Disclaimer: We do not own the rights to Pokemon, though we wish we did! ^_^ Enjoy.
AN - this part is written by Nukem and posted by Silent Bob.
Adventures in the Pokemon World, Part 12
The dark sky sucked inside and out, exploding with lightning, dark clouds,
and strange rainbow colored energy. It seemed the sky was falling.
Everyone, pokemon and human alike, stared in awe as a huge black hole stood
in the center of the black sky. Questions raced throughout their minds, and
everyone was totally confused. Even Mewtwo seemed to be lost.
Mewtwo: In all the name of Poke-history, what is that abomination??
Ash: What are you yelling about? What worked?
Sheila: Doctor, what is this black hole?
Dr. Malcolm (grinning evilly): Due to the luck of my genius, the robots'
scrambler beams and Mewtwo's confusion have created a wonderful, mutated
transdimensional hole. Now the hole will be open forever, however the portal
will close instantly once any human or Pokemon passes through. Then it will
shut down, with no way of return.
While Malcolm and his team gathered up their supplies, the other kids woke
up in a daze.
Jade (rubbing her head): Oh man, what was in that cotton candy? My head
feels like my brain died and exploded or something.
Victor's eyes spun with circles.
Victor: But daddy, the giant eyeball ate me before I went to school, right
Wendy: Oh man, what a booboo ... Wait a sec, I said booboo! That means I'm
... We're all alive!
Panda: How is that, Wendy? The last thing I remembered was that wacko
drained us of our souls, and then we were ACK!
Panda made a choked-dead looking face, and Robby jolted up, realizing he was
Robby: Wendy is right! We're moving, talking. It means we're back, and that
means you're in big trouble Dr. Bonehead.
Sheila (growling): That's Dr. Malcolm, you worthless weakling.
In anger from Robby insulting Dr. Malcolm, Sheila fired a psychic blast at
the boy. Mewtwo jumped in, blocked it with ease, and then blasted Sheila
back with a psybeam.
Mewtwo: No one hurts my master, witch! Battle with me, and we'll see who's
the greater psychic, or, in your case, PSYCHO.
The two psychics locked in super-psychic combat, leaving the other children,
Dr. Malcolm, and his robots left.
Misty: What happens now, you guys?
Dr. Malcolm: I'll tell you what! My robots are going to crush you like bugs.
Then, after Mewtwo is defeated, we'll travel to Earth, live like kings, and
leave you here to rot.
The children stomped over and blocked Ash, Misty, Gary, Tracey, and Brock,
like human shields.
Ken: First you've gotta get through us.
Jade: And we're not letting you hurt the ones we love anymore!
Jade winks and blows a kiss at Brock, causing him to turn bright red.
Brock (in gaga mode): ....You go girl.
Panda: Yeah, but guys! They got BIG robots and what do we have?
Wendy: Pokemon?!?!
Robby: That's it! Malcolm said our strength lies within our own abilities and
our will to control our new Pokemon. Let's prove him right.
Victor: Yeah, it's payback time for brainwashing me against my friends,
Barny, Ken, Wendy, Panda, Robby, and Jade pulled out their Pokeballs and
tossed them all at once into the air. Malcolm simply laughed and sent out his
three mighty robots.
Dr. Malcolm: If you insist on attacking me, I am left with no other choice!
Go, my cyber soldiers! TAKE NO PRISONERS.
He laughed maniacally, watching as the battle for two worlds began ...
To Be Continued ...