Chapter 2
“Help! I need a doctor now! I don’t know how much longer he can hold out...”
I burst through the doors of the Pokémon Center, not even waiting for them to open fully but
squeezing between them as they slid apart instead. The circular, immaculately clean foyer of the
Pokémon Center was mostly empty, but a few people sat around talking and turned to look at
me as I ran in screaming. In particular a pink haired and slender nurse dressed in a white
nursing gown stood up from where she had been sitting behind a reception desk, looking at me
inquisitively. “Can I help you sir? Who are you talking about?”
“This Cyndaquil, it was...” I hesitated, not wanting to think of what Zelos and Ramirez had so
ruthlessly done, “Injured. Badly injured. A knife cut deep into its throat.”
I walked over to the reception desk and showed the nurse the form I cradled in my arms like a
baby. The Cyndaquil had steadily been getting worse; the sock I had tied around his throat to
help stop the bleeding looked as if it had been dropped into a pool of blood and even more ran
out around it, tangling his chest fur into a sticky crimson mess. His breathing was slow and
came in short wheezes, his fur was ghastly pale, and his entire body felt as if a fire was raging
inside of him even more so then usual. As the nurse saw him she gasped and typed a flurry of
words into the computer on the desk. “Chansey! There’s a Cyndaquil here who needs
treatment in the ER immediately!”
A pair of swinging doors burst open and out of it a pink, egg shaped Pokémon about as high as
my waist waddled out, pushing a small stretcher ahead of it. “Chansey!” It said, looking at me
and pointing at the stretcher with one of its stubby arms. Realizing what it wanted I reluctantly
lay the Cyndaquil on the stretcher, being careful so as not to move him more then I had to. Out
of my arms and lying helplessly on the stretcher he looked even worse then before, and as the
Chansey began to pull the stretcher back through the doors I had to restrain myself from chasing
after, feeling as if I would never see Cyndaquil again if I let him out of my sight. I knew I
couldn’t follow, however, and bit my lower lip as the doors flapped close behind the Chansey
and the Cyndaquil bearing stretcher.
“What is your name and trainer ID, sir? Is that Cyndaquil yours? I’ll need a full account on
what happened.” The nurse recited after the Chansey and Cyndaquil had left. Turning to her I
slumped against the counter, folding my arms and hanging my head; only then realizing that the
front of my shirt and my lower arms, bare as I was wearing a t-shirt, were covered in blood. I
looked up at the nurse and tried to act stronger then I felt at the moment.
“My name is Shrike Flamestar and I don’t have a trainer ID; I’m a student at The Pokémon
Academy, the Rustboro campus, of course. No, the Cyndaquil is not mine, it belongs to the
school. I really would rather not talk about what happened.”
“I’m sorry, but we need to know what happened for our records, and we also need some form
of identification, such as a school ID card. You said something about a knife cutting its throat?
How did that occur?”
Sighing reluctantly I gave in and told her what had happened, meanwhile trying to convince
myself that it had all been a dream. When I finally finished I was worn out from being forced to
retell the tale and I slumped down farther as I dug my school ID out of my pocket and laid it on
the counter. Picking it up the nurse finished typing whatever she had been working on and gave
a small nod as she glanced at me and handed my ID back.
“You can go and sit down now; the washrooms are over there if you want to wash off. As
soon as we have the Cyndaquil in a stable condition we’ll let you in to see it.”
I staggered over to a chair that gave a good view of the glass wall that made up half of the
circular room’s parameter and dropped down into it, setting my backpack onto the floor, not
caring for the blood on me. My right arm throbbed from where Zelos’ knife had fallen and cut
me, the sock I had tied around it showing hints of blood starting to soak through, however I
ignored it and stared blankly out the glass wall. A few minutes later I sighed and snapped out of
the trance I had been in as I reached into one of my jeans pockets, pulling out a rectangular
metal device about the size and shape of a book. Sliding a stylus pen out of it I flipped open the
tablet PC’s cover and tapped at the screen, pulling up a story about a Pokémon trainer that I
was working on. I tried to continue writing in it, yet found that I just wasn’t in the mood right
now to write anything and instead checked to see if I could get a wireless internet connection in
the Pokémon Center, only to be prompted with a screen saying,  
Wireless internet service in this Pokémon
Center is restricted to licensed Pokémon Trainers and personnel only. Please login with your
full name and Trainer ID.
Defeated, I closed my tablet PC and returned the stylus to its slot before replacing the PC back
into my pocket. For about five more minutes I sat there blankly, trying not to think about
anything at all, as if that would make things normal again, until I was snapped aware by a
familiar cell phone ring. I grabbed my cell phone off of its clip on my belt and looked at the
small external display on which the number calling me was shown. I didn’t recognize the
number but nevertheless I flipped it open to answer the call. “Hello?”
“Hey, Shrike. How’s the Cyndaquil doing?” Rayne’s voice responded. I suddenly
remembered that we had swapped phone numbers when we were first grouped together, but I
hadn’t bothered to memorize hers and instead just saved it to my phone’s address book.
“Don’t know. He was in really bad shape when I got here, but I haven’t heard anything farther
yet. I’ll call you back as soon as I know anything.”
“Okay... Wait, hold on, Mr. Neil wants to talk to you.”
“Huh? You mean Neil, the assistant principal? What’s he want?”
“Ask him yourself, here...” And then in a different voice that I didn’t recognize all that well,
“Hello? Shrike Flamestar, is it? I trust that this isn’t some kind of prank?”
“Yes, I am Shrike, sir. And no, this isn’t a prank; why would anyone joke about this?”
“Well, we have plenty of eyewitnesses so there’s not much doubt to that matter, instead I
wanted to talk with you in regards to the Cyndaquil that is currently being treated by the
Pokémon Center between our campus and Rustboro City proper, that’s the one, right?”
“Um, I suppose so. All I know is that this is the Pokémon Center that is right next to the school
and which we were told is where we should go if a Pokémon in our possession is injured
severely and beyond the care of the school’s infirmary. Since the cut Cyndaquil received was
so deep and directly on his throat, as I’m sure Rayne has already told you, I thought it best to
bring him here.”
“Good thing you did, from the sounds of it this matter is far out of the hands of our doctors.
The real problem we have on our hands right now, however, is that of your current possession
of the Cyndaquil itself. See, by law a Pokémon Center can only return a Pokémon to the
person who brought it in in the first place, hence why they take your name and trainer ID if you
have one. You do not have to stay at the Center for the entire time, of course, although I have
seen fit to arrange to have you excused from classes for the rest of the day, as per Professor
Jura’s request; however some of the board members are concerned that this period of time may
leave an imprint of sorts on you.”
“An imprint, sir?” I was puzzled, both over what Mr. Neil meant and why Professor Jura
requested that I be excused from classes for the day; I had never heard of him being
considerate to anyone besides himself before.
“A psychological one, yes. Quite frankly some people are worried that you will grow attached
to the Cyndaquil and believe that it is your own Pokémon even though that is most certainly not
the case, especially with such a specimen as this one; I am under the impression that it is of an
abnormal coloring.”
“Somewhat, his chest fur has some extra chemicals in them that give his chest a sort of red
shine; the shine is only on his chest, however. If it was over his full body he’d be outright rare,
but being half-and-half like this is merely uncommon nowadays.”
“Professor Jura taught you this?”
“Yes, sir.”
For a moment there was only the sound of papers being shuffled through, followed by silence.
Shortly Mr. Neil spoke up again, “That’s it for now. As I have already said, you have been
excused from classes for the day, but I fully expect you to be back tomorrow with this incident
out of your mind.”
“I understand, sir.”
With a click the phone call ended and I closed my cell phone, clutching it tightly in my hand as I
thought on what Mr. Neil had said. It was clear they wanted to press in the point that
Cyndaquil belonged to them and not me, yet my mind kept on slipping around the thought, not
bearing to think about it. I didn’t want to admit it but the mindset the school feared I would slip
into I already had. Anxious for something else to take my mind away from those thoughts I
stood up and reattached my cell phone to its clip as I walked over to the reception desk.
“How’s Cyndaquil doing? Can I see him yet?”
“We’re sorry, sir. He is still in the emergency room, but should be ready to be moved to
intensive care any minute now. As soon as his condition is stable we’ll be sure to notify you. If
you want to leave the building you can give me your phone number and we will call you if
necessary.” The nurse said, not looking away from her work.
“No, that’s not needed. Not now, anyways. I can wait here.”
The next few hours passed uneventfully, most of the time being spent working on some
homework I had built up. Eventually I changed my shirt with a spare one from my backpack
and washed off the blood caked on my arms, replacing the sock wrapped around my cut with a
cloth bandage a nurse gave me; I could tell that everyone else in the Pokémon Center was glad
I had done so since I looked like I had killed someone before. Boringness finally got the better
of me and I asked the nurse why I had to have a trainer’s license to access the internet, only to
find out that I could also use my school ID to get on and that they hadn’t found the time to
change the notice yet. Aggravated that they had been so lazy as to not change one little
sentence around I finally made my way online and logged into a chat room that me and some of
my online friends hung out on.  
*** Fire_Bird has joined the chat
>Fire_Bird: Hey guys, sorry I couldn’t get on last night.
>LordDark: Hey, FB! So why weren’t you on last night? Why are you on now?
>Fire_Bird: It was my turn to look after the Cyndaquil for my school project.
>LordDark: Ah, I see. Still, shouldn’t you be in class now?
>Fire_Bird: I got excused...
>chaos: ooh... faking being sick again?
>Fire_Bird: No, I got in a fight.
>chaos: aha! i knew you had it in you! tell us all about it!
>LordDark: Chaos, I have a feeling FB doesn’t want to talk about it -_-
>Fire_Bird: No, that’s all right, it’s probably better if you knew, anyway.
>Fire_Bird: Or at least it may help me feel better.
>chaos: w00t!
>Fire_Bird: It happened after GPS class.
>Fire_Bird: I was talking to Rayne when I saw two people come out of the classroom.
>chaos: hmm, rayne, never heard of her before. is she your gf? have any pictures? is she
>Fire_Bird: NO! NO! And, erm...
>chaos: so I struck a nerve :D
>LordDark: Can you just let FB finish before you ask questions?
>Fire_Bird: Anyways, One of the men was holding a Cyndaquil.
>Fire_Bird: I recognized it as being the same one Rayne and I were studying in GPS.
>* chaos restrains himself from making a snide remark about fb x rayne
>Fire_Bird: When they realized I knew they had stolen it they threatened to decapitate it right
then and there.
>chaos: ... now that’s fucked up.
>LordDark: Why would they do that?
>Fire_Bird: They claimed they needed a test subject for an experiment involving Pokémon
>Fire_Bird: If I wanted to stop them they said they would begin right there, so they did.
>LordDark: Have you reported them to the police? That’s just wrong!
>Fire_Bird: I think Rayne might have, if not the school probably has.
>chaos: so you fought them off in a valiant effort to get the cyndaquil back?
>Fire_Bird: Kind of, except I was frozen in shock for a while as they slowly cut into
Cyndaquil’s neck.
>* chaos feels sick.
>* LordDark does to.
>Fire_Bird: Then Rayne knocked out the person who was holding him.
>Fire_Bird: But the other guy got to him before I could and began to cut into his throat
>Fire_Bird: I finally came to my senses and wrenched the knife away from Cyndaquil’s
>Fire_Bird: Before punching the guy in the gut causing him to drop Cyndaquil, who I got to first
this time.
>chaos: and the day is saved!
>Fire_Bird: He also dropped his knife, which cut into MY arm.
>chaos: LOL
>LordDark: How is it funny when FB gets hurt, but sick when a Cyndaquil does?
>Fire_Bird: They then ran away or something.
>Fire_Bird: So I was left with the Cyndaquil whose neck they had just cut into about an inch or
so deep.
>Fire_Bird: I brought him to the Pokémon Center right outside the school,
>Fire_Bird: And have been here for a couple hours now.
>Fire_Bird: Fortunately I brought my PC and my trusted backpack o’ supplies.
>chaos: so, about rayne...
>* LordDark smacks Chaos
>LordDark: Wow, are you okay? How’s the Cyndaquil? Who the hell would do such a thing
>Fire_Bird: Yes, I’m okay now. Don’t know as they aren’t telling me. Their names are Zelos
and Ramirez.
>Fire_Bird: You haven’t happened to hear about them before, have you?
>LordDark: Hmm, nope, don’t ring a bell.
>chaos: how old is rayne?
>* LordDark summons Ho-Oh to attack Chaos with Sacred Fire, turning him completely to
>chaos: i feel unwanted here :( |
“Excuse me? You are Shrike Flamestar, correct?”
Blinking I looked up from my conversation, finding that a new nurse, this one with black hair
tied back in a bun yet otherwise looking similar to the receptionist, was standing over me. “Yes.
Is this about Cyndaquil? How is he?”
“He is fine; he will have to remain in intensive care for a while longer, we’re guessing a couple
days at least, but his condition has stabilized enough to allow you to see him.”
Quickly I stood up, hastily typing the letters “BRB” on the onscreen keyboard of my PC before
sliding it into my pocket, following the nurse through the same doors Cyndaquil had left through
and down a white walled hallway, past several doors branching off the main path and carts piled
high with medical equipment. We passed a couple more nurses and doctors as well as a
Chansey or two before finally turning through a door labeled “Intensive Care. Authorized
personnel and escorted visitors ONLY!”
“He is in here, please try to be quiet.” The nurse said, inserting a keycard into a slot besides a
door with a plaque that read ‘FT-S1.’ The door slid aside smoothly and I nervously stepped
into the pitch black room. I couldn’t make out a thing and fumbled around for a light switch
before suddenly a single, small lamp next to a bed turned on as the nurse pressed a button on
the panel outside the room. The lamp didn’t reveal much about the room other then the small
bed with a bundle of blankets on top a couple of yards from the door, the rest of the room
being hid in darkness. I nearly cried out in joy as I ran over to stand next to the bed, stifling the
urge to reach out and take the sleeping form of Cyndaquil away with me now.
He looked haggard and worn, however he had been thoroughly washed and not a drop of
blood could be seen anymore throughout his fur. The cut on his neck which had been bleeding
so profusely before had been stitched close; his head and neck held tightly in a metal clamp
attached to the bed so that the stitch wouldn’t tear open in case he moved in his sleep. A
couple of IVs ran from his side and there were flattened places in his fur where various sensors
had been before but were now removed.
“I must admit, this was one of the worst cases I’ve ever seen. Injuries of this magnitude are
more common in the center of the city, not its outskirts. Still, the doctors believe he should be
almost back to normal within a month; however he can leave here before then as long as
whoever cares for him makes sure he gets plenty of rest.” The nurse said, walking over to me as
I dropped to my knees next to the bed.
“‘Almost’. What does that mean?” I asked as I watched Cyndaquil’s stomach rise and fall.
Just as it had when I put him in his cage, before Zelos and Ramirez kidnapped him and started
this whole mess.
“Well, while his trachea and carotid arteries were fortunately uninjured, the sacs of methane gas
that Cyndaquils and their evolutions use to produce fire out of their mouths were badly
damaged. It is not known rather they will heal on their own, although it is suspected unlikely.
While the methane gas sacs are damaged like this he will not be able to produce any fire out of
his mouth, although he will still be able to on his back since those use a different ignition
method.” The nurse said. I looked grimly at the stitch on Cyndaquil’s neck and sighed.
“So, in other words, he won’t be able to use attacks such as Ember, Flamethrower, and the
like.” Cautiously I reached out and smoothed a patch of Cyndaquil’s fur that was sticking
straight up. “Don’t know why I care, though. It’s not like he’s mine, and it’s not as if the
school will just hand him over to me like they would a textbook.”
“Yet you look as though you care for him a great deal.”
“I do. Before this happened I was assigned to keep watch and record data on him for a school
project. During that time I grew to like him, and was disappointed that it was unlikely I’d ever
be able to see him again after we finished due to the school’s policy against letting students visit
the school’s Pokémon. Despite my disappointment I was still able to cope with losing him to
the school at that point, however. But then, when Zelos and Ramirez came and were about to
kill him, I snapped; I suddenly realized that he is the Pokémon I want to partner with, to journey
out into the world side by side with. Except, I’m only a sophomore, I still have two more years
until I’m released from school. I could always drop out, seeing as there’s no law forbidding
dropouts from getting their training licenses, yet even then there’s still the matter that he’s the
school’s property and if I were to take him I’d be no better then Zelos and Ramirez. Without
the killing, of course. I doubt my dad would be very happy if I dropped out either, he’s the one
who sent me to this school to begin with, after all.”
“Perhaps you should try talking to the school board.” A harsh voice said from the doorway.
Startled I swung around to face the intruder and stifled a gasp of surprise as I found myself
looking at a familiar, tall and elderly man; his head topped with wiry gray hair and his hands
clasped behind his back as he stared at me sternly. “Professor Jura?! What are you doing
here; I thought you had a class now?”
“I do. I figured the students in that class are so lackluster when it comes to Pokémon, however,
that my presence there wouldn’t make any difference whatsoever. So I left them to themselves;
locking all the doors and windows, of course.” Professor Jura said as he walked over to where
the nurse and I were huddled around Cyndaquil’s bed. “Move out of the way. I want to see
the Cyndaquil. It is my Pokémon, of course.”
“Sir, you can’t be back here, this is a restricted area. Only staff and visitors under escort are
allowed in here.” The nurse stammered, surprised by the abruptness of Professor Jura.
“Ah, Shrike’s my escort. Besides, just try and stop me.” Professor Jura growled as he pushed
his way past the nurse and next to where I stood, towering over my kneeling form as he stared
down at me. “What are you doing on the ground, boy? Praying?”
Wondering what was the best way to escape from Professor Jura’s gaze yet still remain with the
Cyndaquil I quickly stood up. “Watching him sleep. You can’t see his neck when you kneel, so
he looks almost the same as before it all; as I wish it could be. I know he’s not my Pokémon,
yet I’ve found that I care for him all the same now.”
For what had to be the first time these past two years I’ve had with him, Professor Jura actually
briefly smiled and nodded at me. “Good. You care for something other then yourself, a trait
I’ve found rare among my students these days. Yet, you need to come to terms with what is
and not your vision of a perfect reality, so I forbid you from kneeling for now.”
“Yes, sir.” I nodded submissively, looking down at the stitched cut which I had indirectly caused
out of my negligence.
“Excuse me, sir, but you really need to—” The nurse began, but Professor Jura cut her off.
“I’ll leave when I’m good and ready, and I most certainly am not now. Do I look like I am
disturbing anything; I am but an old man after all. And will you all please stop calling me ‘sir,’
it’s starting to get on my nerves.”
“Professor Jura? Pardon my asking, but what are you doing here? I doubt you left your
class just so you could checkup on Cyndaquil, something which you could have easily called
and done.” Remembering something else he had said I quickly added, “Also, you mentioned
something about him being yours? Are you referring to how he’s used in your class?”
“You make a good point on my being here, and indeed I am not here merely to check up on the
Cyndaquil. I am here to check up on you. The school board is going all willy-nilly over the
Cyndaquil’s condition, yet everyone seems to be forgetting the human factor involved.”
“But, you could have called me just the same.”
“Some things you need to do in person, and my task here today is one of them.”
Utterly confused now I tried changing the subject again, “About you calling Cyndaquil yours,
even though he’s the school’s...”
“Tell me, Shrike. What do you plan to do now?” Professor Jura asked, once again ignoring the
new subject I proposed.
“What do I plan to do now? I don’t know, I suppose I can try and arrange with the school
board to be allowed to see him every once in a while, as you suggested.”
“I suggested nothing of the sort. I said you should try speaking with the school board and that
was all, I never said about what.”
“Then, what do you suggest I do?”
“You must decide that for yourself. I am your General Pokémon Studies teacher, not your
guidance counselor after all.”
By now I was starting to get frustrated and didn’t know what to say, so remained silent instead.
Trying to stay calm I gently petted Cyndaquil, being sure to keep my fingers away from the
stitch on his neck and the IVs that emerged out of his side.
“More caring. Compassion and tenderness too. You remind me of, well, that is not important
right now. I believe I have seen what I need to and thus I will be making my leave now;
hopefully those scamps haven’t torn apart the classroom in my absence.” Professor Jura said,
turning around and pushing his way past the nurse who had been standing by the door silently
after it became apparent that Jura wasn’t listening to her. Stopping in the doorway he turned
back around to me, giving me another of his stern stares. “Tomorrow after class, which you will
attend, no excuses, I wish to talk with you farther. Until then, think about what you want to do,
what you need to do, and what you will do.” With that Professor Jura was gone, quickly
shuffling off down the hallway. I stared at the empty door a moment longer before turning back
to Cyndaquil. What am I going to do? I thought to myself.
“Pardon me, sir, but you must leave now. The doctors want to checkup on the Cyndaquil’s
progress.” The nurse said to me as another person in a white lab coat who must have come into
the room while I hadn’t been paying attention walked back out the door and away.
Nodding I stroked Cyndaquil’s chest one last time and turned away from him, walking briskly
down the hall as I remembered from when the nurse had led me to Cyndaquil’s room. Coming
back out into the reception area I looked out the glass wall at the clear evening sky. It was
nearly nine now, yet it seemed like mere minutes ago that it had all started. My exhaustion
hitting me like a hammer I quickly scribbled my cell phone number on a piece of paper and gave
it to the pink haired nurse at the reception desk, reminding her of my name and telling her that I
wanted to be called if absolutely anything of importance happened to Cyndaquil.
Gathering up my stuff from where I had left it by my chair I walked out through the Pokémon
Center’s door, my mind filled with troubled thoughts yet not wanting anything more then to
know that everything would turn out all right in regards to Cyndaquil and my newfound bond
with him.  
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