Disclaimer: I own the bunny, ok? Nintendo owns Pokemon. I’m not sure whom ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ is copyright by… um… Dumas? But he’s dead.

Notes: I don’t feel like doing them. *Yawns and stares at watch* It’s too early in the morning…. Anyways, please check a previous chapter.

Chapter 10: Traps laid


            “My dear Monsieur Danglars,” The Count said, eyeing the rotund man. “I do believe you have a pair of lovely dappled gray horses?” It was the next day, and he was lunching with the Baron.

            “You’ve heard correctly Count... are you interested in horses?”

            “Well, I daresay they are quite lovely,” Monte Cristo considered. “However much did you pay for them?”

            “Oh, 16,000 francs, but honestly, Count, they belong to my wife. I cannot sell them, if that is what you are implying.”

            “Everything can become capital when enough money is paid.” Monte Cristo said. “Now, what say you to 50,000 francs?”

            Danglars’s jaw dropped. “Y-you cannot be serious!”

            “I am perfectly serious. They are lovely horses.”


            “Perhaps I did not offer enough?” Golden eyes half-closed. “What of 55,000?”

            “Ah! Well… I suppose so, since you are so adamant! I’ll have them harnessed to your carriage immediately!”

            “Thank you, my servant will help you…”


            “My lady!”

            Daisy looked up from her vanity mirror. “Yes, what is it?”

            “The baron has just sold your horse!”

            “What? To whom?”

            “Some customer of his – I’m not sure, but he’s here right now.”

            “Excuse me.” Daisy said, sliding her bare arms into her mink fur coat as she stormed outside. “ZACKIE!”
            Danglars ulped. This was not good…


            “Excuse me for a minute, Count,” He said hastily, leaving the room.

            “What on earth possessed you to sell my horse?!” Daisy demanded.

            “My dear, he offered me 30,00 francs! We can buy you plenty more horses with that, surely you agree?”

            “I don’t care! I  must go out with Madame de Villefort tomorrow!”

            “Surely you can get some more horses, or use another pair…”

            “I! You-! I want my horses back!”


            “Excuse me.” A voice cut in. The Count stood there, clad in black save for the shimmering red-gold of his lined cloak. “I never meant to cause such a lovely lady any harm…”

            “Oh my…” Daisy said, blushing. The Count kissed her hand.

            “I am so sorry, madame.. I thought that 55,000 francs might be enough, but clearly there are some things that may not be purchased for any price…”

            Daisy’s hands tightened on the fan she held. * 55,000?! And my husband said-! *

            “If you’ll excuse me for a moment…”


            Monte Cristo smiled charmingly and exited.

            Daisy’s elegant Japanese fan broke as she glared at Zackie. “Making a profit off your own wife, I see…”

            “No! It was a slip of the tongue I swear!”

            Daisy threw the broken fan at Zackie and stalked back to her room. * Honestly! Why did I ever marry that man? I’ll never know… *

            Still… maybe the money was a comfort… but she still missed her horses….


            To her surprise, two hours later, the horses were returned, along with the loveliest diamond tiara and a scripted letter.


            My dear lady,


            I apologize for causing you grief. Please keep this as a token of our friendship. Again, I cannot perform penance enough for the harm I have caused you. Beautiful lady, I beg you to forgive me.


            The Count of Monte Cristo


            “Oh my…” Daisy breathed, blushing bright red. True, her husband was rich, but he never spoiled her with presents… she hastily ran to her room and tried on the tiara. It fit perfectly, the diamonds glittering among her blonde locks. “Oh my…”

            In the stable, two pairs of eyes glowed golden for the barest fraction of a second…


            The next morning, Madame de Villefort and her young son, Edward, were riding in the carriage along with Madame Danglars when all of a sudden, the horses lost control and began racing through the streets.

            A sudden lasso from the side caught them, right in front of number 30, Champs Elysees…         

            From the shadows emerged a man, clad in the ice-blue livery the count preferred. On second glance though, she was revealed a woman.

            “Well done, Claire.” The Count came forwards and opened the door, while Claire calmed the horses down.

            “Oh!” Daisy gasped, recognizing him.


            “Why, do you know him?” Violet asked, as she made sure her son Edward was all right. He was, of course.

            “Yes, he’s the Count of Monte Cristo. Practically family to us.”

            The Count bowed. “Madame, are you well?”

            “Oh, yes.” Violet blushed as he kissed her hand. * He’s so charming… *


            Claire stepped back from the now-perfectly calm horses. She didn’t enjoy speaking, but she nodded.

            He caught the look. “Well, madames, since your horses may still be indisposed, shall I escort you home?”

            “That would be lovely.” Daisy gushed.

            Violet wasn’t as emotional outwards, but inside, butterflies were fluttering in her stomach. * He’s so mysterious… and handsome! Much better than that dried up, stern old judge Gold de Villefort… I shouldn’t have married for his money, and he already has a daughter who will inherit the family fortune… what was I thinking? And Edward only five… he can’t protect himself… *

            “Why doesn’t she talk?”

            “Edward!” Violet hushed.

            Claire chose to ignore the comment as she led the horses around the courtyard of the Count’s modest mansion, letting them walk off their fear.


            “Oh, questions show an inquisitive nature. Such an adorable child.” Monte Cristo smiled. “Shall I offer you some refreshment?”

            “That would be wonderful.” Daisy and Violet chorused together, before shooting each other dirty looks.

            They had just become rivals in attention, it seemed.


            Inside, the Count rang a small gong. Silver showed up, tea ready-prepared along with several delicate varieties of biscuits and cake.

            They settled down in the parlor and made idle small talk for about an hour, before the Count escorted Daisy and Violet back to their homes, together…


End Chapter

Completed 3/2/05

Gah! Haven’t touched this for at least a year, wow…

Daisy = Madame Danglars

Violet = Madame de Villefort

Edward = Edward (minor character, didn’t change his name from the book)

Claire = Ali


Lance: You’re hooked

Phantomness: Gankutsuou! Woot!

Ash: The Japanese make everything better, ne?