Whee! Keep writing! ^_^

I hope this plotbunny doesn’t die! *Nods*

Disclaimer/Notes: See earlier chapter

Warnings: Insanity, implied sex

Chapter 10


            The next day, Ash was playing the flute but nothing was coming out.

            < Aniki? It’s not working… >

            < You’ll figure it out. > Lance said, floating in midair as a mew. That was when Polly Evans walked by.

            “Oh! I’ll battle you for that pokemon!”

            Lance sighed inwardly. * I should have known… people always tend to interrupt privacy. At least we had some… *

            “One on one.” Ash said.

            “Go, Persian!”

            Charizard flew over from where she had been eating dates in a tree and promptly used Slash.

            Persian retaliated with Bite, and was then taken down by a powerful Flamethrower.

            Lance hissed at Polly before flying back to land on Ash’s shoulder. But really, the sight of a mew seems to spark things in people, because…

            “Go! Parasect! Ninetails! Golduck! Attack!”

            He threw them all away with a powerful Psychic attack, finished with Hyper Beam, and then Amnesia waved away their memories.

            Still, it was annoying.


            Ash continued playing the flute, but finally gave up sometime in the afternoon and instead worked on perfecting his Swift attack.

            Not that Swift really needed work, so he moved on to Extreemespeed, which was harder.

            < Ash? >

            < Hai? >

            < We need to go to Cerulean soon. >

            < Honto Ni? >

            < Well, there’s work we have to do as mews… >

            < I see. > Ash nodded. * All right! I’ll do it! It can’t be too bad, right? I wonder… are we going to look for people? *

            < There’s a certain trainer we must keep an eye on. >

            < Who? >

            < Misty Waterflower. >

            < The gym leader? Why? >

            < Because within her heart there’s a seed of evil, that if allowed to grow on its own may evolve into a demon pokemon. Missingno… >

            < Oh! >

            < So we need to keep watch. But how? >

            < The easiest way would be to have her travel with us, but neither of us would like that. >

            Ash nodded.

            < So we’re moving to Cerulean this year. >

            < All right, aniki. >

            < You’re being amazingly patient. > Lance said, starting to get worried. He hyper scanned, checking.

            No, nothing out of the ordinary…

            Ash purred, catlike, as they both shifted back into mew form, and helped themselves to the wild berry bushes.

            < Are you done with Extreemespeed? >

            < I’m working on it. >

            < Well, good luck. > Lance said, as he and his dragons began battling, no-holds barred. It continued for about an hour – very good training – before Restoration Rain fell on all.

            Polly slept on.

            Ash didn’t know if she’d wake again. Did he care? Not really… he was too focused on the present.

            Why was it his fault? She had tried to steal what was rightfully his. Well… not really, but that wasn’t the point.

            < Lance? >

            The mew turned to look at him. < What is it? >

            < Do we have to stay transformed in Cerulean? It’s tiring sometimes… >

            < Not if no one sees us. > Lance said.

            < Oh. >

            < I’ll protect you. >

            < Hai, aniki! > Ash flew up in the air and did a few cartwheels, before going back to practice. Next on the list, Slash…


3 days later…


            “Someone’s moving in?” Misty looked alarmed.

            “It’s across the street.” Daisy said. “Oh! He’s cute!!!”

            Misty looked out the window herself and gasped. * She’s right… *

            There were two boys, one with red hair and the other with black, both dressed in black t-shirts and jeans as they walked inside carrying suitcases.

            < Ne, Lance, they’re staring at us? >

            < Great. > Lance muttered. < Well, just ignore them. >

            < Hai~! >

            < As long as nothing happens… >

            Ash grinned. * I won’t let anything happen. * He began unpacking as Lance did the same.

            They never bothered to get another sleeping bag, Ash didn’t mind sleeping with Lance, same bed or not.

            After all…

            No one knows, so no one will care.

            His parents weren’t with him, and it was a very good thing…


            < Impatient little one aren’t you? > Lance asked.

            Ash didn’t bother to reply verbally, just nodded. He kissed Lance deeply, before he slid down onto the floor.

            Lance sighed. * Such a precocious child… *

            < Aniki? If I transform into an older version, will you? >

            Lance’s eyes widened. < Ash! What are you? >

            < I really want you, aniki. > Ash replied. Lust sparkled in brown and reflected in gold. < You’re the only one I want. >

            You’re the only thing I care about.


            And it was true.


            Lance held the younger child in his arms. < No regrets? If so, tell me now. >

            Ash nodded.

            < Very well then, if you really truly want me… I won’t deny you anything, kawaii little one... but you have to promise me first. >

            < I promise. > Ash said, and the bells rang shattered silver but that was fine, because the little one smiled.

            They kissed.


End Chapter

Completed 6/11/04

I better go get some sleep, the computer’s blurring…