And yeah… more fanfic! Come, my dear readers, don’t look so surprised!

Title: Cost Effective

Author: Shadow/Phantomness

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Pairings:  Championshipping (Lance x Red), Lorelei x Clair also mentioned, and others hinted at (Agatha/Professor Oak) and Venomshipping (Koga/Green)…

Warnings: shonen-ai, AU Manga-verse future! Fic, Established relationship

Chapter 1


            “I won’t do it!” Red burst out, as he and Lance and the rest of the Elite Four watched the members of the Kanto Governing Council file out of the room. “They have no right – no right!”

            Lorelei was white-faced, and Agatha’s lips were set in a thin, grim line. Lance nodded, seemingly the most self-possessed of the lot. Bruno grunted, though it was worth noting that the table had mysteriously cracked in half right after the discussion had concluded.

            “Shush.” Lance hissed sharply. “They are watching us, can’t you see? Shock is all right – but outright defiance? Red, they would flay you alive. And after all that you did for Kanto…”

            “After all that I did for Kanto…” Red repeated dully. Mew, it wasn’t fair! The Elite Four – well, suspicion still glistened in their minds, but people did have short memories, and if the Kanto Council had to bribe and plead and threaten, bring the Elite Four in to lead the region against the ever-increasing threat of Team Rocket, they would.

            Lorelei shrugged elegantly. “They are fools.”

            “Indeed they are.” Agatha echoed. “Three of the gym leaders just keeled over, mysterious circumstances. Who wouldn’t be?”

            “… Unless they knew.”

            “Then why would they send you off alone? You have never destroyed Kanto.”

            “I know.” Red fumed.

            “Silph does not count, correct?” Lorelei pondered, after a few moments of quiet contemplation.

            Red flushed an angry red. “You do not think…”

            “I would not dare to enter the minds of those corrupt men.” Agatha sighed. “But do not despair.”

            “We shall not let our Champion walk into certain death alone.” Lance smirked.

            Bruno nodded. “I have no power, as you four do, but perhaps I can be of assistance…”

            “Bruno.” Red told him, “We know. We don’t expect you to… actually, I have an idea…”

            The Elite Four converged on their champion as Agatha visualized a silence barrier, to keep prying intruders out.


            “Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres...” Red thought quietly. “The three, when captured, will summon Lugia, the guardian of the sea…”

            “Perhaps.” Lance agreed. “And then, only the Chosen One will give them peace. But the destruction will spread. It will start on Shamouti, and it will wreak havoc on Kanto and Johto soon enough.”

            “All the pokemon would die then?”

            Lance nodded, frowning.


            “We could summon Lugia at Cerise. That would be simpler, and we have the badges to power the Island…”

            “They would be expecting that though.” Agatha reprimanded Lorelei gently.

            Lorelei sighed. “It was worth a try.”

            “… You don’t understand.” Lance cut in. “There is a very good reason Red does not wish to summon any legendary pokémon.”

            “It’s the control factor, isn’t it?” Bruno asked. “But I thought the gym badges would provide enough protection.”

            Lance shook his head. “Why do you think the gym leaders are dead? Think! Sabrina, Koga, and Surge, what did they all have in common?”

            “You can’t mean the legendary birds they controlled in Silph.” Lorelei gasped.

            “I mean exactly that.” Red groaned. “They only held them for a few days, so the consequences caught up much later, but controlling legendary pokémon puts a terrible strain on the body.”

            “And now they want us to use the legendary birds to monitor Kanto full-time – they mean to kill us all!”


            Agatha cursed. “Well, even if we did not obey, they would find others to do the same.”

            “Undoubtedly, but I am not throwing my life away for those worthless humans.”

            Bruno looked shocked, before he shook his head. “Sacrifice a few for the good of the many?”

            “Of course, Bruno. Do you think they have truly forgiven the Elite Four? We are a last resort – but we are also expendable.”

            “It is callous and petty, and…”

            Red broke off as Lance hugged him. “Shh.”

            “Lance, I…”

            “I understand. Listen. Do not show that you have heard any sign of their plans. We are leaving tonight.”

            “Speed is better protection than any pokémon, at times.” Agatha put in.

            Bruno’s eyes widened, but he nodded. With that, the group split up to pack.


            “Are you sure this is a good idea, Sir?”

            President Goodman stroked his chin thoughtfully. “It is an excellent plan. Think about it. With one stroke, we remove the threat of the Elite Four and control the threat of Team Rocket. You know how powerful the legendary birds are. You saw them in Silph Co., did you not?”

            Oak sighed. “I saw bits of that battle. It was not something I would like to repeat. But surely you don’t think this plan is foolish?”

            “Why is it foolish?” Goodman asked reasonably. “I am sure the Elite Four are quite talented enough to control the legendary birds. And this way, we eliminate both the Elite and Team Rocket. That’s taking care of two birds with one stone, Oak. What’s wrong with it?”

            What about Red? He is the only innocent now, Oak thought, but he said nothing out loud. He sighed.

            What was worth living for now? Daisy and Bill were happily married and on their honeymoon, and Green – Green had been found dead mere days later after the deaths of the three gym leaders.

            It was put down to causes unknown, but he knew better.


            He suddenly felt very old.

            Agatha would die in this quest – her body would not be able to hold the strain of summoning for long. How he wished he could warn her.

            … And perhaps, tell her he still cared…

            But it was too late.


End Chapter

Completed 8/7/06

Y’know, government has been becoming steadily more evil in my fanfic. Wonder if that reflects on the real world at all…

Shoyko: *Flies in* Guess at least I got a bit of a break while you were writing fluffy themes. So~!

Phantomness: Hai, hai

Lance: So how did Red and I get together?
Red: I don’t know

Phantomness: Why don’t I mention you’re already in a relationship so I don’t have to deal with first-time mush again?