I wonder how long this series may be?

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Disclaimer: I don’t own pokemon. Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfic belongs to me!
Recap: Ash’s b-day party

Chapter 8


            It was snowing.

            “It’s… September.” Ash double-checked his watch just to make sure.

            Blaine nodded as he looked worried. “Cinnabar is a tropical island, with hot springs and volcanoes! Why is it snowing here?”

            Even if it did snow, now was much too early.

            Something was up.



            “Yes, Elder?” Lance asked.

            “Articuno is angry. A sacrifice must be made to appease her. As the new clan head, you must go to her.”

            “Yes, Elder.” Lance said obediently.

            Every few hundred years, Articuno demanded a sacrifice or else she would freeze the world in ruins. However, this secret was kept tightly hidden within the Dragon Clan.

            No one knew what happened to the sacrificed ones. They were just never seen again. Did Articuno kill them? It was unknown.

            Still, it had to be done.

            One part of him, though, selfishly wondered if they had initiated him bare weeks ago just so they wouldn’t be sacrificed.


            “The storms seem to be coming in the direction of Seafoam islands. Ash, if it’s not too much trouble, could you go check?”


            “It could be dangerous. I’ll lend you my Moltres.” Blaine said, waving off Ash’s protests. “No, no. I don’t want your death on my conscience. I’m fond of you, Ash. You’re like the grandson I never had.”

            Ash teared up slightly and nodded.


            “Well, here we are.” Lance said, as he hopped off Hakuryuu’s back. “Time to prepare…”

            He could feel eyes watching him as he entered the purification circle. Icy cold water drizzled over his body, and he shivered, but refused to shout. That would bring disgrace to his family.

            A few minutes later, the deluge had finished.

            Stepping out, invisible winds wrapped him in a white robe tied with a light blue sash. He waited.

            It was not long before Articuno came to inspect him.

            < Ah… you’ll do nicely. Come with me. > She commanded.


            Apprehension welled up in the trainer’s heart, but he obediently followed. * I will _not_ fail this test. *

            His steps were quiet as they moved along the icy cavern floor. Lance was surprised that he wasn’t slipping and sliding all over the place.

            Exactly what did the sacrifice entail?

            Now was the time to find out.


            Articuno led him to another circle. This one didn’t look like the familiar circle of purification, however. It seemed to radiate raw power.

            < Step inside. > She instructed.

            Closing his eyes to forestall any possible last minute arguments, Lance obeyed. * Here goes nothing… *

            The change startled as prickles of icy cold, moving up and down his arms. When he tried to open his arms to see what was going on, he couldn’t. the pain seemed to increase, building up to a shattering crescendo of agony before Lance mercifully blacked out. Pain… pain… somewhere, he wasn’t sure _where_, but it was with him, and…




            “Well, here we are.” Ash climbed off Gyarados and cheerfully recalled him. “Let’s see what’s going on.”

            Heading inside, he noticed no obvious problems. There were zubats hanging around the ceiling, a couple of wild Krabby. Nothing out of the ordinary was present.

            Abruptly, a bone-chilling shriek echoed throughout the cabin.

            “Someone’s in trouble!” Ash raced towards the sound, but found his way blocked by a large body of water inside the cave no matter. “Gyarados! Let’s Surf!”

            Surfing onwards, they came to a barrier made out of rock.



            We can’t go over it. There’s not enough space to fit through. Gyarados eyed the icicles hanging from the ceiling. It did not look safe.

            “Maybe I could climb up?”

            Do you have the equipment necessary, Ash?

            “Er… no.”

            Ash’s Marill freed herself from the poke ball. I have an idea. I’ll dive down and use detect. Maybe there’s an underwater path!

            “But I can’t breathe underwater.” Ash protested.

            If it’s a short path, you’ll only need to hold your breath for a minute or too. It’s just a chance. Without further ado, Marill dived underwater.

            Swimming around for a bit, she saw a tunnel that led to a cavern with air.

            There, there was a lot of bright light.

            Hmm. That must be where the screams were coming from.

            Nodding, Marill swam back.


            I’ve found a way. You’ll need to hold your breath for about a minute, but it’s doable. Come on.

            I’m too big to fit, right?

            Sorry, Gyarados.

            Ash recalled gyarados, releasing Staryu, and followed Marill. Icy chill hit his bones like daggers, almost making him lose his breath, but he somehow managed to make it to the other side.

            Dizzy black spots faded away from his eyes after a few minutes of initial exposure. The cavern he was now in was made out of crystalline material. A circle glowed in the middle, but the light reflected off all the walls, blinding the unwary.

            What really caught Ash’s attention was the boy lying collapsed in the center of the circle.



            He was so _cold_! The skin was freezing to the touch, and Ash made a thankful prayer to mew that his backpack was waterproof and the items inside were undamaged. He quickly took out his sleeping bag and extra blanket and wrapped Lance in them, trying to warm him up.

            Then, he waited.

            Several hours passed, before Lance opened his eyes and groggily reached for consciousness.

            “Lance, are you all right?”

            “I feel… different.” Lance’s mind was still trying to process exactly what had happened. And where had Articuno gone? It was so confusing.

            He felt… strange, though, like something had shifted inside.

            It felt comfortable though, so he wasn’t injured, right?


            “I’m not sure what happened. I remember battling Articuno, and then fainting..” Lance lied. He couldn’t tell Ash about the ceremony, that was clan-only lore.

            But if it was only a ceremony, why hadn’t anyone else come back?

            There must be a piece missing in this puzzle. It was…

            ‘Um… Lance?”


            “Why is…” Ash didn’t get to finish before the moltres Blaine had lent him charged out and attacked Lance.


            Lance threw up his hands instinctively, and great was his horror when ice crystals appeared in midair and formed a shield.

            Then, a second blast of ice shot out and froze Moltres solid. Defrosting the ice would KO moltres, since it would all be water.

            “What the?!”


            < I’m sorry. > A voice said.

            “Who is it?” Ash looked around. Lance was still staring at his hands like they were foreign objects. * No… it can’t be… *

            < I am Claire. > A ghostly form, formed into a woman wearing a white robe and blue sash, like Lance was. She looked perhaps middle-aged, with long blue hair in a back ponytail. She had the same golden eyes Lance did.

            “You… you were the last one sacrificed, four hundred years ago.”

            < Yes. >

            “But why are you here? Unless…”

            < You have correctly interpreted the ritual. > Claire sighed. < Every few hundred years, the legendary birds die and new ones are created. Articuno made a deal with the Dragon Clan, that our dragons would receive no damage from all ice-types, if our line would dedicate itself to the preservation of her species. >


            < So that means, every few hundred years, the old ‘Articuno’ retires and a new clan member is given the duty? >


            < But why me? I was barely initiated, there were plenty of elders who could have done it! > Lance had become so frantic he didn’t notice he was starting to talk in telepathy, the first sign.

            < Well, this is a dangerous transformation, you’ll see why in a minute, and only recommended for the young. >

            “Wait! The Elders know, though, about this. Right?”

            < Right. >

            Lance sighed. < I can’t get rid of it? >

            < No. you’ll hold the power for at least three hundred years, longer if you can stand it. After then, you will be free. >


            “Free… as in dead?”

            < I’m afraid so. However, you will be given reincarnation for your duty, several times. It’s not that bad of a deal.”

            Lance did not mention that he still felt like he got screwed over. < So what does this power entail? >

            < Nothing, really. Well, staying here in Seafoam in the winter is necessary, and so is keeping an eye on the populations of water, ice, and dragon pokemon. >

            “Sounds okay…”

            < You’ll still be able to take human form. >

            “That’s a relief.”

            While Claire went on to explain, Ash quietly listened.

            How scary… poor Lance…


End Chapter

Completed 10/29/04

Lance: I’m an Articuno?!

Phantomness: *nods*