*Runs after plotbunny waving a blender*

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Chapter 2


            Red looked speculatively at the poke ball. He was not sure exactly which pokémon this was, as he had only memorized the Kanto section of the encyclopedia so far, but he was confident that his pokédex would be able to identify it.

            He clicked open the handy red box and watched as a picture floated up.

            “Mantine.” The machine spoke in a nasally tone. “The Kite Pokemon. Swimming freely in open seas, it may fly out of the water and over the waves if it builds up enough speed.” The type was listed as dual water/flying, which Red liked.

            Still, Mantine would be no help against electric pokémon. He would have to rely on Aeroy for that, but for now, as he left the outskirts of Pallet Town behind, he felt confident. The few bug pokémon that showed their heads were quickly netted, along with Rattata and Pidgey.

            Common pokémon…

            But even common pokémon could be useful, if trained properly… for Weedle and Caterpie would give rise to Beedrill and Butterfree, and Rattata could become Raticate, and even a Raticate could be dangerous…

            That was why Red was currently training Weedle and Caterpie though it was terribly distressing.

            He stifled a yawn as he watched the nth Rattata fall over. He had given up count after ten, but his efforts were finally paying off.

            Both pokémon began to glow white, and Red sighed. Finally!

            When the light cleared, he gaped. It seemed that they had both skipped the evolution stage into Metapod or Kakuna. Well, he minded little in that case!

            It was wonderful…


            Lance looked up as Red called him. “What is it?”

            Red twisted his plain gold stud earrings to the on position. “Oh good, it’s working. I’ve got Beedrill and Butterfree already!”

            “Are they from Viridian?”

            “I think so!”

            “Good work, Red. And it’s only been four hours since you’ve left. You must be working quite diligently.”

            “Of course, Father!”


            He would not let his Father down. No, he would not disappoint him! Never!

            Red pitched his tent beneath the emerald canopy of the Viridian Forest, and began to cook dinner. It was a simple affair of grains and berries, and the pokémon were invited to partake as well.

            His poke-food lessons had gone over well. Of course, he was not a gourmet cook, but as for wilderness survival and basic necessities, he did well. Very well…

            He would go around Kanto, and he would train many strong pokémon, and then he would win the league Championship, and that would be enough to prove his power.

            That was what Father had said. And he would not fail!


            “You should be proud of him.” Lorelei said. She and Agatha seated themselves on the couch.

            Lance frowned. “I have wondered one thing though.”

            “What is it?” Agatha asked.

            Lance looked at her for a second, then nodded. “It is as I suspected. You have not aged at all.”

            “Nor have you.” Lorelei stated. “Serebii stopped time for us.”

            “In other words, we have attained immortality.”

            “That is correct.”

            “I perceived it to be so, but believed it false. How interesting…”


            “And what of Red?”

            “Oh, he is loyal beyond the shadow of a doubt this time.” Lance smirked.

            “You have twisted the boy’s heart well.” Agatha commented. “But he is young yet.”

            “If you are asking me if I touched him in that fashion, Agatha, no, not yet.”

            “It is a useful weapon.”

            “He is growing older, and we are not.” Lorelei reminded Lance. “How can you stand it?”

            “How do you?” He parried.

            Lorelei’s eyes twinkled. “Funny you should mention that.”

            Lance took a closer look at her, before his eyes softened a bit. “It’s Clair, isn’t it?”

            “You always were very perceptive.”

            “It’s not just Viridian’s Gift, either.” Agatha sighed. “You’re an empath, Lance, just as Red is.”

            “What?” The Dragon Master looked flummoxed. “…How?”

            “I wish that I knew, but your mind is strongly shielded.” Agatha cut in. “And no, before you say anything, they are not your shields.”

            “You mean other people have put psychic barriers in my mind?” Lance demanded. * What on earth? *

            “That certainly appears to be the case.”


            The Dragon Master sighed. “Well, that’s just peachy. Is there any way I can destroy them?” * Please say yes! *

            “That course of action would be most unwise.”

            “Pity. It was worth a shot.”

            “I would not tamper with them, Lance. They are powerful…”

            “They would be, if even you, Lady Agatha, the Ghost Master of the Elite Four, cannot shatter them.”

            “Not shatter.” Agatha corrected. “I cannot even dent them!”

            “… Oh dear.” Lorelei murmured.


            Lance poured tea with a steady hand as he considered his emotions. He felt as he always did, if a tad unsettled over this new development. Still, if they had been in his mind for ages, and were not harmful, perhaps he was worrying overmuch.

            “You are not as shocked as I would have calculated.” Agatha shot him a shrewd look. “Did you guess?”

            “I believed this empathy, as you call it, to be Viridian’s Power. As for the psychic barriers, if they have been there all my life, then I should not attempt to dismantle them now. What would happen to him if I perished in a fit of gibbering madness?”

            “A wise choice.”

            She sipped her chrysanthemum tea with a smile while Lorelei flipped through his magazines. “Really, Lance! Why don’t you have anything interesting?”

            “I don’t collect fashion and gossip magazines, Lorelei.” 

            “Oh well. I suppose I’ll just read this fascinating article in Pokemon Pal about the high price of pokémon items and how Silph Co. is truly becoming a monopoly." Lorelei stated, deadpan. Agatha almost choked on her tea. Lance chuckled.

            For a few moments, there was peace in the midst of a busy schedule.


End Chapter

Completed 7/9/06

Lance acts kind of Lugia-esque…