I hope the bunny stays alive! And lemon… mm…
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 3
The next morning, after a delicious buffet-style breakfast, which Red ate little of, the group headed walked down the path until they reached the caverns. There, each trainer was given a picture of a Moon Stone, and warned that cheating would not be tolerated.
“And…” Lance said, checking his watch, “You have twenty-four hours. Begin!”
The trainers, who had been split into small groups of three to five at each entrance, all took off.
Red was partnered, well, in a group with three other trainers. One was a Biker named Hodges, one was a slip of a girl, Imogene, and the last was a pink-haired boy in long, flowing purple robes, some kind of a psychic.
Imogene fainted almost instantly by the entrance, when a swarm of Golbat descended. Red smirked and released Espeon, and her Psychic attack ripped through a few, while Hodges simply sprayed himself with Max Repel and dashed deeper into the caves. The pink-haired psychic boy just rolled his eyes and then teleported away, leaving Red alone with Imogene.
Red thought about looking after her, but reasoned that if a flock of Golbat could make her faint, she wasn’t cut out to be training under an Elite Four member or Champion anyway, and proceeded deeper into the cave.
He ran into a few wild pokemon, and was doing quite well, when a man dressed in dirty gray rags leapt out at him.
Red dived to the side, as the man missed, swung, and overbalanced, falling down in a heap.
“W-What?” The boy said, startled. Espeon’s jewel glowed, and she prepared to blast the man with a Psybeam attack, but he stopped her.
The man pulled himself to his feet with a murderous expression. “You’re one of the trainers, aren’t you?”
“Yes?” Red asked, confused.
“Then you shall die!” The man repeated. He leapt on Red, attempting to strangle him. Red cried out in surprise and pain as he felt his air supply cut off, his vision was blurring and the chain from his necklace was digging into his throat. He was sure he was going to pass out, but just then, the release button on Dragonite’s poke ball pressed against his chest and the poke ball opened, releasing the dragon pokemon.
Dragonite took one look at the man and roared, hauling him off before gouging his chest with a vicious slash. The man stared at the pokemon with mad eyes.
“What was that for?” Red asked, honestly surprised.
Why were people so competitive?
The man leapt at him again, and this time, Espeon hit him with Disable. Blue light glowed around him, freezing him in place.
Red massaged his throat, gasping. He was sure there would be a bruise in the morning. What was wrong with the man?
Was he some kind of crazy trainer? But Red didn’t see him wearing any poke balls anywhere…
What was going on?
The man shuddered, and went limp. Espeon dropped him.
< Come on, Master. We must hurry on. > She said.
Red swallowed, and climbed onto Dragonite’s back, feeling too weak to walk, as they continued to navigate through the caves.
They fought off some other wild pokemon, but saw no other trainers. Red got tired and lost and had to take a few hours’ nap to regain strength, while his pokemon kept watch. Finally, Red saw the faint glint of a Moon Stone, and hurried towards it.
He was about to touch it when a searing pain shot through his hand. Staring, he saw a pin embedded in it.
Pin Missile?
A trainer in a green jacket with spiky blonde hair stood there. “I’m Emerald, and you’re sure as hell not getting that Moon Stone! It’s mine!”
“No way!” Red protested, trying to move his hand, but found it numb. He fumbled in his pack for an Antidote, and that was when Dragonite blasted Emerald away with Hyper Beam.
Red managed to grab the Moon Stone with his free hand, but as he tried to inject the Antidote into his arm, he felt his vision blurring and fell forwards, fainted. Espeon tsked, before turning to Dragonite.
< Shall we? >
Yes. The dragon rumbled.
Espeon nodded, and teleported the group out. Lorelei frowned as she saw him appear in front of her. There were fifteen minutes left, but he did have a Moon Stone, even if he was unconscious.
She would tell Lance.
Red woke up a few hours later, wondering if the poison had worn off, when he saw Lance bending over him. He blushed as he realized that he was lying in his bed in the guest room.
Had Lance rescued him?
“You successfully managed to retrieve a Moon Stone, which few others can claim.” Lance said.
Red breathed a sigh of relief at that.
“However,” The Dragon Master continued, “Your reluctance to attack your opponents is quite distressing.”
“I didn’t want to hurt them!” Red protested.
“Pity.” Lance said. “Your pokemon certainly have no qualms.”
Espeon was sitting in his lap and purring, Red realized, and as he watched, Lance placed his hands on her temples and a pale blue glow surrounded him.
Was Lance psychic? But he was a Dragon Master!
“Do you really want to be so weak?”
“I’m not weak!” Red said angrily.
“Then why did you not attack the people who attacked you first?” Lance asked. “They would have killed you, you know. This isn’t a child’s game!”
Red seethed silently, as Espeon nodded. < You know he’s right, Master Red. They were all broadcasting killing intent. >
“But I…”
“Well, tomorrow the real training begins.” Lance said harshly. “Perhaps you will fare better then.”
Red paled, and watched as Lance stalked out, his long black cape swishing behind him.
He wasn’t sure what to think any more…
End Chapter
Started 7/27/07
Completed 7/28/07
And… there is NO neochampionshipping *Gag*. Those bastards ripped their ‘ship name off mine to begin with!