Another Chapter…
Chapter 6: Foolish Dream
Ash was completely surprised when Misty dropped to the ground, unconscious. However, he did walk over to try and help her.
Misty was frozen in one position, as the necklace fell from nerveless fingers.
“Where did this come from?” Ash asked, as he put it back around his neck, the chain restoring itself. It was very pretty…
And if it was a present from Lance, that was a nice thought.
There was no answer.
“Come on, Pikachu, let’s get her to a hospital.”
Charizard provided the lift and they were soon there.
“Hmm… the closest I can guess is something like Arbok venom which caused her nervous system to shut down. May also contribute to paralysis.” The surgeon told Ash. “I’m afraid we’ll have to operate.”
“Yes, do you have insurance? Are you her boyfriend?”
“Well, then… we’ll cure her first, you pay later.”
Ash winced. * Not more debt… *
Lance flipped the silver and black mirror surface closed.
< You
didn’t kill her, Master? Why? >
“I would have liked to… but…”
< But? >
< He must sort through his feelings for her first, and learn to live without her. Even a broken abusive routine can have bad repercussions. >
< Oh… >
Ash listened to the faint beep of the heart monitor as green lines ran past. Up, down, up, down, in a sine-wave pattern…
“I-I never wanted to hurt you Misty…”
It’s my
fault! I’ve caused her all this pain and suffering!
I don’t care if she’s mean,
her sisters treat her this way so it’s not her fault!
Besides, I have to help her!
I still need to fix the bike…
and now this…
What’s wrong with that necklace?
Please, please, please… let her be all right…
I still
haven’t paid her back!
I can’t leave her like this!
It’s my fault! Again!
Ash began to cry at the unfairness of it all.
< You see, Kairyuu? >
< Yes,
he still feels guilt, but… >
< He has to leave that
behind. Otherwise, any relationship could lead to potential abuse. He expects
it. >
Dragonite shuddered.
< And I don’t want to hurt him! >
< Of course you don’t, Chosen. > A soft voice whispered. Lance sighed.
< And may the stars help us… >
He closed his eyes, and sighed.
Pikachu licked Ash’s cheek in an effort to cheer him up.
“We have her condition stabilized,” The doctor said, “But there is no idea how long she will be there.”
“I-I understand…”
“Does she have family?”
“Yes, Cerulean City.”
“Well then,
I’ll give them a call. Now how did this happen?”
“I’m not sure.” Ash said
truthfully. “We were just walking along when she collapsed.”
“Stress.” The doctor proclaimed. “And maybe something else. She’s seventeen?”
Ash winced. * But her sister’s don’t care about her… and it is my fault, really… how did that necklace hurt her? *
The doctor left the morose young man alone.
Questioning could wait until later, he obviously wasn’t going to leave.
“My fault… again…” Ash whispered.
Pikachu glared. NO! Not this time! The bike I understand, I was there. But this was not your fault!
“But this-.” Ash held the necklace between two fingers. “How could something pretty be dangerous?”
“And it didn’t hurt me… what’s going on?”
I don’t know.
Ash continued to stare at nothing, as the green eyes continued on.
The next day Misty’s sisters showed up and refused to pay for care, since they did not make money, so Ahs took the burden on himself.
He knew her sisters looked down on her.
So he had to help any way he could.
It was
still has fault about that bike!
“She’s your responsibility.” Daisy said giggly.
Ash could only nod and look down.
It was his fault, they just confirmed it. Why was he such a magnet for trouble? Poor Misty.
Poor, poor, Misty. He had to start training right now, in order to earn the money to pay for this fallacy that he had caused.
Poor misty.
Ignoring Pikachu’s protests, Ash grabbed his poke belt and went outside, intent on finding a junior trainer to challenge.
End Chapter