Title: Close to you
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Ash/Red)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #17, Close to you (Theme Set #2)

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Warnings: AU, het, anti-AAMRN, cross-dressing


            After all, big sister, anyone would fall in love with the younger and prettier of the two, even your fiancéc

            Yes, perhaps Misty was right, though Catelyn personally thought that her view on beauty was debatable. Just because she wasnft fond of mummy powders and corseting herself to death didnft mean she was ugly, did it? Perhaps she was too tallcor too old.

            She angrily yanked the hairpins out of her hair, tossing them on her vanity without another word. She brushed her hair out of its elegant coiffure, before she started undoing the fastenings on her dress. The corset fell to the floor, along with her many petticoats, and she stood there in her shift, staring at herself.

            gMaybe I am ugly, but that gives her no excusec!h

            Well, if Misty was that determined, and if Ash was that fickle, she had quite enough of him! She scrubbed the cosmetics off her face, before her eyes caught on a pair of her nail scissors. Perhapsc

            Ten minutes later, she was gone, and no one was any wiser.


            It was actually quite easy to be a boy. With her plain face and short hair, she blended in, and after a few weeks and several applications of strong lye, the vibrant red color had dulled to a perfectly respectable light brown-blonde. Her jewels had done well for a supply of cash, and now, as she wandered the streets and sold newspapers, she decided that even being poor and having to work – though not destitute – was better than being a beautiful girl.

            Even her accent was not under suspicion. There were plenty of penniless aristocrats, after allc

            Her family, of course, was quite distressed, and in the newspapers soon appeared an article that she had wasted away from a fever. Quite distressing, but certainly common, and no one investigated.

            She was happy.


            Disaster struck about two years later. She was doing her job as usual, when a commotion began to sound. She blinked as she saw a tillbury rushing madly down the road, on the back of a horse she recognized quite well. It seemed that it had gone mad, and without a thought, she dashed up and grabbed the reins. The horse stumbled, but at least it stopped the carriage nicely.

            What she did not expect was for Ash and a hugely pregnant Misty to come out of the carriage, followed by Ashfs older brother, Count Red.

            They gave her thanks, and she kept her face away, accepting the money they tossed her carelessly without words, but as she left, all of them felt strange, as if they had seen her before. Of course they had, butc

            Red simply frowned as he put down his newspaper, trying to remember. Ash and Misty gave it no more thought.


            Lance was very unpleasantly surprised to find Red waiting for her when she returned home. He was sitting on her bed, glancing at the surroundings with a look of indescribable surprise.

            gWhat are you doing here?h She asked, keeping her voice low.

            He looked at her, and she glared right back, golden eyes sharp. gc Lady Catelyn? Is that you?h

            gItfs Lance now.h She shrugged. gWhatfs left of her, I suppose...h

            gMy Lordc what are you doing here?h He sounded quite aghast. gYour family told me you were dead.h

            gI am dead in all ways that matter.h She deposited her parcels on the little writing desk and began to comb out her shorn hair. gDid you wish something?h

            gBut whyc?h

            gDidnft you know? Your brother cancelled our engagement. He preferred my sister. My parents cared little for it, and now that I am gone she is heir to the estate. I suppose it is pride that I am here, and alive, and as long as I live, I shall still have that.h

            gHow can you live like this?h He sounded honestly distressed.

            She chuckled. gI donft need much, and embroidery is no useful skill. But Ifm not short of money, really, I sold all of my jewels and Ifm quite comfortable.h


            gI donft need maids. Ifm perfectly capable of dressing myself, and I can cook a little. Ifm free, and as long as Ifm a boy, no one cares about me.h

            Red was speechless, and he had to admit, she did look rather charming as a boy, with her hair cut close and straight, though the color was odd – nothing like the beautiful hair he remembered.

            Lance finished with her hair and began to unwrap her parcels. Feeling uncomfortable, Red excused himself, and caught a cab home to think upon the situation.


            gShefs alive?h

            gIt seems so, and can you believe it, shefs working as a boy.h Red shivered.

            His sister looked thoughtful. gThat is extraordinary brave or foolish.h

            gI know.h

            gSo what are you going to do about it?h Charlotte smiled. gSurely youfre not going to leave her there?h

            gIfm not sure. She might be happier, butc.h

            gBut what?h

            gIcI was glad when I learned that Ash had rejected her, because then I thought I could marry her myself, but when I returned her family told me she was dead, andch


            gNow I know she isnft dead, but what can I do? She – she might not agree, andc andch

            gYou must admit that if you married her she would have to live here. I daresay it would be uncomfortable.h

            Thinking of Ash and Misty, Red had to agree.

            gMaybec itfs better if I leave her alonech


            A few weeks passed without incident, so Lance was quite surprised, upon her return to her flat, when she saw Count Red waiting with an armful of roses. She raised her eyebrows, but ushered him inside.


            gLance, I mean Catelyn, wellc Ifve been thinking, and Ic I love you, though Ifm not sure I ever told you, and Ifd like you to marry mech

            Lance just stared at him. gWhat? Are you serious?h

            gOf course Ifm serious!h Red colored. gWhy would I lie?h

            gYour brother said the same thing, and look where that turned out.h

            gc Thatfs because he stole my love poetry.h

            Lance blinked at this, and Red colored. gItfs just that, Ifve always admired you, and this – situation just proves that youfre a wonderfully smart and resourceful woman, and I like that, andc umch

            He trailed off, unsure of what to say.

            Lance blinked. gIcI thought you disliked me.h

            gI donft! I was just distant because I wasnft quite sure how to be, and then you and Ash were engaged, so I didnft have a chancech

            Lance cut him off with a quick kiss, and Red blushed.

            gI donft want to live with Ash and Misty though.h

            gThatfs all right.h Red grinned. gThey can have the house here. Wefre going off to Africa.h

            Africa? It had potential, and there, no one would know her identity. Interestingc Red had planned this well.

            gAll right then. I accept.h

            Red cheered and hugged her, and two weeks later, they were married and off to a new land, leaving the sorrows of the old one behind.


End Fic

Completed 12/5/06

I donft think Misty is pretty. In fact I find her very ugly! In the actual story this fanfic is vaguely based on, from Godchild, the older sister tried to throw acid into the younger sisterfs face, was splashed instead, and went insane. Lance of course, isnft so emotional, so she left and got a job.