Stupid alkanes!

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Chapter 5


            “What happened today? Aeroy was worried.”

            Red sighed as his father’s voice sounded in his ears. “I fought Surge… he had an Electabuzz with very high power level…”

            “A mere difference in power would not frighten you, Red.”

            “I believed that it was enough to outweigh type advantage, Father.” Red sighed.

            That caught Lance’s attention. “Truly?”

            “Yes… he did not keep it in a poke ball, Father, but in chains, heavy metal shackles…. What might that signify?”

            “Control, most likely.” Lance mused. “Perhaps in a way he enjoys having it out on display…”

            Red shuddered. “I’m…. frightened.”

            “I understand. Would you like to come home tonight?”

            “Yes please.”

            “You are welcome to come home, you know.” Lance soothed, as Red released Aerodactyl and headed back to Pallet.

            Three badges glittered on his shirt.


            Father was waiting for him, and swept him up in a hug as soon as he opened the door. Red melted into that embrace almost instantly.

            After all, while journeying and training by himself was kind of fun, he was used to being with his Father at all times…

            There were delicious sandwiches for dinner, whole wheat bread lightly toasted, layered with turkey and cheese and thinly-sliced hard-boiled eggs, with bits of tomato and cucumber and a generous helping of hummus.


            Afterwards, they sat on the couch, and Red snuggled into Lance’s arms.

            “Did you not sleep well while you were off adventuring?”

            “No, it’s just that… I really missed you.” Red’s voice was muffled into the thick fabric of his Father’s shirt. “I should have called more often.”

            “You are welcome to come visit whenever you like, Red.”


            “Yes?” He rested his fingers briefly in Red’s hair, feeling a slight undercurrent of tension. He frowned.


            “I…. I might have lost to Surge…”

            “But you did not.”

            “I was really tempted to use Aeroy, Father! I almost did…”

            “But you did not, did you?” Lance asked.

            Red shook his head.

            “Then why are you crying?” For Red was crying, muffled sobs…


            “I… I almost betrayed us, Father.”

            Lance shook his head and tightened his grip around Red’s waist. “Hush.”


            “Do not worry. You did nothing wrong.”

            “I’m frightened, Father. I thought I could help the Elite Four, but I’m too weak…”

            “You are not weak, my precious child.” Lance reassured him. Red was still trembling, so the Dragon Master slid his arms down to rest around the boy’s waist and transmitted all the calming emotions he could think of.

            Red exhaled softly, not noticing the faint blue glow of Viridian’s power, as he relaxed. Father would protect him. Lance held him, almost rocking, as he reached inside the boy’s mind for the information he sought.

            He found a tangled mess of love, loyalty, and despair.



            On the plus side, Red was about as likely to betray the Elite Four, as the sun was to explode tomorrow. On the minus side, he was almost a tad too obsessed with their plans… and he had a terror of failing.

            That would have to go.

            How would he explain that though? He could certainly not show past failures, or could he?

            Lance hid a smirk. That solution would work admirably…


            Red’s eyes widened as images began to dance in front of his eyes. They showed a girl in bright yellow clothing and a strange pokemon he had never seen before, laughing horribly, loud and shrill…and he could feel lava biting into his flesh, hungrily devouring, and he screamed…!

            Only it was not his voice, but his Father’s.

            A memory, Red gasped. * He trusts me enough to show me his memories? *

            A warm glow of contentment registered on his face.

            “Do you understand now?” Lance voiced the question softly.

            Red nodding, though he felt tear tracks on his face. He must have cried in his pain. However, crying did not make him weak.

            Hiding his fear behind a false mask did.

            If even Father could cry, then… then…


            “You are not the only one who has ever failed, or even simply contemplated failure, my precious Red.”


            Should he apologize? He thought he should, but why?

            Father had already forgiven him. What point was there in dragging the ordeal longer?

            He sniffled for a few more minutes, and wiped his eyes. “May I have some cookies?”

            Lance chuckled. “Of course. After that experience, cookies would be poor recompense.” He grinned at Red’s abashed look.

            “I don’t mind waiting.”

            “I know, precious child.”

            “You’ve called me that twice tonight.” Red murmured, as Lance took off his cloak and wrapped Red in it. He gratefully snuggled into red and black fabric. Warm…

            It reminded him of his Father.

            “You are very precious, Red. Never forget that.”

            “All right…”

            Lance stroked Red’s hair, and after a few moments, Red was sufficiently calm to leave alone. The Dragon Master swept into the kitchen, and within moments, had produced a batch of delicious chocolate-stuffed vanilla cookies.

            Red grinned as his Father returned with a silver serving platter piled high. This was the life!

            Father… I love you… thank you…


End Chapter

Completed 7/10/06

*Slaps forehead* It’s turned Star Wars! Argh! And some of the grammar stuff they shout at me is stupid!

Lance: The perils of being a writer?

Phantomness: Indeed

Pika-chan: Fluff~! *Steals a chocolate-stuffed vanilla cookie, then the whole plate*

Red: Hey! Those are mine!