Disclaimer: We do not own the rights to Pokemon. Enjoy!
AN - This part is written by Nukem and posted by Silent Bob. Don't forget to
leave your comments, please.
Adventures in the Pokemon World, Part 11
The robots ran full speed towards Mewtwo, with their huge arms pulled back
and prepared to strike. As they drew nearer, the super psychic Pokemon easily
teleported out of harm's way, zapping back and forth as the stupid robots
tried to get him, but couldn't land a hit. Meanwhile, Ash, Misty, Tracey,
Brock, and the others ran to the machine where the kids were, and Ash
stupidly inspected the computer council.
Ash: Wow! Look at all these cool buttons and levers. Man, what a computer!
(Misty whacks him in the head) OW! What was that for?
Misty: Because you were gawking like a moron.
Ash: Was not!
Misty: Was too!
As the quarreling duo repeated it 50 billion times, Tracey and Brock sigh.
Tracey: How did you ever put up with this, Brock?
Brock: I did the one thing I could ... Never try and stop them or else BAM!
You'll lose teeth.
Tracey gulps.
Team Rocket looks all over the odd machine and tried to find a reverse button.
Jesse: This thing has more gadgets and gizmos than those robots.
James: But how are we gonna get this thing moving and get the kids back?
James/Jesse (scratching chins): Hmm ...
Gary sighs and leans on the machine and accidentally presses a large, red
button. The machine activates, and the soul filled jars glow brightly.
Gary: ACK! Guys, looks the machine, it's on! I just pressed a button, so now
Tracey walks over and stares all over the machine, trying to figure out which
buttons, levers, and knobs did what.
Tracey: From what I can understand, as long as the souls are in the jars, the
dimensional door must stay open. So we've gotta get their souls back into
their bodies!
Brock stops Tracey's hand from pulling on a big, dark, red lever.
Brock: No, wait! If what you guys said is true, those kids' real home is on
that Earth place Dr. Malcolm mentioned. If we close the door, they'll never
get home.
Misty sighs sadly, thinking about Robby losing his home.
Misty: I never thought about that. Oh poor Robby! We'll get you back home
safe and sound.
Ash put a hand on Misty's shoulder, and she looked back at Ash oddly.
Ash: Don't worry Misty, I'll make sure they are all safe. That mad man won't
lay a hand on you or our friends.
Misty blushed and kissed Ash and said thank you. Ash blushed deeply, and
replied, head over heels in love, "Welcome."
Brock and Tracey continue to argue on how to fix the machine. Meanwhile, the
robots have finally cornered Mewtwo, aiming their laser cannons at his head.
Robot 1: Prepare for total destruction ... Scrambler beams, fire!
Mewtwo: Confusion.
As the robots fired the beams, Mewtwo uses his psychic powers to change the
beams' path directly towards the machine.
Misty: Ash, INCOMING!
Ash screamed, grabbed Misty's hand, and jumped away from the machine, yelling
at everyone else.
Dr. Malcolm (to the robots): You mechanical morons! NOOOOO!
Sheila: Doctor, get down!
Sheila pulled Malcolm to the ground, and the two covered their heads with
their arms. The beams struck the machine and Team Rocket was launched
skyward, due to the massive explosion. They held onto each other and began
to scream.
Jesse/James/Meowth: Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!
The machine warped the sky once more, changing from light to dark, back and
forth, in a confusion of warped time and space. The soul jars reversed into
the empty bodies, and the kids woke up staring up at the sky in pure
confusion and terror.
Everyone: What happens now?
To Be Continued . . .