I’ve been remarkably one-tracked lately. Finish one fic, and then do the next.
Disclaimer/Notes: See previous chapter
Lance: So… why misty?
Phantomness: Need you even ask?
Ash: I don’t! ^-^
Chapter 12
Misty jumped, startled. * Oh my god he’s even cuter up close… *
Ash twisted a strand of hair nervously. “Are you Misty Waterflower?”
“Um…” Ash looked nervous, but managed to say something. “Would you like to go out for a cup of tea with me?”
“Of course!” Misty gasped. “Just let me change!” She ran upstairs while Ash waited nervously.
< Aniki, are you sure this is a good idea? >
< I’ll just hyper scan her quickly. >
< Okay… > Ash sent back, sounding slightly jealous. He and Misty had green tea and mochi in a little café.
Seventeen minutes later, Misty fell asleep.
Lance popped out of the poke ball he had been hiding in and quickly checked Misty over. “All good. No darkness anywhere.”
< Really? >
Lance nodded.
< Then, why are we watching her? >
“Some event will eventually trigger the darkness… so we must be on our guard. If possible, we do not even allow it to happen. >
< Oh. >
< Missingno is always a pain to fight. > Lance said flippantly. < I’d rather we not deal with it. >
< I see… >
Misty woke up as Lance faded away into Haze.
“Are you all right?” Ash asked, mock concern in his tone – well, she fell for it so it worked – as he got up.
“Yes!” Misty blushed. * Oh no, I just fainted… ack! I look like such an idiot. He’ll never like me… *
They made a little small talk, and then Ash left.
“He took you out?” Daisy gasped. “Why?”
“I mean; we’re prettier!” Violet simpered.
Lily nodded. “I’m – well, how could you? I wanted him as my boyfriend!”
“No me!”
“Starmie, Spin Tackle!” Misty cried, not in the mood to deal with her useless sisters. * It wasn’t even a real date! Sheesh! *
Still, she had… well, yes; it had been kind of nice.
But it probably wouldn’t happen again. She didn’t expect things.
< Do you hate Misty, aniki? >
< Only when she steals you away from me. > Lance whispered. < Sometimes I pity her, really. She’s so blinded by rage, and the fact that she just will _never_ win that she keeps attacking and losing. >
< Oh. >
Lance nodded. < Why? It’s like beating her head against a wall. >
< Maybe she keeps hoping? >
< I don’t think its hope – it’s despair. >
< Despair? >
< She starts thinking her only position in life is to keep attacking the guardians, so yes, I might feel sorry for her. >
< I see. >
< But I will never sacrifice you to her. Never. >
Ash smiled, reassured, as Lance handed him a cup of lemonade. < Drink up; you look tired. >
2 months later…
“You’re _what_?”
“Shh!” Misty whispered. “I-I can’t tell my sisters, but…”
Ash looked at Misty incredulously. “How did it happen? And why are you telling me? I mean, I don’t even know you.”
“I-I… well, I didn’t know the orange soda punch at the League party was spiked, and I…” Misty blushed.
“Who’s the father?”
“I do not know who it is.”
Lance took a sip from his marble soda as he watched the two of them. “But Ash can’t possibly be your child’s father. He’s never slept with you. He’s only fourteen.”
“I-I know…”
“Why are you asking me to help?”
“B-because, we’re friends?”
Ash was about to say something, when Lance cut him off. “Misty, it’s still early in your life. You don’t need a baby.”
“I know, but… I’m too scared to, get rid of it.”
“How long is it?” Lance asked. “If under a month you can drink tea made with pennyroyal mint and tansy and that’ll work.”
< How do you know this, aniki? >
< I have my ways… >
< Oh. >
“I-I’m not sure…”
“Well, try the tea first. If that doesn’t work, you’re stuck.” Lance said nonchalantly.
“Aniki, I just thought of something.”
< If you’re only sixteen, then aren’t we legal orphans? >
Lance smirked. < Actually, I’m legally twenty. I faked my age when I became leader of the Elite Four. >
< Oh. >
“You’re his brother?”
“Hai!” Ash said, glomping onto Lance while Lance just shrugged.
“That’s so cool! Have you met the rest of the Elite?” Misty asked, eyes a-shimmering.
“Not really.” Ash said. * I’m usually hiding away… but that doesn’t matter. Soon, it will all be over *
Misty deflated slightly, but went on her merry way.
“Lance? Why are you telling her how to – isn’t that wrong?”
“Technically, yes. Morally, definitely… but it is one life against the world we are considering here. So if it dies to save the rest…”
Lance broke off as Ash looked stricken. * I see…. * < What about our parents, aniki? Why did they have to die? >
“That’s war for you.” Lance said grimly. “I have no other explanation. Forget.” He locked eyes with Ash, and Ash nodded.
It was better to forget after all.
Then he wouldn’t have to deal with this…
End Chapter
Completed 6/12/04