Whee! Another chapter!

I hate finals! I really do!

Disclaimer: Shadow really, really wishes she owned pokemon. Unfortunately, Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me! It’s mine! Do not take my work.

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Chapter 2


            While Oak attempted to discover the secret of the poke ball, Ash took a few brushes out of his backpack and began grooming his pokemon.

            Pikachu was quite surprised, he’d never done anything like *that* before. Maybe Master Ash was being kinder now. Either that, or that earlier zapping had jump-started his brain cells. That was probably the more accurate explanation.


            “I’m glad you like it.”

            Ash was feeling more confident also, but having evolved Pidgeotto into Pidgeot probably had something to do with that.

            Well, all right. Misty’s negative influence had also been conveniently, albeit temporarily removed from him.

            Ash had just finished grooming his last pokemon when Oak walked back out. “I’m sorry, Ash, but I don’t think it works.”

            “What do you mean?”

            “I’m starting to believe that this is a fake poke ball. Either that, or it’s somehow been locked from the inside.”

            “What? But then…”

            “The pokemon would never be able to escape. This might be dangerous, Ash. I’ll keep it for now.”

            “Okay, but you will tell me if anything happens, right?” The boy inquired in blind faith, grinning.

            “Of course.”


            Ash decided that since he was in Pallet, he might as well as drop by and see his mom. He walked in after having let himself in.

            Surprisingly, Delia wasn’t home. Ash did, however, find some leftover macaroni and cheese in the refrigerator, which he microwaved and consumed for lunch along with lemonade and a pear.

            He was in the shower when he heard the door open. Ash did not bother to answer it, as his mom had a key herself after all.

            He walked out of the bathroom in a clean pair of jeans and vest, toweling his hair dry, only to meet the muzzle of a gun.


            “Okay, kid. Spill! Where is Delia?”


            The Team Aqua agent scowled. “Where’s your mother?”

            He clicked the gun into position, getting ready to fire.

            “I don’t know!” Ash cried, backing away from the man. * What’s going on? Where’s mom? Help!!!! Who is this person? Oh no! I need to get out of here! Where’s Pikachu? I know, I’ll grab one of my poke balls… *

            Ash was about to grab one of his poke balls when he remembered he had left his poke belt on his bed, and the Aqua agent was blocking his way.

            The Aqua agent growled. “I don’t have time to waste. Where is Delia Aquarius?”


            “What do you mean ‘who’? Your mother, stupid brat! Quit toying with me! Answer or I’ll shoot!”

            “I-I haven’t seen mom since I left on my journey…” Ash stammered.

            “!” The man cursed, as he pulled the trigger. A shot sounded.


            Ash slumped to the ground, paralyzed, having fainted from shock. Apparently there hadn’t been any bullets; it was a stun gun.

            Still, fainted was better then dead, right?

            “Hm. If she won’t come, then we’ll force her to.” Grunting, the man used the fireman’s carry to take Ash outside, where a pickup truck was waiting.

            “Got him?” His partner Terry asked.

            “Yes, let’s go.”

            The two Aqua members took off silently.


            The pickup truck rattled and spluttered over long stretches of sandy beach, before they reached what looked like… well, a rock.

            It was a plain gray boulder with no distinguishing features.

            Hefting the still unconscious Ash out of the trunk, Terry grimaced. “Why did we have to kidnap him, Thomas?”

            “No choice. Delia will come for her son.”

            “I hope so.”

            “Come on, Archie knows her – he should, considering…”

            “Shh! We’re not supposed to mention that!”

            Ash was still out, as the Aqua members recited what sounded like a weird poem. The rock vanished, leaving a door in the sand.

            The two opened it and entered Team Aqua HQ.


            “Well, what have we here?” Archie asked mockingly as they brought Ash in.

            “Let me go!”

            Apparently, the boy had finally woken up.

            “Here, sir. His pokemon.”

            Ash struggled against his captors. “What did I ever do to you? Why-?!”

            “Hush, boy.”


            But what could he do?

            Quieting down, Ash settled for glaring at Archie. “Who are you and why am I here? I think I deserve an explanation.”

            “No, I don’t think so.” The man replied. “But since I’m feeling generous, I’ll tell you. My name is Archie Aquarius.”

            Ash showed no sign of recognition.


            “Doesn’t that name sound familiar to you?”

            “Um… no.” Ash blinked for a few seconds.


            “I’m not lying!” Ash protested, seeing one of the two guards reaching for his gun. “Really!”

            Archie decided the boy was too dumb to lie anyways. “Fine. What is your mother’s name then?”

            “Delia Ketchum. You…” Ash froze. “Are you my father?”

            Archie turned a rather intriguing shade of purple. “No!”

            “Then why did you kidnap me?”

            “I’m your uncle.”

            Ash gaped. * Huh? * “I have an uncle?”

            “Yes. I have no idea who your father is, but I’m your mother’s older brother.”

            “If that’s the case, why did you kidnap me?”

            “You wouldn’t understand.”

            “Try me!” Ash boasted.

            Archie sweatdropped. “No, thank you. I’ve got no more time to waste. Take him to a room and make him comfortable. Delia should be here soon.”


End Chapter

Completed 12/9/04