Chapter 2!


I think this will be Mirageshippy. *Smiles* A/S!


Disclaimer: I own Destiny.. Nintendo owns Pokemon. So do Satoshi Tajiri and Shogakukan comics.

Notes: See Chapter 1

Timeline: 3 days later


Chapter 2: Déjà vu… not in a nice way



            Misty looked up as Sabrina appeared. And the kid next to her… it had to be Ash!

            “Ash!” Misty cried.

            “Pikapi!” Pikachu cried, dashing forwards towards him. You’re back! I missed you so much! What happened?

            Ash blinked. “Eh?” Just then, he noticed that  Misty was touching him. He immediately freaked out, curling up into a whimpering little ball.

            “What’s wrong?”

            “I think that if this is Ash, he subconsciously remembers you.” Sabrina said. “But it’s not pleasant.”

            Ash continued to rock back and forth, babbling incoherently.

            Pikachu walked up and licked his cheek, offering comfort, even though she didn’t know what it was for.

            This calmed Ash down sufficiently.


            < Ash, do not worry. > Sabrina sent.

            Ash wiped his eyes and tried not to panic. * All right… *

            He took a few deep breaths. Vulpix, Dratini, and Eevee popped out next to him, giving him their support.

            Misty knelt down next to him. “Are you all right?”

            Ash shivered, but quashed the feeling.

            “Okay, then, I want to ask you a few questions.”

            Ash nodded his assent.


            “First of all, what’s your name.”

            “Red Silver.” Ash said.

            Misty blinked. * Odd… * “Do you have a family?”

            “Well, yes. I have a mom and a dad. And siblings.”

            “Where are you from?”

            “Evolution Valley.”

            This caught Sabrina’s attention. * Isn’t evolution valley a place where pokemon are taken care of? *

            “Does the name Ash Ketchum mean anything to you?”

            Ash shook his head. “No.”

            “Do you remember Brock?”

            “I only met him yesterday, Ms. Misty.”

            Misty sighed.

            “Do you recognize this pikachu?”         

            Red thought hard.


            “I don’t think so… I mean, it’s a very healthy pikachu, so I don’t think it would have gone to Evolution Valley…”

            Pikachu looked distressed.

            “How about this?” Misty held out Ash’s old pokédex.

            Dexter beeped and began giving information.


            “It’s just another pokédex.” Ash said, pulling his out. “I already have one.”
            By now, Misty was getting a bit frustrated. This person may look like Ash, but he certainly did not act like him.

            “Do the names Jessie, James, and Meowth mean anything?”

            Ash frowned. “Aren’t they Team Rocket agents? They tried to steal an Eevee from my parents before.”

            Misty sighed. * We are getting nowhere. *

            Sabrina narrowed her eyes. < Unless Ash has total amnesia… >


            Suddenly, she noticed something. Ash looked fine, but he was nervous, and broadcasting his fear. Her telepathic abilities barely picked it up.

            < Relax, Ash. She won’t hurt you. >

            < Really? >

            Sabrina’s eyes snapped open. < You never told me you were a psychic! >

            < Is that what I am? At home, everyone talks like this. >

            < Your parents? >

            < *Mental nod* >


            Sabrina filed this information away in her head. Interesting. So this Red, whoever he was, had inborn psychic powers, probably passed down from his parents, and from what he had said, both of them were psychics also.


            After several more minutes of questioning, Misty sighed and left.

            “Come on, Red, I’ll buy you an ice cream.” Sabrina said.

            Red’s eyes lit up.

            Sabrina took him by the hand, he was still a kid, after all, and led him towards the ice cream parlor.

            Pikachu sadly watched them leave. “Pikapi…”


            “Yummy! I love ice cream!” Red cheered.

            The ice cream man gave him an odd look.

            “What flavors do you want?” Sabrina asked. “I’ll buy you a double cone.”

            “Great! Then I want chocolate and strawberry-vanilla!”

            Sabrina nodded to the man, who quickly began scooping. “And give me a single-scoop peppermint as well.”

            “Yes, ma’am.” The man muttered sarcastically under his breath. Still, he didn’t want to face the wrath of a woman who was carrying a full poke belt.


            They ate their ice cream quietly, thinking their own thoughts.

            “Are you the Saffron City gym leader?”

            “Why yes.” Sabrina said.

            “Then, can I challenge you for a badge later?”

            “I don’t see why not.”

            “Okay.” Ash turned his attention back to his ice cream. He quickly finished the rest. “I’m done!”

            Sabrina smiled. * He’s a cute kid… but he reminds me so much of Ash. It’s odd… *


            “Are we going back to the gym now?”

            “No. I think we’ve had enough stress for one day. Let’s go to the park.”

            “Yay!” Ash cheered.

            Sabrina smiled and led him there. They spent a happy afternoon playing around on the bars. Sabrina and Ash even spent a few moments throwing apples at each other via telekinesis.

            “It was fun.” Sabrina confided in her haunter later that night.

            Haunter nodded. < He seems very much like Ash. >

            < I know. >

            < I was Ash’s pokemon for only a short while though, so my guess may not be correct… >

            <It’s a little bit disappointing. >

            < But you seemed to be opening up to him. Why? >

            < I don’t know, Haunter. It’s just that he seems to need me. Does that make any sense? >

            < Let me think… > and so, Haunter drifted off into thought.


            Sabrina slept fitfully that night. So did Ash. The next morning, Misty scheduled her next series of tests.


            “Let’s see how you do in a pokemon battle.” Misty said.

            Ash looked a tiny bit nervous. “All right…”

            “Misty chooses Staryu!”

            The Staryu flexed its appendages as it landed opposite Ash.

            Ash decided he might as well try to battle. “Eevee, go!”

            “Staryu, use Water gun now!”

            “Eevee, dodge and Sand Attack!
            Eevee jumped over the water and began spitting sand at Staryu, but it didn’t help much.

            Ash’s old pokemon were gathered nearby, watching.


            Is it him?

            I don’t know, Bulbasaur.

            He kind of looks like Ash…but without the hat and Pikachu. Strange.

            I think he is Ash!

            But why can’t he remember anything?

            The pokemon sat and thought.


            “Now, Eevee! Use Take Down!”

            Eevee nodded and rammed into Staryu, recoiling a little from the damage, but pulling through.

            “Oh no! Staryu!” Misty wailed.

            Staryu lay there quite still, its core flickering on and off.


            “Misty chooses Starmie!”

            “I guess this is a battle for the Cascade badge then.” Ash said. “Eevee, return! You should take a break.”

            Misty looked shocked. * Ash recalled a pokemon? *

            “Go! Dratini!”

            Misty’s jaw dropped to the floor.

            “How did you get a Dratini?!”

            “Sabrina didn’t tell you? It was from my father.”

            “I see…” Misty said. “Starmie, slow it down with Bubblebeam!”

            “Dratini, counter with Twister!”

            Dratini created a wind funnel that sucked up all of Starmie’s bubblebeam attack. Starmie, shocked, fired off another one.

            “Now use Dragon Rage!”

            A wave of red fire mixed with blue water shot at Starmie, knocking off 40 of its HP. Misty grew annoyed.

            “Starmie, Tackle attack now!”

            Starmie nodded and flung itself at Dratini.

            Dratini waited and then, as Starmie approached, tied it up with Wrap.

            “Oh no! Starmie!”


            Starmie used Recover.

            Misty cheered.

            Ash sighed. * I didn’t want to do this, but she’s giving me no choice. I need this badge! *

            “Dratini, use Thunderbolt!”

            Electricity surrounded the Starmie. It twitched and finally gave up fighting. It sank to the bottom of the pool.

            Misty stared.


            Ash smiled. “You were totally cool, Dratini!”

            Dratini winked and flew over to Ash, perching on his shoulder.

            Vulpix yawned. Well, I couldn’t battle because I was a fire type.

            Misty spent several minutes catching flies with her cavernous jaw.


            Finally, she sighed. “Well, since you’ve won, I must give you the Cascadebadge.” She went to get it and brought it to Ash.

            * What can I do to make him remember? * She wondered.

            < Maybe you should let him go on his journey unmolested. >

            Misty freaked out, realizing that Sabrina was inside her head. * What does she mean?! *

            < I mean that I could accompany Ash on his journey around Kanto. Perhaps he could regain his memories naturally. >

            * Do I really have a choice? * Misty thought bitterly. “Very well.”


            Ash was pleased when he learned that Sabrina was coming with him.


End Chapter 2!

Isn’t the relationship between Ash and Sabrina cute?

Reviews are good, flames will be used to forge Mewtwo’s armor.

Started 2/28/03, completed 10/9/03