Here in the Moonlight



            As soon as he finishes reading, I jump up and race out of the room, ignoring the pain that comes and the yells of Brock. Giovanni is certainly not merciful. 2 days hard travel, and I arrive at the Rocket base without any of the required things. He says there were traps… I reach for my belt to send out Venonat and scope out the area, but my belt has been taken. It seems I must try to avoid the traps and bear the brunt of others. I think I can survive though.


            A guard steps up to me, asking for identification papers. I jab him in the stomach and he falls unconscious. Quickly, I take his clothes and walk casually into the base. Nobody notices me, as I make my way towards the prison cells, clearly dictated by regular signs. Then there is a sign that warns of traps, and not to traverse further. There is no one around, so I head forward.


            “AHHH” My mind screams as a jet of fire engulfs my body. I must go on though. Fireballs swirl around me burning me at countless places. Ice shoots upwards in sharp conic pillars, but I avoid most. Then, one impales me near the heart. I cannot get up! But the ice brakes, and I move on with it still embedded in my skin. Yellow tongues of flames lap at me from all sides, lighting courses through my blood stream, ice creates barriers and obstacles. But finally, I arrive. There are 3 floors. “Which one?” I wonder. Something is telling me that it’s the 2nd floor. So down the stairs I go. Which cell? Again I feel that it is number 9. I rush towards it. A last trap, one of all combined elements strikes me again, but I don’t care, I will be with my beloved, soon. A shocked guard is taking her out explaining the pleasurable things they will do, as Misty struggles in his grip. My broken body fills with anger, and I launch myself at him, my still fire-hot body burning his, and my hands find his throat. He dies. Misty runs up to me.


            “Ash? Is it really you?”


            Now that my goal has been accomplished, the world swirls around me, and before I go, I tell her… “Yes.”