Author's notes: I don't own Pokemon or Kevin Smith's Jay and Silent Bob.
Well, there are bad words in it so this story is rated R. I do own Kevin,
Eliseo, Sandra and Kelly.
New Members Part 2:Showdown at Sunny Town
(Our heroes, Ash, Misty, Pikachu, and the newcomer Kevin had almost made it
to Sunny Town when Kevin heard something.)
Kevin: Did you hear that?
Ash/Misty: Hear what?
(That's when two people jump out from behind a tree.)
?: Hi Kevin
Kevin: Do I know you?
?: It's me Jay, you mother Fucker!
Kevin: Hi Jay, Hi Silent Bob.
Misty: You know them?
Jay (to Kevin): Hey Kev, who's the Fucking chick?
Misty: WHAT!!! (Misty took a mallet out of nowhere and hit Jay on the head)
Kevin: Uh-Oh! I suggest you take that back Jay.
Ash: So who are they, Kevin?
Kevin: Friends of mine.
Ash: Ok (looks that Silent Bob) Does he talk?
Kevin: No.
Jay: So where are you headed?
Kevin/Ash/Misty: Sunny Town!
Jay: That's where we are headed.
?: Hi!
Kevin/Ash/Misty/Jay: Huh?
(They turn to see a girl. She was wearing a navy blue t-shirt, with bell bottoms and a white long sleeve shirt, with sandals.)
Kevin:oh its you
Misty:you know her?
Kevin:yes.,Everyone this is Kelly
Kelly:hi,Nice to meet all of you
Kevin:why are you here?
Kelly:to Get a Badge
Kevin:ok,we are headed to Sunny Town
Kelly:can i come
(they start Walking. Meanwhile that the Team Rocket Hideout two new Members were talking to a Man on a T.V Screen.)
Giovanni:i want you to go to Sunny Town Steal some Pokemon
1-2 Voice:yes,sir
Giovanni:and my Brother will be there to Help you
1-2 Voice:ok
they Left. Meanwhile that Sunny Town we see Ash,Misty and Pikachu and the 4 newcomers
Kevin,Jay,Silent Bob and Kelly.
Kelly:we’ll here
Kevin:yes we know
Ash:Come on let go get a Badge (He Starts Running with Pikachu)
Misty:hey,wait for us
they Start Running after ash and Pikachu want they got there.they Started to look for Ash.
thats when Kevin Found him
Kevin:hey Guys i Found Ash
Misty and the others run where Kevin,Ash and Pikachu were.
Misty:Next Time Wait for us Ash
Ash:Kevin whats that Building?
Kevin:the Sunny Gym
Ash:Alright i am going to get a,whats the Badge Called
Kelly:The X Badge
Ash:ok (he noticed Kevin walking away) where are you going Kevin?
Kevin (sweatdrops):Um...i have to Check something out
Kevin:well i have to go bye but i will be back ok
Everyone Waves there Hands but Jay and Silent Bob
Jay (To Silent Bob):what the Fuck is he Fucking up to?
Silent Bob Just Noded *no*.
Jay:lets Follow him
(Silent Bob Noded.they start Running to see what Kevin was too.we see Kevin Talking to Someone on a videophone.)
Kevin:do i have too
?:yes you have too
Kevin:ok,well bye
(Kevin Hangs up the Phone and didn't noticed Jay and Silent Bob Watching Him.Kevin Started to go Back to the others so was Jay and Silent Bob.Back that the Gym.Ash Started to go in.)
Ash:hello anyone Here
Ash Turns around to see a boy Wearing all Black.
Ash:are you the gym leader?
Sgamer82:yes i am,the Names Sgamer82
Ash:i want a Pokemon Battle For the X Badge
Sgamer82:ok,We'll have a three on three battle.
Ash:your on,Charizard,go
the Pokeball Opened up and we see Charizard Sleeping
Ash:Charizard Wake up we'll in the of a Middle of a Battle here
Sgamer82:if he asleep them i won The First Battle
Ash:oh man (Pointing Pokebal to Charizard) Charizard Return
Sgamer82:ok its My turn Lickitung,go
Sgamer82B(to Himself):This Won't take Long (to Lickitung) Use your Lick Attack
Lickitung Opened hes Mouth and poped out his Long Tongue out and Lick Bulbasaur but it did not work on him
Ash:use vine whip
Bulbasaur use vine whip and Won.
Sgamer82:i lost Return Lickitung
Ash (Happy):Good Job Bulbasur
Ash (to Pikachu):i know you can do this Pikachu
Sgamer82 (laughs):a Pikachu,huh (to Himself)this Won't Take long
Ash:ok Pikachu use your thunderbolt! Maximum power!"
Pikachu crouched low, its fists clenched. Its face showed grim determination as it concentrated its power.
A beam of directed electrical energy flew from Pikachu and struck Raichu on the chest.
Raichu didn't even flinch.Pikachu and Ash gasped in surprise. Pikachu's thunderbolt had never once been ineffective.
Sgamer87 (laughing):"Is that the best you can do? My Raichu's weakest attack is stronger than that! Show 'em, Raichu. Thundershock!"
The force of the jolt threw Pikachu ten feet backwards. Pikachu landed at Ash's feet, dazed. Ash looked at his friend, horrified. Tears began to well up in his eyes.
(Author Note:ok i use The Battle Part From The Ep Electric Shock Showdown)
Pikachu slowly Open his Eyes and saw that he was on a Hopital Bed and saw Ash
Ash:how you're feeling Pikachu
He leaned across to look at his friend.Pikachu turned away, refusing to make eye contact with Ash. After its humiliating defeat at the hands of Raichu, Pikachu needed someone to blame, someone to resent. Ash was within resenting distance.
Kevin:of what i can tell he looks Beat up
(Author Not:ok i Cut the Part where Kevin Comes Back and so do Jay And Silent Bob)
thats when thay heard an Explosion outside of the Pokemon Center
Jay:What The (Beep) was that
Kevin (Thinking):oh no not now
Everyone but Kevin ran out to see what was going on when they Heard
Girl: To protect the world from devastation...
Boy: To unite all peoples within our nations...
Girl: To denounce the evils of truth and love...
Boy: To extend our reach to the stars above...
Girl: Jessie!
Boy: (Holding a rose) James!
Jessie:Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!!
a cat like creature then jumped in between Jessie and James from behind them. He just seemed to appear from out of nowhere.
Meowth: Meowth...that's right!
Jay:did that Fucking just Talk
Ash:What do you two want
James:to Steal your Pokemon
Ash:no your not
Jessie:whos going to Stop us
we see Kevin runing towards them.
Kevin:i am
James/Jessie/Meowth:who are you?
Kevin:my Name is Kevin Lionhart
James:and your going to Stop us,Don't make me laugh
Kevin:oh yea,Mew GO!"( thowing a pokeball with the word Mew engraved upon it.)
we see a Little Cat-Like Pokemon Flying in the air.
Kevin:Mew Use your Psy Blast
Mew was hesitant because it was such a strong attack, but he listened to his master and sent the attack flying towards Team Rocket.
Kevin:well there gone
Misty:hey kevin tell us how you Found Mew?
Kevin:ok,i Found her on my 13 Brithday it was Raining that day no one was there just me and My Brother,when it was 1:00 that i when i go to bed but i Heard a Voice said *Mew* it was Coming From Outside so i when to Check it out-
Misty:you when out in the Rain?
Kevin:yes,thats when i First saw Mew when i want to Pick her up she look like she was about to Die.
Ash:so thats how you met Mew
Ash:lets go see if Pikachu is well
they run back to the Hopital to see Pikachu.They when to the ER thats when they saw Nurse Joy Next to the ER
Ash:Nurse Joy is Pikachu ok?
Nurse Joy:yes he is
Ash:can i see him?
Nurse Joy:yes you can
She Open the Door to the ER Room ash saw.When Pikachu saw Ash he Jump into his arms
Ash (Happy):Pikachu
Kevin:so are you going to get the X Badge again?
Ash:yes i am
Kevin:we need a plan to beat Sgamer82's Raichu
Ash:how did you know that?
Kevin:i Beat him Before
Ash:oh,do you have a Plan?
Kevin:yes i do
Ash:ok tell us your Plan?
Kevin Explains his Plan.we see Ash and the others walking towards the Gym.he open the Doors
Ash:i'm Back
Sgamer82:so your Back for huh
Ash (Pkachu):you know what do to
Pikachu noded
Ash:Use the strategy we planned, Pikachu! You can win!"
Pikachu:"Pika!" (Pikachu ran towards its opponent, leaping into the air.)
Sgamer8(snorted):"A strategy, eh? You've been planning a new way to lose? Go, Raichu!"
Raichu took a couple of steps forward and swung its long tail around. Pikachu was whipped in mid-air by Raichu's tail. Ash's Pokémon fell to the ground. Ash gasped. This wasn't what they had planned.
Pikachu growled and scrambled to its feet, only to be felled by another whip from Raichu's tail. Once again, Pikachu tried to get up. Once again, Raichu knocked it down.
Misty:"Hang in there, Pikachu!"
Ash:"Roll to the side, out of the way."
Pikachu was unable to make its stinging muscles move quickly enough.
Sgamer82 (grinned confidently):"Do it, Raichu," he bellowed. "Give it your body slam!"
Raichu jumped three feet into the air and threw itself onto Pikachu. The little Pokémon squealed in pain and frustration. Ash could hardly bear to watch. This was looking horribly familiar.
Sgamer82:"Finish it off just like before. Electric body slam. Full power!"
Raichu took a step backwards, crouched down, and began to summon its electrical power. Its fur bristled, sparks flicking around its body. Although Pikachu was tired and aching all over, it concentrated as hard as it could to summon some power of its own.Raichu leapt into the air, preparing to discharge a hundred housand volts into its victim.Pikachu raised itself onto its feet.Raichu loomed closer and closer.
Pikachu jumped.Raichu crashed into the floor where, a split second before, Pikachu had been lying immobile. A hundred thousand volts dissipated harmlessly into the ground.Raichu's trainer stared in disbelief. Ash, Misty,Kevin and Silent Bob allowed themselves a small cheer.
Ash:"Do it, Pikachu! Agility, now!"
Sgamer82:"Raichu, use your body slam!"
Raichu turned around and threw itself at Pikachu. The smaller Pokémon dodged out of the way with ease, leaving Raichu to land painfully on the hard stadium floor. Raichu picked itself up and tried another body slam. Again, Pikachu evaded the attack.
Misty:"It's working, just like Kevin said!"
Ash:"Use all the agility you've got!"
Pikachu darted left and right, not keeping still for a millisecond. Raichu was unable to keep track of its target. Pikachu's movements were a blur. Raichu's head spun in dizzy confusion.
Ash:Your Raichu's way too slow! That's its weakness!"
Sgamer82:Okay Raichu, give it a thunderbolt!"
Though it had expended a large amount of power in the failed electric body slam, Raichu clenched its fists and began to concentrate.
Four beams of electrical energy shot out from Raichu in four different directions.
One thunderbolt, aimed low, hurtled towards Ash, Misty,Kevin and Silent Bob.It struck the ground in front of the group, sending a shockwave rippling through the stadium floor. The friends threw themselves to the ground and covered their faces.
The Other Thunderbolts struck the walls of the gym, sending lattices of inch-thick cracks shooting towards the ceiling.
Sgamer82:"The end of the match!"
The words had barely left his mouth when he gasped in amazement.Pikachu was in front of him, balanced on its tail which had been wedged into a crack in the floor left by Raichu's thunderbolt. Ash, Misty,Kevin and Silent Bob climbed to their feet and dusted themselves off.
Ash:"Way to go, Pikachu!"
Kevin:"It used its tail as a ground and dodged the electric shock. Amazing!"
Pikachu climbed down off its tail and onto all fours, glaring at the exhausted Raichu.
Sgamer82:"Give it another thunderbolt!"
Raichu:"Laaaaaaiiiii... chu?"
Nothing happened.
Sgamer82: "Raichu, do something!"
Ash (grinned):"Go, Pikachu! Quick attack!"
Pikachu sprinted towards the larger Pokémon.
Sgamer:"Raichu, take down, now!"
Raichu couldn't attack something that it couldn't see.Pikachu charged at Raichu, knocking its target to the ground.
Ash:"Finish it. Swift attack!"
Pikachu leaped into the air. With pinpoint accuracy, hundreds of tiny energy pulses rained down on Raichu. Each one stung like an angry wasp.
Ash:"Don't stop, Pikachu! Give it all you've got!"
Pikachu landed a few feet away from Raichu. Adrenaline coursed through the little Pokémon's veins. It continued to bombard its opponent with Swift energy. Raichu covered its face. Pikachu didn't stop its attack. Victory would be total.Raichu couldn't take any more. It fell onto its back, soundly beaten.
Tears ran down Ash's face. He looked proudly at Pikachu.
Kevin:"Way to go!"
Silent Bob Claped
Sgamer82 shook Ash's hand. Ash smiled a little. Five minutes ago, he had hated this man and his Pokémon. Now, he was shaking his hand. Pokémon battles had a strange way of bringing people together.He fumbled around inside his jacket pocket and produced a small object
Sgamer82:"As proof of your victory, a X Badge (He placed the badge into Ash's hand.)"You should be proud. You and your Pikachu fought good together."
Pikachu smiled and blushed a little.Kevin led a round of applause for the victors. Misty joined in heartily, followed by Sgamer82.The bitterness of the battle was forgotten.
Pikachu climbed up Ash's leg and onto his shoulder. Ash held the badge up for Pikachu to see.
Ash:a X Bagde! And it's all mine!"
Ash threw his right arm up into the air, fingers parted into a victory sign. Pikachu stood on its trainer's shoulder, striking the same pose.
Misty:"Those two make quite a team."
Kevin (agreed):"They certainly do."
after 2 Mins Ash amd the others Left the Gym.Kevin was talking to Jay and Silent Bob
Kevin:want to come with us?
Jay:Sorry Dude me and Silent Bob are going Back Home
Kevin Join the others.What New Adventures will they Find who knows.
To be continued...
Coming Soon:Who get to keep Marill