Title: Tenyori No Housatsu (Treasure from Heaven, this is a YGO cardc yeah, I know)

Author: Shadow/Phantomness

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Summary: AU. Lance never becomes a trainer

Pairings: Championshipping (Lance x Red) and HotIceShipping (Lorelei x Clair). Good god, who named that? Apparently (Clair x Lorelei) is known as Breathshipping. Thatfs a bit betterc

WARNINGS: Use of Japanese Names for characters, and a few pokemon and attacks, kk? Keeping names for cities because itfs too much trouble. SHONEN-AI and SHOUJO-AI

Prologue/Chapter 1



            gYou have failed, Wataru.h His Grandfather said sternly, as his Kairyuu harrumphed, raking a clawed foot through the ground. gYou are too weak-willed. You will never become a Ryuu no Meiji-sama.h

            Wataru did not reply, still clutching his bleeding Miniryuu. gI understand.h

            gDo you, Wataru?h He asked coldly. gHenceforth, you are no longer a member of our proud dragon clan. Release the Miniryuu now. It is no longer your responsibility.h

            Wataru stared, golden eyes widening.

            gYou heard me.h His Grandfather continued. gStep away. You are no longer worthy to be in contact with dragon pokémon.h

            Miniryuu struggled, and Wataru stared as it reared up, pulling off a Hakai Beam attack despite its injuries. His Grandfather fell, though the Kairyuu did not. Wataru did not stay any longer, as he and Miniryuu fled.

            It was all for naught. Before the sunset, Miniryuu was dead in his arms.


            His Grandfather sent guards out to search, but they never did find Wataru. After a few weeks of fruitless searching, the man gave it up for naught. Surely such bright red hair could not be easily missedc

            Wataru and Miniryuu were probably both dead, and he washed his hands clean of the whole affair.

            That was when Ibuki began training to be the next Ryuu no Meiji-sama, and became heir to the Blackthorn City Gym.


(Ten years laterc)


            Red sighed as he flicked through the damage reports. Ever since Ketsuban had shown up near Cinnabar Island, created by a bug catcherfs failed experiment to breed a stronger version of Spear, for Myuufs sake, the people had been begging the League to do something about it.

            Apparently though, capturing Ketsuban was not just something anybody could do. Kanna had tried to approach it, but the beast had somehow managed to defeat all of her ice pokémon, and her Ruujura had only teleported them away at the last secondc

            She was still in a coma now.


            Shiba and Kikuko had volunteered, but Red shook his head. It would be foolish to charge in, pokémon a-blazing without a plan.

            Oh, how they needed a planc

            But what else could they do? Its level was far above the levels of even they, the Shitennou. What kind of pokémon would be able to defeat it? Kanna had told them it was flying-type before her collapse, and even soc even so, Ice beat flying!

            It was not as though it was a dangerous legendary bird or somethingc so why were they helpless?

            Red stroked Pikachufs fur as he sighed.

            If only there was someone who could help themc

            He shook his head as he watched Kikuko and Shiba talk in hushed voices.


End Chapter

Completed 8/13/06


Short chapter, so live with it! Andc blatant AU and foreshadowing too!



Red is Red, based on manga and game-verse

Ibuki is Clair

Wataru is Lance

Shiba is Bruno

Kanna is Lorelei

Kikuko is Agatha


Miniryuu is Dratini

Kairyuu is Dragonite

Spear is Beedrill

Ketsuban is MissingNo

Ruujura = Jynx


Shitennou = Elite Four

Ryuu no Meiji-sama = Dragon Master (As close as I can figure)

Hakai Beam = Hyper Beam


SPOILER: Lancefs hair turns white later. Itfs a combination of shock and Lugia!