty: Did you want to kiss me?
Ash: (blushing) Haven’t we kissed b-before?
Misty: (blushing) Oh yeah! (lying / trying to get out of an awkward situation) Well, looks like we won’t have to do it again then will we. (squinty eyes / pretend smile) I mean if we’ve already done it then there’s no point!
Ash just stared at her, wishing he had the guts to tell her. But he didn’t and so just kept on staring at her, not knowing what to say.
Misty: Why are you looking at me like that?
Ash: Because I don’t know what to say.
Ash laid back down on his bed and closed his eyes.
Misty: Ash? Are you OK?
Ash: I’ll be fine.
Ash held his chest were the wound still bled. He screwed up his face, obviously in pain. Then, Ash felt himself drift back into the darkness he hated so much. His body relaxed as his heart monitor started to flash. Misty saw this and was instinctively worried.
Misty: I’m going to get a doctor!
Ash: (in a lot of pain) no…..
Misty stopped in her tracks from getting a doctor and rushed back over to the bed where Ash laid. Misty saw the pain which he was in.
Misty: Ash! (desperate for an answer) What’s wrong???
Misty noticed Ash’s heart monitor started to flash quicker and quicker. The number and the bottom of the screen increased sharply. An alarm sounded inside the room as Ash’s heart rate increased more and more. She looked back at Ash and tried calling his name, but he wouldn’t respond.
Misty: (very very worried) SOMEONE HELP HIM! PLEASE!
Within no time at all, two doctors came to Misty’s assistance, along with the rest of the group who stared through the transparent window. Misty was shoved outside of the room and joined the rest of the group, staring through the glass. Then, it happened. The constant one pitch sound from Ash’s heart monitor sounded as the green, once spiky line, flat lined.
Narrator: Oh no! Our hero has flat lined! What will happen now? Will he live or die not knowing what it would be like to accomplish his dreams? Find out in the next part of A VACATION FOR LURVE.